The Calm before the Storm

Liuyun headed back to him room and sat down on the chair, leisurely drinking tea, seemingly unaware of the danger that was going to occur soon. Jia Yi appeared out suddenly in front of Liuyun and sat down opposite of him, Liuyun was surprised to see her appearance but still he held a poker face and continued to drink his warm tea.

"You sure are calm for someone who is going to be facing trouble later... "

"I guess… Anyways are you sure you should be out here? Don't you have a time limit or something?"

Jia Yi beckoned for Liuyun to pour her tea and the latter did help her do so, she began to drink the tea and put the teacup down before finally explaining it to Liuyun.

"This is my spiritual body, not my physical body, it is something like Shi Xi Wei's body except this one is more materialized than his soul body. Look at my body carefully and you will notice that it was translucent."

Liuyun sharpened his eye senses and stared at the body of Jiayi, indeed if one looked closely they would be able to see that Jia Yi's body was indeed translucent and light can even pass through it. Jia Yi suddenly covered her breast and quickly turned away her body, Liuyun was curious what Jia Yi was doing before he almost wanted to vomit blood out.

"Ew… Pervert! Staring at another person's body like that... When we get back I need to tell little Yan about it."

"Wait no! I did nothing! You were the one that told me to look!"

"Making up more lies… wuwuwuwu this little fragile and weak one's body has been defiled…"

Weak and Fragile?! Who?! Are you sure you are not mistaken? How can you, someone from the dragon race, can kill a rebirth stage cultivator in mere minutes be considered weak? If you are weak then what are we insects?!

Jia Yi began to sob and even tears started to come out from her eyes if Liuyun did not understand her for years now even he would not have realized that Jia Yi was actually just faking it. Her acting ability was seriously godlike, even Liuyun almost believed her… Too bad someone actually did…

"Liuyun... What the hell did you do to Jia Yi?!"

It was at this moment Shi Xi Wei came back and noticed Jia Yi crying as a spiritual body, he did not understand the whole situation at all and immediately put the blame on Liuyun. Liuyun opened his eyes widely and stupidly stared at Shi Xi Wei, whose face currently was redden in anger and looked like he was about to explode.

"Brother Shi… I did nothing…"

"Nothing?! Then would Jia Yi start to cry for no reason?! You better explain this to daddy or else I will fight to the death with you!"

"You are already dead…"

"What?! Even if I am still a soul I can still kill you!"

"Ugh… Enough guys! I was just playing around!"

Jia Yi no longer acted weak and fragile and immediately pushed Shi Xi Wei away, she angrily stepped on the soul body of the latter and the latter was crying out in pain. Liuyun dumbfounded stared at the 'tortured' Shi Xi Wei and couldn't help but come to the conclusion that Shi Xi Wei had a certain relationship with Jia Yi…

*Knock knock*

"Young master Liuyun, the clan head has ordered for all of you and your siblings to see him in the Clan office…"

It's time… Liuyun heard the words of the servant and his eyes immediately held a deep killing intent, Jia Yi and Shi Xi Wei also stopped fighting as they entered Liuyun's body. Liuyun don his robe and walked towards the door, opening it to see Lin Chen outside waiting to escort him.

"Young master, please... "

"Thank you, Lin Chen… After this I have something to ask of you, so please come after the meeting we are going to have."

"Of course, this little one won't be late…"

Liuyun nodded his head and walked towards the room of Lin Shi, this was the battle that he absolutely can't lose… For his new found family…

Upon arriving, the door to the room was already opened. Lin Shi, Lin Yu, Lin Su Chen, and Lin Cheng was already inside waiting for Liuyun, they were seated on chairs and Lin Shi beckoned for Liuyun to sit down too.

Liuyun sat down and awaited for the meeting to begin...