Answers and Understanding

"Should I kill them right here? But... That man said that if the brats survived I am to escape and run away from the sect immediately."

Wo Zhao Ni wanted to kill them so badly, he raised his arms and slowly condensed energy into his palm, he wanted to blast them into pieces and then run away. As he was about to fire, a sudden burst of nature energy hit his palm and exploded his energy wave, the sudden impact caused him to be rebounded backward. Startled at the sudden disruption, Wo Zhao Ni scanned the area to see who it was but it was futile.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!"

"With your level of strength, you wanted to find me? Ha! Imbecile! Wo Zhao Ni! Did you forget your orders?! The leader has asked you to go back and find him!"

Hearing that it was from his comrades, Wo Zhao Ni calmed down immediately. The voice was cold and deep, it brought shivers to Wo Zhao Ni and the person in question saluted immediately before acknowledging his commands.

"Yes! I understand!"


The voice no longer spoke and the air seemed to lighten up slightly. Wo Zhao Ni didn't realize that he was not breathing and after the man had disappeared, he quickly started to gasps for air frantically. 'That man was a monster! I was intimidated by him so badly! Luckily he decided to spare me or else I would have died without even knowing how!'

The fear that the man gave Wo Zhao Ni was terrifying, it scared him so much that his entire back was soaked with sweat. Wo Zhao Ni decided to not waste time any longer and immediately ran off.

The two sleeping couple woke up around 7 pm and immediately went back to the sect. They explained the whole situation to the sect and it ended up making them famous, news about them exploded throughout the whole sect and even nicknames were created.

It was to be expected, surviving a monster herd with just their profound-realm cultivation stage; successfully escaping from the Longevity Ape and even making it back alive after killing some spirit stage realm beast. Liuyun falsified most of the news and recovered all of the monster cores, corpses and handled some over to the sect to prove their validity.

When all was said and done, Liuyun and Feng Hanyan separated, entering their own room. Liuyun sat down and started to cultivate before a voice rang out in his head.



Startled, Liuyun looked around the entire room only to see no one inside. He calmed himself down and thought to himself. 'I must have thought that to myself...Yep, that must be it. How can one actually use earth slang here...'

"No, it's not you dipshit, fuck you! I'm communicating with you via telepathic."


This shock was too much for Liuyun, he immediately jumped up from his seat and screamed like a little girl.

"...Damn you fucking moron! I already told you that I'm communicating to you mentally dumbass!"

"Oi! Shut up and stop calling me vulgarities already!"

Liuyun was fed up by the rude voice, the voice sighed for a moment and showed his spirit out.

It was the exact same as his face and body build, only there was this imposing feeling of dominance that Liuyun did not have, this dominance was even stronger than Feng Yang Zhe or Feng Yi He. It was on a realm on its own.

"I'm sure you have questions you want to ask, I will tell you who I am and my history."

"...The heck? Aren't you supposed to hide this information and to prevent information leak or something?!"

"Goddamn! You read novels as well! Don't tell me you don't know that this type of shit will lead to a death flag for me?! I don't wanna die again!"


Speechless, Liuyun opened his eyes so widely that it seemed to pop out from his face. That expression made the 'Liuyun' floating outside of the body as a spirit knock his hands together, he realized he never explained anything to him yet…

Coughing, he continued on but his face was still slightly embarrassed by that mistake.

"I read your memories when you were asleep with that little girl. Liuyun was a nickname from your previous life given by that lass's previous life huh!"


This stunned Liuyun as the soul spoke about his real origins. This was his deepest secrets yet this soul knew about it from his memories.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. After all, I am a dead person and you are currently in my body."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Haiz… I will explain from the top don't worry. I was a cultivator from over 1000 years old ago, at my peak, I was a Fate-stage high-level cultivator that almost broke through to the Immortal stage, As Feng Yang Zhe probably told you, I… No, We are from the Withering Demon Clan. It was previously known as the Shi Clan."


"We were the most powerful clan in the entire world, even the Phoenix Clan pales in comparison to us. But, one day, we faced a terrifying enemy that destroyed our clan… They were called the Divine Judgement Hall, they were the most fearsome enemy the world ever faced. All of them had at least ascended stage level of cultivators, a decent amount of rebirth stage and even some fate."

"What the!? They are so strong?"

"Yes… Back then the world was almost completely destroyed by them, if not for the fact that everyone in the world banded together we wouldn't have even defeated them. Yet they still managed to kill off over half of the population…

Our victory wasn't yet ensured though, the leader of the Divine Judgement Hall escaped and will return over 1000 years later. My father, Shi Quan and the remainder of the Shi Clan wanted me to save the world once more like how I did back then. They sacrificed their lives to perform the Time reverse seal ability and I was turned back into a baby with all my memories intact, but somehow the Divine Judgement hall still managed to find me. They entrapped my soul in a soul shackle bind and I forever locked, my body was a lifeless being that they used to experiment on."

As he spoke, 'Liuyun' turned sentimental as if remembering the incident, such desolated words hurt even the heart of Liuyun and the latter couldn't help but feel bad for the former. Such suffering lasted over so long...

"The Time reverse seal, It reverses the bodies of the one being used on back into a baby and encloses them into a seal for 1000 years. In this 1000 years, you slept and woke up only to be trapped in a body unable to get out…"

"I died from their experiments and you know the rest… So does this answer your questions?"
