Zach continues to walk while turning off the various electronic traps, traps that freeze you to the floor, buzz saws, crushing walls and poison arrows.
He sweats as he looks at the various traps he deactivated...
.What the fuck is even down here?.
Tripping over what seems to be a tripwire Zachs eyes go wide,
.oooooohhh shiiititttt.
The room starts to shake and floor starts to move, the floor drops leaving on a few pillars behind, the visible sides of the room open revealing flame throwers that begin to spew fire all over the room.
.This isn't dungeon and dragons right?.
The room starts to heart up as the wall behind Zach prevents his escape.
.I'm shit at parkour!!!!.
He shouts as she attempts to jump to the first pillar, he takes a long run up and barely hits the pillar.
He strikes the pillar with his chest and starting dangling off with his arms, Zach pulls himself up and looks around for the next pillar.
The pillar is glowing red probably due to being super heated,
.This is gonna hurt.
Having limited time makes Zach jump for the next one, he lands on it and jumps off to the other pillar immediately.
He barely gets atop it but realises parts of his ninja tabi have melted.
.One more to go, lets do iitttttt.
He throws his weight as far as he can across the room, a flamethrower lights him up causing burns on his arms and legs while lighting the ninja costume on fire.
He gets to the other side but starts rolling immediately to put out the fire.
He continues to roll even after the fire is out.
After hes done he looks back at the floor that's slowly regaining its former appearance.
.Motion sensors? I thought i turned all of them off.
He pulls out the pad and looks back, there is a tiny red dot that he couldn't see before.
Ignoring his own stupidity he carries on and finally reaches a large metal door. He touches it but pulls his hand back as the door appears to be super cooled.
.This might prevent people touching but it makes it rather brittle don't you think?.
Zach looks at the pad to find any electronics but only finds heat regulators that appear to be on the inside of the room.
Look more closely at the door there is a complex locking system that must have over ten keys needed...
.System you got anything for this?.
[Skeleton key = 1 soul (Unlocks anything with a keyhole)]
.Ill take it.
A keychain with no keys on it appears out of nothing and plops on the floor,
.Where is the key...?
Zach approaches one of the locks with the keychain and a really long key forms on it, Zach wraps his hand in cloth to prevent it getting too cold and inserts the key.
Click, click... Click
One of the locks unlock, the key just used doesn't disappear and remains on the keychain...
.So if i unlock too many locks i won't have any space on the chain anymore?.
He ignores this fact and continues using keys until the door unlocks. The massive metal doors creak open revealing the interior of the room.
Zach is dumbfounded by the sight, inside is a nursery playground type thing with cameras everywhere. It is currently freezing but Zach continues to looks around, he spies what looks like an incubation chamber with a large egg inside. It is red with black spots speckled around, it seems to be giving off heat on it's own which seems weird for an unhatched egg.
Zach gets closer and is surprised by the size of the egg it's atleast 2ft.
He uses the pad to loop the cameras and unlock the chamber, he does so without issue and grabs the egg... The heavy weight is not a worry to Zach but getting out of the basement is.
He begins to walk back taking note of all the traps he had disabled previously.
Reaching the ladder dim voices can still be heard from above, Zach reckons he can phase two more times without passing out.
He carries the egg in the bag behind him while climbing the ladder, he gets to the hatch and starts phasing. He pokes his head through the door and realises that no one is here, he completely gets through and confirms that the voices are from upstairs.
.Shit, Kido!.
He runs up the stairs and spots around twenty guards outside the double doors waiting to get in, looking through the window the officer seems to be full of green gas.
.System is the gas poisonous?.
.Can i get through it?.
.Fine!, Zach gets the cyanide pill from earlier and throws it into his mouth. A savage pain starts to build in his body but he ignores it as he waits for a notification...
[Level 2 poison resistance acquired]
The pain slowly fades and Zach bursts into action, he runs towards the back of the guards and phases through all of them and the door exhausting him.
When he enters his gills seems to be sucking in the gas ravishingly causing Zach to unconsciously close them.
Peering round the room he spots Kido in his previous spot with a rag rapped around his face, he looks unconscious.
Zach picks up his bag, flash drive and all the files that they were planning to take and punches a hole through the computer.
He picks up Kido's small frame in a princess carry he walks towards a barred window with a lock on it.
He uses the skeleton key to unlock it and proceeds to jump out,
Due to the weight of Kido and the egg combined Zach accidentally misjudges the distance and Kido's arm touches the floor before he does causing it to break savagely.
He starts running on the route they planned out before, he ignores the gawking people watching the ninja in burned clothing carrying an egg on his back and another ninja in a princess carry. He enters the woods and circles round making his way towards the mansion, no sirens or alarms go off due to the cover of it still being a school but Zach knows that he has stolen something valuable.
He reaches the back entrance of the Mansion and gets inside, searching Kido's bag for the keys to the hideout he unlocks it and puts Kido down on a sofa while trying to set the bone by tying the electric rod to it and keeping it straight.
Zach sets down the egg, sits down next to Kido and passes out.