Breakthrough With Danger


The word was simple, nor even something of deep meaning. A word, just meaning of a married female partner...

'Something like that, shouldn't be making me worked up... Yet, why when was it, when Liuyun said it that my heart starts to pump this fast.'

Feng Hanyan's was flushed red from the tip of her earlobes to her neck. If it were not for the fact that Liuyun was closing his eyes as he brought her into his embrace, he would see an apple-faced girl. Liuyun's mind long made his choice, in this world where polygamy was a normal occurrence, he chose to be dedicated to the girl of his entire lifetimes.

'Anyone can hurt me all they want if they want to... But if they touch a single finger on my woman, they must suffer a life worse than death! Even if its the whole world I must condemn, or the heavens I must surpass... I, Liuyun will overcome them for the only sole purpose of my life!'

The warmness within the eyes of Liuyun disappeared, instead, it was replaced by a cold gleam of killing intent. The girl within his arms felt it too, but she just silently continued to hug him tightly, never letting him go. Today was a near death experience for them and now they both realized that their strengths are really too pitiful... The world didn't lack geniuses, peak experts are in abundance and their meager ability can't contend against them.

'Stronger! We need to be even stronger than ever... Only when we are the apex of the world then can we be truly called an expert.'

They got up on their feet and when back to their respective rooms to cultivate. Liuyun found a comfortable spot to sit on the bed and as he tried to cultivate, he coughed out another mouthful of blood. His eyes slowly became more bloodshot and his body was losing strength at every moment.

'Why is this happening to me?!'

Liuyun felt as if he was really going to pass out soon, he panicked and anxiety filled his body up.

"Hmph! You were hurt from the battle earlier and it took you this long to circulate your energy around your body. How can you not be damaged afterward... Moron! If you had immediately channeled in some life energy around your body through the Dual Polarity of life and death manual you wouldn't have been hurt like this! You were too negligent..."

Shi Xi Wei's cold condescending voice resounded in his conscious and shocked Liuyun, who was currently doing his best in order to prevent himself from fainting. After facing a situation like that and the first thing he did was not to check his injuries, but rather hug a little lass like Feng Hanyan. As the previous owner of the body, he was furious that his body was being mistreated so badly by Liuyun.

"Sh...Shi Xi Wei, how... do you. stop. this. thing..."

They were the last few words that Liuyun managed to say out before the pain knocked him unconscious. Shi Xi Wei walked up to Liuyun and formed a few hand seals with his hands and channeled in some energy into him, healing his wounds and stabilizing the rampaging energy within. It was at this moment when Jia Yi appeared within Liuyun and looked at Shi Xi Wei with a worrisome gaze.

"How is he?"

If the people from the past knew of their cold-blooded princess being this worried for a person, a human at that, would they have felt so shocked and their soul immediately flying out of their body?

Shi Xi Wei turned to look at Jia Yi with a strange gaze in his eyes, the latter caught on with his gaze and simply looked back at him.

'This wasn't the first time he looked at me with those desolate eyes... In fact, every time he looks at me, I can feel the sadness from within his eyes. Does he know me from his previous life?'

Jia Yi was about to speak up and ask him about it but suddenly, Liuyun's body began to spasm uncontrollably. Shi Xi Wei immediately turned his attention back to him and sent in energy into him to try to contain the ferocious energy inside. His facial expression was turning worse by the minute and his eyebrows turned sharper as he focused.

"Damn! Why is this happening now?! Why is he making a breakthrough now! His physical body is too injured and if he breakthrough now he will suffer from cultivation deviation!"

Shi Xi Wei understood what was going on with Liuyun's body and was forcibly trying to contain him in order to prevent his breakthrough but even he felt as if it was going to be impossible. Yet, he can't heal Liuyun's wounds in order to resolve the problem due to him being unable to get his attention off suppressing.

He was about to fall into a comatose state but then suddenly, he felt the energy within Liuyun being easier to suppress. Noticing a foreign, yet ever so familiar energy helping him out... He knew it was Jia Yi helping him suppress the power and giving him the freedom to heal Liuyun.

"Jia Yi!"

"Shut up! Now is not the time to be concerned about me! Heal Liuyun now while I suppress his powers!"

"... Alright! Damn this moron, I swear he better make up for this quickly and release you immediately after breaking through!"

Shi Xi Wei frantically fixed Liuyun's injuries as he channeled in energy repeatedly into him, his body was recovering at a speed even a Rebirth stage cultivator would find it difficult to reach it. In just 4 minutes, Liuyun's body was stabilized and 70% of his wounds were fixed.

'Finally! He is strong enough to breakthrough!'

Shi Xi Wei thought with happiness, he turned towards Jia Yi and shouted to her.

"Let him breakthrough now! It's okay!"


Afterward, Jiayi stopped the energy flow and let the energy within Liuyun to course through his body, immediately, Liuyun was breaking through several levels at once.

'Mid-spirit Realm, High-Spirit Realm, Low-Ascended Realm, Mid-Ascended Realm, High Ascended Realm... Low-Rebirth Realm..."

This series of breakthroughs, if anyone ever knew of Liuyun being able to break through so many realms at one time... They will probably think of him as a monster, most people are only able to break through to the rebirth stage realm when they were old... Yet this monster was not even 20 and yet he was already a rebirth stage cultivator...

At the same time, energy fluctuations could be felt from Feng Hanyan's room too. It seemed that she was also breaking through to the Rebirth stage realm from her cultivation level.

'What the fuck, this two monsters!! They are so strong yet so young... This power is incredible...'

Shi Xi Wei and Jia Yi couldn't help but think, the younger generations was indeed one to be a reckoning with... It seemed that they are going to be able to break through the heavens soon...

"They need a lot of foundational training after breaking through so many stages huh... Jia Yi, how about you teach Feng Hanyan about her abilities and I teach Liuyun."

"Alright, sounds good. They need to be as powerful as that man before anyways... But I need to regain my former body first..."

"Not a problem, Liuyun has the herbs with him to recreate a body that will be even more powerful than your previous one..."

Jia Yi smiled at Liuyun as he stroke his forehead repeatedly, her eyes not leaving him as she stared at the sleeping Liuyun. Shi Xi Wei smiled sadly and was about to leave the room until he was grabbed by Jia yi.

"Now... can you explain to me? Who are you to me?"