Truth is out (II)

Lin Shi performed a few hand signs and channeled nature energy within his palms, he pointed the palm towards the spider and an invisible energy appeared from it. The invisible energy entered the body of the spider and the spider no longer moved, it was Liuyun's first time seeing the technique being performed in front of him and he is the inexperienced cultivator he thought that the spider was dead. He did not worry much though, He knew Lin Shi was experienced in this and seeing the latter calm look proved that it was fine.

Lin Shi's eyes squinted and his open palm began to slowly form the shape of a claw, his fingers stopped moving and he moved his arm as if he was pulling something out. In this case, he was dragging out the soul of the spider and it materialized in the mortal world as a ball of soul.

"Spider soul… Open up the memory of your past and show us the doings, Lin Cheng!"

Lin Shi chanted out and the soul of the spider turned into a holographic image of Lin Cheng talking to the spider, his face was no longer the arrogant and stupid look he normally wore, rather it was a cold and despicable look of a villain.

"8 faced demon spider, go spy on that kid who just entered my family… He was able to cure that bastard Lin Yu even though I poisoned him with the 7 Chaos Elemental Poison, he will for sure be a threat to me when I will become the next head of the Lin Clan. I will eliminate the threat before it grows."

After displaying this much, the spider soul faded away and the body of the spider rotted away. Liuyun expected this type of conversation to happen between the spider and was uncaring of the truth. Meanwhile, Lin Shi, Lin Yu, and Lin Su Chen exploded in anger and they all destroyed the porcelain table as well as their cups. The items they broke normally would go for over 100 gold taels yet at this moment they couldn't give a damn about the money they lost. A traitor lived in their house for years and only today it was discovered that they were growing a tiger instead of a cat.

Lin Cheng knew he was in trouble and tried to escape, he ran out of the room at full speed. Unfortunately for him, the moment he was called into the room, he was like a rat trapped in a cage. Lin Yu caught him by the neck and his eyes were bloodshot, red veins could be seen out from his eyes and he looked as if he would snap the neck of Lin Cheng at any moment's notice.

"Big brother, don't kill him yet. I still have more questions for him... "

"...Alright, little brother…"

Lin Yu had no choice but to drop down Lin Cheng, who began to start coughing and gasping for air. He was grabbed tightly by Lin Yu and he couldn't breathe at all, Lin Cheng was paralyzed in fear and he felt his body go numb.

Liuyun walked up to him and kicked his stomach hard.


Lin Cheng felt some of his bones breaking and he held his stomach while crutching in pain, coughing out blood and saliva while he was at it. He felt immense pain within his stomach and it was so unbearable that Lin Cheng wanted to faint so badly, several of his rib bones were broken and his face showed an expression of pain.

Liuyun did not care about his suffering though, in his mind Lin Cheng deserved all this the moment he decided to poison his family. If he had not decided to take the mission given by the sect, his family would be dead! This was unacceptable for Liuyun, who treats his loved ones well.

"Were you the one who let eldest brother die?... Or else it was impossible for you to defeat the enemies that eldest brother Lin Xiu was unable to beat, moreover even bring back his corpse."

"...Y...Y...Yes… I was the one… That bastard was the reason… I have no authority after all… I wanted him to die… To be clan leader…"

Lin Cheng, under the effects of the truth serum, blurted out the disturbing fact. That he killed his own brother. The rims of the eyes of Lin Shi turned red in disappointment and sadness, the same went for Lin Yu and Lin Su Chen. Liuyun shook his head and continued to ask about the situation.

"Where did you get the bonsai tree from?! This is supposed to be inaccessible for normal people like you yet you somehow got it… Who was your backer?!"

Lin Cheng slowly opening his mouth and began to spoke.

"The Holy Covenant…"

Suddenly, Lin Cheng's face protruded and began to expand. Liuyun was shocked and quickly reacted, he shouted to the others who were still in shock and denial.

"Run! Lin Cheng is about to explode!"

They did not notice the threat before them and hearing Liuyun's shout woke them up from their thoughts. They rushed out of the room and Lin Shi cast a barrier around Lin Yu.

Lin Cheng exploded into a million pieces and the explosion was so strong that it barely broke the barrier of Lin Shi and caused the entire room to explode. Luckily, everyone escaped in time and there were no casualties. Liuyun heaved a sigh of relief but he instantly remembered the words Lin Cheng spoke before his death…

"Holy Coven… The Holy Convenant sect is behind this. Probably to gain another clan as a pawn to increase their battle strength, oh and also to make the clan act as a middleman…"