I must obtain this brat!

The 1000 immunity body, which doctor in the world hadn't heard of this body before. It was a unique constitution that can only be found once in 10000 years, it allows the user to be immune to all poison, regardless of their potency. But, most importantly this constitution also allows its host to instantly scan for a medicine's flaws and protects its user from dying due to misuse of medical drugs.

Such a constitution was made to be a medicine tester for doctor. As long as one feeds a faulty medicine product to someone with the 1000 immunity body, they can instantly find their flaws in medicine and improve much faster. Their constitution prevents them from dying so they can be fed as many times as they want.

But, this was a horrible method for the medicine testers themselves. Although they couldn't die, they still feel the pain and the bad effects of the medicines, such a horrid life to live…If a 1000 immunity body host was captured and made into a medicine boy, they will live a life worse than death itself. Feng Lin's eyes gleamed hearing about how Liuyun had the 1000 immunity body, of course, he doesn't know that Liuyun was lying to him.

"You are a host of the 1000 immunity body?!"

Feng Lin couldn't help but ask.

Liuyun nodded his head slightly. He wanted to bait Feng Lin into accepting his bet, so no choice he lied about his body constitution. Seeing his acknowledgment of the matter, Feng Lin couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! Then prove it to me!"

"Hmph! Fine then, but how do you want to test me?"


Saying so, Feng Lin took out an item from his storage ring and threw it to Liuyun. Liuyun opened his palms up and easily caught the item, clutching the item in his hands, he opened it up only to see a pill.

"That will be my test to you. If you can find out what mistakes are in this pill then I will believe you have the 1000 immunity body! But if you don't… You will die from this pill!"

"Alright seems fair enough… But on one condition, You will give me something in exchange as I eat this pill!"


Liuyun shook his head and looked at Feng Lin as if he was an idiot, Feng Lin couldn't accept the disdainful look within Liuyun's eyes and he clenched his teeth, enduring the inner rage that was building up.

"Why should I do such a thing!"

"Hmph! To prove myself to be a 1000 immunity body host, I need to eat this pill and suffer the effects! Yet once I win I get nothing but recognition and put myself in even more danger, but if I lose, I die! This is unfair to me so why should I accept your terms like that?"


Feng Lin was silenced, Liuyun was right. If he wins, he only earns the right to be accepted as a 1000 immunity body host and put himself into more danger. But if he loses he dies. There were no benefits to Liuyun and only demerit. Only an idiot would accept such terms.

"Fine then, what do you want!"

"Give me all of your medical herbs."

"Impossible! Change it!"

"Think about this carefully… If you win the whole bet, including the previous bet we made, You get a free godly medicine tester which may potentially allow you to become a history-making medical sage. But if you lose, you only lose your herbs and wealth which you can easily earn back with your identity, seems fair doesn't it?"

Liuyun was shutting Feng Lin down with reason and Feng Lin had no counters for it. It was completely beneficial and the losses were easy to fix as well. Feng Lin made a decision and nodded his head to agree.

"I agree to your terms."

Liuyun couldn't help but think 'Success' in his head and in his mind he smiled and laughed loudly, but his outer face was calm and collected.

"Alright… I will consume this pill now, don't forget the words you just said."

"Relax, this daddy won't go back on his words."

Liuyun threw the pill into his mouth and consumed it, in 2 minutes he started to show signs of pain and his forehead leaked sweat. He looks as if he was suffering.

But this was all a hoax and act by Liuyun, and he long dissolved the effects of the poison with his life nature energy. He also knew what mistakes that Feng Lin made but he needs to keep up the act for a while.

10 minutes later…

Feng Lin and Lin Shi personally saw Liuyun's expression become better and the latter stood up, opening his mouth, he explained all the mistakes in the pill.

"This is the Yin-Yang Revolving Boost pill, there are a total of 103 mistakes in this. The first flaw your heat and cool qi did not balance out and it ended up as a 70% Yang and 30% Yin pill. The 2nd flaw was that you added the Pure Yang Dragon Seeds in too early and it converted your flames to burn too strongly.

3rd flaw…

4th flaw….


103rd flaw…"


Feng Lin and Lin Shi were completely stunned in place, ever did they think that there were so many mistakes in the refinement process. Feng Lin was the most shocked as he realized that if he did exactly as Liuyun did he would form a perfect Yin Yang Revolving pill.

'This brat… I must get him and turn him into my medicine tester!'

Feng Lin desperately wanted Liuyun to serve as his slave now.