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Shui Yu Lan caressed Liuyun's hands as if she was an old pervert, her hands feeling and touching it. Liuyun's face turned completely black, his heartbeat seemingly slowly started to increase as anxiety started control's Liuyun heart. He was feeling very uncomfortable and even slightly disgusted at the action of Shui Yu Lan. Trying his best to break free from the grasp of the molester that was currently assaulting Liuyun, he shook and wiggled his hands out but was unable to be released from the powerful Rebirth stage cultivator Shui Yu Lan.

"Hey let go of Liuyun!"

Feng Hanyan was initially shocked by Shui Yu Lan's action, but she immediately ran behind Liuyun and started to pull on his clothes. Even though she and Liuyun tried their best, it still wasn't enough to break free from the assaulter.

"Enough... Stop that, Liuyun is obviously bothered by your antics…"


Feng Yang Zhe sighed deeply and karate chopped Shui Yu Lan's head, it hurt her and she immediately released Liuyun from her sinful hands. But it was all so sudden, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan fell to the ground, unable to deal with the sudden recoil.

Liuyun fell onto Feng Hanyan and the positioning they took was completely weird. Feng Hanyan was under him and if no one had no clue of the situation, it would look as if Liuyun assaulted Feng Hanyan.

They stared into each other's eyes and they felt an electric shock coursing through their body, shock overtook them and they did not know how to react in this situation… Feng Hanyan's reddish eyes were like a ruby to Liuyun, it reflected only his image while his eyes reflected hers. He gulped a mouthful of saliva and looked at the perky lips that were on the face of Feng Hanyan, tempted to kiss it, he brought his lips even closer to her, Feng Hanyan closed her eyes anticipating the sweet fusion of lips.

"Hey! We are still here! Don't you forget about us and just enter your own little world! Dammit, kids, these days are even more romantic than me… I am trying my best to get this thick head though."

Shui Yu Lan muttered the last sentence so softly that even Feng Yang Zhe did not manage to pick it up. She angrily interrupted the sweet time and was totally envious of them, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan snapped out of their trance and quickly separated from one another, faces flushed red like tomatoes.

Feng Yang Zhe was already used to it, but… His heart still died when he says the romantic interaction between his niece and disciple, he too was jealous.

'Damn… My niece is going far ahead in life while I had barely just taken a single step…'

Unknowingly, there were tears leaking out and he silently felt his heart tearing into pieces…

"Enough of this farce… Let's get to business. Liuyun, Yan'Er kneel down!"

The mood of awkwardness was gone and everyone turned serious, Feng Yang Zhe commanded Liuyun and Feng Hanyan to be on their knees. They obliged and kneeled in front of him.

Shui Yu Lan looked towards Feng Yang Zhe and nodded towards him, Feng Yang Zhe did so as well and he walked out of the way, allowing Shui Yu Lan to take over. Shui Yu Lan sternly said

"From today onwards, you shall be the disciples of the Imperial Arms Sect! Come forth and state your name!"


"Feng Hanyan!"

"Will you swear an oath and be forever loyal to the sect, serve the sect and never betray it!"



Shui Yu Lan lost her stern face and gently smiled now, she helped Liuyun and Feng Hanyan up before passing them uniforms. It was the sect's uniform and it looks to be the same as the ones that the outer disciples were wearing.

"From now onwards, you two will be my Imperial Arms Sect's outer disciple. Even though you are related to my big brother, I will never stand in to help you regardless and will even punish you harder if you two ever do anything to the sect."

Liuyun and Feng Hanyan thanked her, they bowed to her and excitedly wore the uniform given. It was blue and white in color, the uniform sizes suited them perfectly, it was very warm and comfortable inside it.

Shui Yu Lan directly shot some nature energy in the brains of Feng Hanyan and Liuyun, inside it contained all the information needed about the sect and their rooms. Shui Yu Lan threw a few keys to Liuyun, Liuyun caught them with ease and looked at it, he immediately knew this was their room keys.

"Alright, you know everything you should, I will head back to the clan and will fetch you all in 8 years time… You two never ever mention your identities as the Feng Clan's direct descendant and heir of the clan and her servant."

Immediately after saying so, he departed and flew back to the sect. Leaving only Feng Hanyan and Liuyun with Shui Yu Lan.

"Alright you two, head to your quarters and do your best to serve as a disciple of the sect!"


They walked out of the room and hurriedly rush to their rooms to check it out.