
Zach gets home and starts to walk to his room but he stops at the sound of someone speaking.

"You'r home early, could it be your bunking?"

His Dad crosses his arms and looks at him suspiciously.

.No, I don't feel well so i decided to come home early... sooo i'm going to my room.

He tries circle round his Dad who's blocking the staircase but is stopped again.

"If that's the case you better complete a weeks worth of homework to make up for it!"

.Yeah sure, ill do it. I'm going to my room.

Zach gets past and hops to his room, heaves a sigh and sits on his bed.

As he does this he remembers he still hasn't completed his level up!

.Should i spin first or add stats?.

Thinking about it more carefully he determines that spinning first allows him to add stats to support the ability he gets afterwards.

.Ok its decided!.

He looks at the desk that was recently taped up and prepares to spin the dreidel.

Zach spins it faster than last time and it makes a "shua" sound as it spins.

A minute or two later it slowly stops and lands on its side revealing the number 216.

[Congratulations host for winning a bundle!]

[Choose one from the Demonic body mod bundle]

[Prehensile tail]

[Frightening horns]

[Wings of defiance]

.Wait, explain each of the options.

[Prehensile tail grows a long thin tail on the coccyx, it's strength is based on the hosts strength and it is almost impossible to cut off due to its metallic like properties]

[Frightening horns grows a pair of goat horns on the users head, it increases users spirit stat and intimidates those who look at host]

[Wings of defiance grows a pair of bat like wings on the hosts back and enables the user to fly after their strength stat increases to 30]

.So no matter what i will become a freak of nature!?!?.

.Can i refuse to pick system?.

[Host cannot refuse at this time]

Zach has a vain appear on his forehead as he curses everything for a moment.

.The only thing i can conceivably hide would be the tail, system how long is the tail?.

[1 meter long but its length can be increased at will]

.So i can just about hide it in my clothing.

He takes a moment to prepare.

.I pick the tail.

Suddenly an intense pain channels itself at his coccyx.

Not long in the past, at Navel school there is a big commotion outside the nurses office.

Two people engaged in a disgusting act suddenly regain consciousness, a scream rings out from one of the two.

"AHHHHHHHH, Why does my ass hurt so much!, g g Grace!?!? get your hand out of my ass!!!!"

Grace is made sober by the horrific scream produced by her boyfriend as she realises she is elbow deep in his anus, she pulls her arm out making a "POP" sound and vomits on the floor.

The two fail to notices the hundreds of people outside the room watching with wronged eyes.

Raheem makes a weird face filled with pleasure but regains his composure.

Raheem speaks in a gravelly voice,

"It was him that did this, he must be fucked in the head to do this!"

Grace nods while wiping the vomit from her mouth.

"I need to get Aamir and Sajid to get payback, Ill fuckin kill em!!!"

He plans in his head but a voice comes through the door

"What on earth are you two doing on school property!!!"

Principle Gilani looks at his sons friend and bursts with anger.

"How dare you!, both of you get dressed and come to my office at once!!!"

The two students whimper as they follow his orders.

Back at Zach's house, inside his room there is a blob squirming on the floor. On closer inspection it is in fact Zach who is barely conscious.

A grotesque boil appears on his coccyx and grows larger, it suddenly bursts into blood and puss. A long black object shoots out of the remains of the boil like an arrow and pierces the wall.

10 minutes after this happens Zach wakes up, he rubs his head with his hand and grunts.

.Ohhhh that was worse than the other time, whats all this shit scattered on the floor?.

He tries to bend over to look at it but gets stuck halfway, he looks back and sees a long black tail protruding from his back piercing into the wall.

.This is a nightmare.

He wills it shorten and it does, it shrinks to a length slightly longer than his leg height.

Taking a closer look at it, the tail is covered with metallic scales overlapping each other with a long menacing looking spike at the end of it.

.This is gonna take some practise.

He finally looks down at the blood and puss covering the carpet in his room and exclaims

.This is gonna take some cleaning aswell!.

After cleaning the floor, he takes a bath and remembers he still has stat points to allocate.

.What should i use them on?.

[Zachary Miller - Human+ - Male

Condition - Healthy

Strength - 8

Intelligence - 9

Agility - 11

Stamina - 7

Spirit - 8

Luck - 10

Skill: Quick retreat, lv1 Pain resistance, Unveiling eye

Body mods : Prehensile tail]

LV2 Exp: 1/20]

.I think equalising my stats first is a priority, i have a sneaking suspicion i'm going to have to fight soon though.

.Ill allocate 3 points to strength, 1 to intelligence and 1 to stamina.

[Zachary Miller - Human+ - Male

Condition - Healthy

Strength - 8 > 11

Intelligence - 9 > 10

Agility - 11

Stamina - 7 > 8

Spirit - 8

Luck - 10

Skill: Quick retreat, lv2 Pain resistance, Unveiling eye

Body mods : Prehensile tail]

LV2 Exp: 1/20]

Zach gets out of the bath the water clinging to his large body slides off making the floor wet. He looks down at his pot belly and becomes depressed, he asks the system hoping for a positive answer.

.System, will i always be fat?.

[Hosts genes have an inclination to store fats. Host can lower fat percentage by eating less, doing exercise and or increasing stamina]

.Stamina effects my weight?.

[Stamina is linked to the constitution of the body and changes it based on what increases overall effectiveness.]

.So i just gotta increase stamina huh?.

Zach says while forgetting the former options.