Feng Hanyan's first fight

While Liuyun was fighting the leader of the Red Eagles Bandit, Feng Hanyan was busy facing off against 4 origin-stage middle-level cultivators. They surrounded her, enclosing her within their formation.

"Heh, let me see how you will escape us! After that ability, you must have used up a lot of nature energy. I presume that you are almost empty."

Feng Hanyan didn't refute him at all, she knew that he was right. Her energy reserves were rather low after her enchantment on Liuyun's fist and that she used up most of her nature energy on the Phoenix searing Rend. Her breathing was ragged and her body was full of sweat, she was heavily exhausted.

Feng Hanyan clutched her sword strongly, in her heart she knew that she won't be able to keep up for longer than 4 minutes. She needed to end the battle now! Feng Hanyan charged her sword with her nature energy and it was coated with flames. She looked towards the bandit at her left and attacked him.

The bandit was shocked but quickly regained his senses and was prepared to meet her sword head-on. Feng Hanyan grinned slightly and slashed her sword downwards, the bandit laughed out loudly and his sword was already in the parried motion.

"Girl! Die!"

"No, you die!"

Feng Hanyan suddenly released her grip on her sword and moved behind the back of the bandit. The bandit was stunned by the sudden actions of Feng Hanyan and couldn't react for a few moments. These few moments was what ended his life as Feng Hanyan Swift stabbed his heart after reinforcing her hands with her nature energy.


That painful wallow screaming lasted for an instant and the suffering disappeared for good before the bandit headed for the afterlife.

"Damn it! How dare you kill 4th brother! Everyone get her now! We need to take revenge!"

"For 4th brother!"

"Kill this btch!"

Rage filled the bandit's eyes and they wanted to dismember Feng Hanyan into a thousand pieces. They regretted letting their 4th brother face Feng Hanyan alone and due to that mistake, their 4th brother died. But, there is no medicine for regrets in this world.

They all charged at her at once and was filled to the brim with killing intent, Feng Hanyan knew that she was in trouble and quickly picked up her sword and started to meet them all head-on.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

The sounds of the clashing of blades can be heard and the fluctuation of nature energy can be easily sensed.

The remaining 3 brothers grouped up and madly started to swing their blades at Feng Hanyan. Feng Hanyan had more cut wounds on her body by the second and her body was unable to hold on. She swung her sword hard and it met all 3 blades of the bandits, they were recoiled back and fell to the ground.


'What was that?!' Feng Hanyan immediately thought after she heard a strange sound.

She looked towards her blade and saw that there was a crack on it, the crack seemed to grow bigger and bigger and eventually, every part of the blade had cracks in it.


The sword in her hands shattered into millions of pieces and as the sword pieces fell, the despair within Feng Hanyan increased. Her weapon broke and she had no other weapons to use, she was feeling the pressure and anxiety, her eyes were opened wide and it was filled with fear and shock.

The bandits saw that her sword shattered and was stunned for a few moments before they started laughing out loud, thinking that even the heavens were on their side.

"Little girl! Hahaha! How about now? You have no more weapons! Surrender yourself to us and maybe we can let you live as a slave!"

Feng Hanyan did not know what to do… Her weapon was broken and she was out of nature energy, she wanted to escape yet she can't. 'I wished I got to see everyone before I died, I miss everyone.'

The weakness within Feng Hanyan's heart grew even stronger and she really wanted to give up… Liuyun… That's right… Liuyun's life is also in my hands if I die… He too will.

She remembers the man that she loved and it managed to snap her back into reality.

She can't die here! She still has many things she wanted to do, Liuyun was more important to her than herself. She needed to live on for his sake!

Her fighting spirit was once again ignited and suddenly, she felt as if something in her broke and that her entire body was feeling very warm and full of vitality. Her aura grew stronger by the second and her once empty energy level seemed to regenerate at an extraordinary speed.

The mysterious sensation, one of the bandits knew it too well what it represented. It was signifying a breakthrough to the profound realm.

"Fuck! Guys! Stop her now! If she breaks through we are dead!"

Hearing the words of their comrade, they all attack Feng Hanyan and wanted to kill her while she was breaking through.


A glass shattering sound resounded throughout the entire battlefield and Feng Hanyan opened her closed eyes, seeing the bandits charging at her, she immediately jumped up to avoid the sword strikes.