Jia Yi vs the Longevity Ape

The Ape did not speak anymore and raised his fist. If it was completely playing around earlier, it was giving it's 100% percent effort to fight now. Jia Yi also sharpened her senses and imbued nature energy into her hand, a spear eventually took shape through the energy and Liuyun could sense a deadly energy within it.

The spear had no physical state, it was completely formed with nature energy. Yet, somehow it felt as if it was even stronger than divine weapons. Liuyun was enthralled by the appearance of the spear, his heart pounded quicker and his eyes narrowed as he tried to get a better look at the spear.

'What is that? Why am I feeling such a strange sensation coming from the spear…'

Liuyun felt as if his heart was about to break as he desperately held back the tears that were about to break free from his eyes. The spear was so familiar to him, it was as if he seen it before even though it was the first time that he saw such a beautiful reddish-black energy spear.

Jia Yi currently did not notice how strange Liuyun was acting, she was too focused on the Longevity Ape to even care. The enemy in front of her had to be taken down quickly! Thinking so, she lifted her spear and rushed the Ape.


Jia yi struck the Ape's left eye and immediately retreated back. Her actions were so quick that even the Ape did not manage to even react a single muscle, having its eye stabbed, it went into a frenzy as it started to destroy everything in pain and anger.


The Ape lost control of himself and attacked Jia Yi straight on, she puffed in disdain and immediately dodged its fury of blows. She knew it would be dangerous even for her to resist a single attack from the Ape and decided to use the same dodging tactics that Liuyun did before she counterattacked.

Her spear was unable to pierce through and deal heavy damage to the ape due to its hardness, but she was still able to damage some of its vitals like eyes. But, it was no longer as easy as it was in the beginning, her nature energy reserves were being depleted fast and the ape was wary of her high-speed attack. As Jia Yi fought, Liuyun did his best to escape from the scene, once a while turning back to look at the brawl.

Liuyun couldn't help but admire the battle that was in front of him, despite him being in a serious life and death situation. In his mind, Jia Yi was just way too broken, she was easily dealing with the Longevity ape that was causing them so much pain and torture.

But he knew this was not only the result of Jia Yi's strength, it was also due to him letting the monster chase after him and irritating it, causing a slight mistake in it calculating Jia Yi's strength due to the rage.

'Damn it! I don't have enough time to defeat this monster!'

Timing was ticking and she was about to disappear back into Liuyun's conscious. She hurriedly condensed a huge amount of nature energy into her palms, electricity like energy waves surged and her eyes turned completely black.

"Unfortunately I don't have time, so let this be our farewell present! Eat this! Heavenly Dragon Surge!"

Jia yi with a hint of disdain smiled and fired that beam in her hands. The instincts of the Ape seemed to warn it about the danger contained within the beam, it immediately guarded against the attack and braced itself.

"A goo!!!!"

The beam made contact with the Ape and the Ape did it's best to resist it. Its body started to burn from the immense heat of the beam wave and it wailed in pain, the beam was just too frightening and it was unable to hold on.

The Ape's defenses were unable to guard against Jia Yi's Heavenly Dragon Surge. It burned within the energy surge and roared in pain, after seeing that the Longevity ape was in her beam, Jia Yi gave out a victorious smile before she fell from the sky and slowly, she started to dissipate and her spirit once again flew back into her vassal which was Liuyun.

Liuyun was still running away from the scene, suddenly, he felt as if something within him returned and he recognized the feeling.

"Jia Yi! You okay?!"

He didn't receive a response from her and he was slightly worried, then he knew that time was up and that she had to return and rest in his body but, he never realized that Jia Yi would return into a cold sleep when she didn't naturally return in time.

Liuyun was grateful to her, ever since he traded his soul for her assistance, she really did help him out, so much so that he felt that even 100 of his soul was not enough. Liuyun let her rest in his conscious as he turned around to look at the current Longevity ape.


The Ape stood up after being flung and roared madly, its body was covered in blood and charred to a certain extent. He was badly damaged by the Heavenly Dragon Surge but it still wasn't enough to kill it.

Liuyun's heart turn cold at this moment seeing that the enemy wasn't dead. He had no choice but to continue on with his original tactic, as he was about to run away, he felt someone strangling his body, restricting it.

A person in a black robe appeared in front of him, his appearance was completely covered by the robe and Liuyun could not determine who it was.

"Liuyun… Ah, Liuyun ah… If you had just obediently died back then in the forest you won't have to suffer so much…"

This voice was familiar and after recognizing the voice, Liuyun immediately knew who it was.

Wo Zhao Ni!

"Heh… Too bad that I cannot directly kill you here, else the sect would immediately realize I killed you since you have the sect leader's divine sense in you. But… I can let the injured Ape eat you to death!"

His voice was cold and deep, filled with resentment. Liuyun knew that he wanted revenge from the humiliation he received, but sadly, he couldn't talk else he would talk shit about him again.

Wo Zhao Ni threw the bound Liuyun close to the Ape and the Ape, seeing the enemy that bothered him, picked him up and immediately threw it into its mouth. Longevity ape feeds on beings with cultivational energy to recover, although Liuyun wouldn't help too much. It was still meat on a mosquito, regardless of the amount.

Liuyun wanted to curse out loud but due to the bindings, he was unable to. Wo Zhao Ni was excited at seeing something he hated die and he ran off laughing in happiness.