Shui Yu Lan's past

"I came here today for the two brats you saw…"


Hearing his words, Shui Yu Lan was curious about what Feng Yang Zhe was talking about. Feng Yang Zhe did not bother explaining, instead, he took out the letter than Liuyun had in his pockets and passed it over to her. He snagged it from Liuyun while Liuyun was unaware… Liuyun needs extra training it seems…

Shui Yu Lan took the letter, opened it up and started to read it's content. Five minutes later, Shui Yu Lan's aura exploded and a sense of delight can be felt from her aura. She looked at Feng Yang Zhe excitedly like a puppy waiting for a treat.

Seeing her excited expression, Feng Yang Zhe smiled and gently patted her head. Ever since Shui Yu Lan took over the whole sect, she rarely showed emotions… Now she that she was overflowing with feelings, how can Feng Yang Zhe be unhappy about it.

"Wu… Big brother… Please stop, it's embarrassing…"

Shui Yu Lan's face flushed and steam started to come out from her ears. She was embarrassed about the touch while Feng Yang Zhe was completely clueless why. Yes, she was in love with him. Feng Yang Zhe used to travel with Shui Yu Lan and her brother before, they broke up as the Shui siblings wanted to start a sect. Once Shui Yu Lan and her brother were attacked by a Dark Panther, it was at the Ascended stage but the Shui siblings were only at the spirit stage back then.

Feng Yang Zhe suddenly appeared from the sky and saved them, with a single slash of his blade. The head of the Dark panther slid down and fell onto the ground, in a mere moment, it died. This heroic action made Shui Yu Lan fall in love with him, it was love at first sight. Afterward, her brother and Feng Yang Zhe got pretty close to each other and ended up they travel together for a long time.

As they traveled, Feng Yang Zhe's charm eventually, completely made Shui Yu Lan fall head to heels for him. In her words, Feng Yang Zhe was brave, courageous and dared to stand up against enemies he could never beat. In the face of death, he chose to sacrifice himself for his friend's Women are always in love with heroes, this also applied to Shui Yu Lan. To her, Feng Yang Zhe was her hero.

She wanted to confess to him but she overheard him talking to her brother… About his previous love and how she died, he also said that he could never fall in love with anyone else ever again.

This causes a tinge of pain in Shui Yu Lan's heart and since then she never did tell him. Feng Yang Zhe was also too dense to know about it. Slowly, she sealed away her heart and love for him… Or so she thought! Unexpectedly she still can't resist the urge for him.

A sense of urgency suddenly appeared within Feng Yang Zhe as he suddenly felt something was off. He thought about it and realized what was the uncomfortable feeling all about. Jumping up from his chair, a look of worry appeared on his face and he shouted.

"Lan'er! Quick! Wear the ring, I may need your help! Hurry! Yan'er and Liuyun are in trouble!"

"What?! You go first! I will catch up!"


Feng Yang Zhe flew at high speed through the long corridors of the sect, deep in his heart, he worried about the safety of Liuyun and Feng Hanyan. He prayed for the two to be safe, at least until he gets there…


How did it become like this…

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan was being surrounded by a bunch of sect disciples. All of them were around 13-15 years old and they were in the profound stage realm, some low, some middle, and only 2 high-leveled. All of them forced Liuyun and Feng Hanyan until they were backed into a wall.

A few minutes back…

"Liuyun! This looks really nice… Hey mister how much does this cost?"

Feng Hanyan noticed a small red fruit that was being sold at a disciple's counter, it was bright red and seemed to emit some heat.

She walked up to the disciple and directly asked for the price. The disciple saw the two's current clothes and humphed in disdain, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan's clothes were slightly ragged from the training they did, they did not bother with changing out new clothes at all due to some problems that cropped up on the way.

"Hmph, a beggar trying to pose as a noble. Scram and don't bother with my business!"

"Hah! We are here to do business with you and you want to chase us out? Fine but don't regret it later…"

After saying so, she opened up her wallet and inside the gold shone brightly. This made the disciple who initially disdained them quickly have a mood change. He walked up to her, hands clasped together, rubbing it and his tone was completely different from before.

"Hehehe… This beautiful lady here, I was just kidding about not selling it to you. How about this, I will sell it to you at a discount for 5000 gold. I am selling this for 10000 gold, surely this is satisfying?"

A 50% cut, wasn't a bad trade. Feng Hanyan was about to agree but was stopped by Liuyun.

He picked up the small red fruit and inspected it for a few moments before putting it back down.

"Brother disciple… What Fruit is this?"

After asking this question. The disciple's smile turned into a smug and he proudly announced his product.

"This here is a Spirit Dragon Fire fruit! Hehehe, it took me and a few other disciples to kill the Fire Salamander Snake which was an ascended high-rank beast. I took 4 days to recover from my wounds and decided to sell this since I couldn't absorb this."

The surrounding disciple's heard him exclaim and started to mutter in excitement.

"Woah damn… A Spirit dragon fruit, those cost around 1 million gold at least and he was willing to sell it for 5000? The little girl lucked out!"

"He risked his life and actually was about to give out such a freebie? Motherfucker he is a saint!"

"Man I admire him so much now…"

As the mutter got increasingly louder and louder, Liuyun spoke the next sentence which immediately shut them all up.

"This is a Fire-bird Pea Fruit, not a Spirit Dragon Fire Fruit… A Fire-bird Pea fruit is indeed a good fruit but it cost only around 50 gold since there is limited usage of the fruit itself."