Crystal Wolf(I)

The next morning,

Liuyun was busy preparing some hunting tools as well as making medicine and antidotes. Feng Hanyan was taking a morning dip in the nearby river, she had strictly instructed Liuyun to not peek on her or else she would invoke the wrath of the great Martial Uncle when he arrives.

"Ah… The water is cooling and refreshing!"

Feng Hanyan had her clothes hung up on the nearby tree as she immersed herself in the water. Her body afloat and she closed her eyes to think about what happened yesterday,

'Li Yuyuan huh… I wonder what kind of girl was she. She must have been important to Liuyun for him to even willingly sacrifice himself to suffer the tortures of the evil sect he was in…"

She took it that the day she met Liuyun was the day he escaped from the evil sect he was in, that day Liuyun was on the verge of death and he was heavily injured. If not for her and martial uncle meeting him coincidentally that day Liuyun might have…

She shuddered about the thoughts that she had and quickly splashed water on her face to prevent herself from thinking of the consequences.



There were slight movements from the shrub behind Feng Hanyan, although it was so soft that normal people couldn't hear it at all, it couldn't escape the sharp senses of Feng Hanyan. She quickly got out of the water, don her clothes and summoned the Heavenly Phoenix Blade out.

"Who is there?!"

Feng Hanyan shouted out with ferocity and authority, with no sense of weakness whatsoever. The killing of the 4 bandits tempered the once weak minded Feng Hanyan, she now understood the phrase 'being kind to enemies is cruel to oneself' completely, mentally and physically. She learned to be ruthless with others.


A dark silhouette jumped out from the bushes and roared at Feng Hanyan, the figure was made clear in front of Feng Hanyan, it was a Crystal Wolf.


Liuyun heard her shout and quickly rushed to the scene. He jumped in front of her to protect her as he looked at the Crystal Wolf. His eyes were filled to the brim with bloodlust and he turned to look at Feng Hanyan to check for any injuries she might have.

He was completely dumbfounded by the glorious sight, although Feng Hanyan was completely dressed up, she still was wet from the river water and it soaked her skin throughout. Her bodyline was completely outlined by the soaked clothes and it was even slipping off her.

'This daddy has always hated god ever since my beloved died but hot damn, thank you, god.'

'No problem child, service."

Jia Yi heard his thinking and started to roll on the floor and laugh, she has been living in his body for a few years already and was probably the one that knows about him more than anyone else in the world. Liuyun stared blankly at Feng Hanyan for a few short moments before turning back to look at the crystal wolf.

"A crystal wolf huh… Origin stage high-level, they are lone wolves that don't go with a pack." (Liuyun)

"Mom said that their claws and defenses are the strongest in the entire origin realm beast."

(Feng Hanyan)

Most wolfs are well known for their speed and claws, but the Crystal wolf was different. The name crystal was given to this wolf due to the hardness of their fur, it was so hard that even profound stage fighters find it hard to break it.

"Liuyun, leave this beast to me… I want to exercise after a while."

Jia Yi's voice suddenly sounded in Liuyun's head and shocked him, in the time they have been together, she has never once taken the initiative to come out to battle. But this time she wanted to exercise?


Liuyun dropped his guard and disengaged from the battle mode, he stepped back and covered Feng Hanyan with his clothes.

"Rgh. Rawr!"

The crystal wolf jumped out to attack them but suddenly he backed out and flipped backward. He looked at the two of them in fear as his instincts were suddenly warning him of a great danger.

"Who are you? Why have you disguised yourself as a Crystal wolf…"

The eyes of the Crystal wolf thinned slightly and its ferocious look was reduced slightly.