Boy detective

Tom sits silent for a minute before collecting himself,

"It's not been good dude, first my parents get divorced and now this..."

.They got divorced before this?.

Zach's previous experience with the family was great, there was no indication at all that things weren't going well.

"After my Dad got diagnosed with Schizophrenia my mum decided to get a divorce, this only make it worse and he had to be institutionalised..."

.Why would she do that?.

"I don't know."

.Is that her upstairs crying?.

"Yes... Though she only started to cry when i mentioned you were coming..."

.So, what are you going to do now?.

Tom shakes his head at Zach before replying,

"No idea, i guess ill try live normally... But i still can't forgive that guy who killed my dad, Zach, if this happened to you what would you do?"


Zach tries to think of a way to calm him down before he does anything rash.

.I would never be able to catch that guy so i would leave it to the police, i would also seek help from a psychiatrist... You need to talk to something who knows what to do.

"Yeah, i guess you're right."

They continue to talk for an hour about school, friends and bullies. After trying to cheer Tom up Zach leaves due to it getting late. Walking out of the front door he gets a notification.

[Mission - Find out the true killer : Reward - level +1]

Zach stands there confused.

.System, i was the killer... Wasn't i?.

[Host did take the life of Oliver Jennings but there was someone behind the scenes.]

.Can you just tell me who it is?.


.How much time do i have?.

[1 week]

.The killer must be in another country by now.

He sighs and walks back home.

Getting home, his Dad greets him while sitting on the sofa sipping on a beer.

"Hey Zach, you been busy this week haven't you?"

.Yeah, you have aswell... You have been out quite a lot of the time.

He kicks his feet up and replies in an exhausted voice,

"Work wants me to be in for longer periods, i don't know how far they are gonna take it."

.What do you actually do Dad?.

"I'm an agent for a famous person"

.Really? Who is it.

"I can't tell due to confidentiality, sorry Zach."

Zach finds his Father answer dubious and walks upstairs.

Checking on the egg under his desk he finds no visible changes and decides to continue studying language. Through the week Zach has almost completely learned French, Spanish and Arabic. He is also trying to study Japanese but is finding it a rather difficult language to comprehend.

He finishes the night by playing a game of CountersFight with Tom. He gets the lowest score due to only playing with one hand.

Zach wakes up and runs to the bathroom to inspect his body. It seems like the huge increase in strength is having a rather large effect, looking into the mirror he sees a young man who is roughly 5.10ft. The previous signs of obesity are no longer apparent and Zach looks like a normal teenager, all be it a rather tall one.

Finally after remembering the most important thing he looks down at his severed hand. What he sees is bone, muscles and tendons without skin. Hes able to move it but it seems rather week, Zach decides to wear a glove on it to hide the grotesque scene.

He decides to weigh himself, his previous weight was 140kg and he wonders what he weighs today.


The scale stops working at 150kg, Zach doesn't know exactly how much he weighs but it's more than 150kg.

Looking satisfied, he takes a shower and gets ready and goes to the Gym.

He meets with Graham and has an intense workout session,

[+1 stamina]

After hes done he gets a notification that his stamina went up.

Seeing this he burns with determinations and wraps the Prometheus chains around his body, even with his boosted strength he can barely lift it.

He stabilises his body and starts a slow jog to Kev's tattoo shop.

Zach heaves and sweats to the amusement of the passer-by's, to him the chains weight a mountain, but to others they look like ordinary chains. The image of a teenager struggling to move with some measly chains seems to be funny...

Ignoring them he eventually gets to Kev's shop, it's open so Zach puts the chains back in the inventory and walks in while sweating.

As he enters he puts his weird hand in his pocket to avoid questions, looking around he spots Carmen getting another tattoo, she notices Zach and greets him.

"Heya Zach, give Kev a minute to finish this ok?"


He sits down in the corner and watches as Kev tattoos her arm, the tattoo appears to be surgical cutting indicators on her left hand. Zach gets chills as this situation feels all to familiar to him.

Kev finishes the tattoo and finally notices Zach.

"Oi, i haven't seen you for a couple days! You can't abandon your uncle like that!"

.Sorry, i was busy!.


He huffs,

"Well, it's fine.. I have been busy recently so you might've not been able to get in."

.Really, what do you do besides tattoo's?.

"Just some old work, nothing important"

The conversations ends and Carmen sticks around and chats with Kev.

.I'll just go clean the back then.

[+1 exp]

[+1 exp]

[+1 exp]

[+1 exp]

[+1 exp]

After getting around 10 exp worth of blood Zach decides to check the status.

[Zachary Miller - Demonic Lizardman - Male

Achievements - Mysterious stranger, Famous face, Feared, Familiar Fighter

Condition - Injured left hand

Strength - 27

Intelligence - 10

Agility - 11

Stamina - 17 > 18

Spirit - 16

Luck - 10

Skill: Quick retreat, lv5 Pain resistance, Unveiling eye, Language comprehension, Phase, LV2 Poison resistance, Contract(Zoey Foster),

Body mods : Prehensile tail, Hydra Gills, Undying

LV6 Exp: 73/150]

[Souls = 1]

[Inventory : Prometheus's chains,]