Original pill

Liuyun shook his head seeing how the so-called Medical sage actually needed to measure the pulse of a patient to determine the illness a patient had. A true doctor, did not require any measuring and can rely solely on their ears and sight to see through a patient. Feng Lin was a phoney, at least in the eyes of a medical genius like Liuyun. Who memorised all the properties of the medicine in the world.

Liuyun instantly knew the affliction that Lin Yu was suffering from just by looking at him, the entire time when Liuyun was waiting for Feng Lin's 'treatment' to be done, he was compiling an antidote for the 7 Chaos Elemental Poison.

The two adults looked as if they just ate shit or something and was completely depressed, it was then Liuyun decided to speak up to prevent them from forgetting his existence.

"Little brother Liuyun, it's fine, he was afflicted with the 7 Chaos Elemental Poison… My son will die…"

Lin Shi was grieving over the son whom he thought will meet his end soon, all he wanted to do now is the spend the remaining days with him before his beloved son parts with him. Liuyun couldn't understand why he was grieving so, he was still here so he can actually save his son. Why is this Clan Leader so weak mentally… It's not like his son is dead so he can have a glimmer of hope to save him.

If any clan members knew what Liuyun was thinking at this moment, they would probably want to curse and bash him dead, some would even vomit blood out in anger. Damn you weak mentally my ass, you are the one who is weak mentally! Your whole family is weak mentally!

Lin Shi was a war god back in his younger days, he killed so many people that if you collected their corpse up, it can form a mountain. He killed mercilessly and weak mentally was not the right phrase to use on this cold blood man.

"I can save your son, just that you need to prepare 32 4 cun needles and 10 hot pots of water, and get me a furnace while you are at it."

Lin Shi opened his eyes widely, his hope seemed to be reignited and he immediately ordered the servants outside of the room do get whatever Liuyun needed. Such a decisive man, was someone that Liuyun liked. One needed to be decisive and firm in their decision, Lin Shi knew that Liuyun was his only hope of healing his son. He laughed at how stupid everything was, an 11 year old kid was his only hope for his son's survival, that even a medical sage can't heal.

"Okay, as long as little brother can heal my son, I will be your backing in the future. If there is anything you need you can find me!"

"Let's talk about this Clan Head Lin, my priorities now is to save your son. Everything else comes after…"

"Hahahaha! Very well! Even if little brother cannot heal my son, I Lin Shi, will still thank you for attempting!"

"I have 120% confidence to save your son, don't worry."

Lin Shi did not know where this confidence of Liuyun came from but somehow, it seemed to draw him in and bring him endless hope. Liuyun scanned the storage ring of Feng Lin and saw many rare herbs in the ring, his eyes glistening with happiness but he quickly shook it off and took out the necessary herbs he needed.

Feng Lin looked over and saw the herbs that Liuyun took out and started to laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! Little brother! Are you just trying to make a joke of yourself?!"

"What do you mean?"

Liuyun already took out his necessary herbs and hearing Feng Lin's laughter, he looked up at him and curiously wondered what the madman wanted from him.

"Glacier Yin grass, Pure Yang Fire Dragon Fruit, 2000 year old Icy Ginseng, Ice Spring Heavenly water, Longevity flame fruit… All this counteracts each other and will never be able to form a pill. Yin overwhelms the Yang and no balance will be made, what are you trying to do?!"

"Oh shut up and watch me corpse… I will perform my magic here."

Baffled by the words of Liuyun, Feng Lin did not get a chance to clarify his doubts before the servant of the Lin clan walked in and brought in everything Liuyun needed.

Liuyun heated up the needles and cleansed it with the hot water and pierced the poisoned acupuncture points of Lin Yu, seeing this, Lin Shi was about to rage with anger before Feng Lin stepped in front of him in shock.

"Is that the legendary acupuncture Reviving technique?! Impossible! That technique was lost in the annals of history! How do you know about it?!"

"Not for someone like you to know!"

Liuyun couldn't be bothered about Feng Lin anymore, he sat down and used his furnace to craft the pill he needed, Liuyun was looking to make the Yin Yang Poisonous Recover Pill, this was an original pill by Liuyun himself.