



Chapter 5


"Aman, from next month I will be going away from this city for college. It will be our last month together. "

Light was talking with Aman in his room. He has a very solemn expression on his.

" I know bro you will be away for 4 years. I will miss you but do well." Aman had a sad expression over his face. He was sitting beside Light moving his legs to and fro. His face was little down as he was sulking.

Having a serious expression Light asked Aman, " I want to do one thing from you Aman. Will you do for me?" Saying this Light looked into Aman's eyes.

Aman gulped. Then replied, "It's looking like trouble to me. Anyway since you have asked tell me and I will do my best." He replied and gave a sweet smile to his brother.

Seeing this Light smiled cheerfully. He put his hand over Aman's head and ruffle his hair.

" I know you can't deny my words. I want you to break the record this time. I want you to score so high in boards exam that none can break yours in the coming decade."

" ahh! I thought you will ask me to be top in class but ... It is very difficult."

" But not impossible. I know you laze around so much, so work a little hard."

" Bro you are not doing fair. You clearly know that I can't say you no. Also it was you had broken the previous record and none have broken it yet."

Seeing the nagging and cute expression of his brother Light smiles. It was the memory he wants to save before he left an unknown adventure.

" I know it is very difficult but I also know you can do this. I will teach you one thing, listen carefully."

He then said in a serious tone," When you leave a place leave a mark which none can erase. So that when future generations came and see your feat they take inspiration from you. Not be like a cattle who is hidden and forgotten in a herd."

Two weeks later the exam starts. One more week passed and today was the last paper of English.

The exam was started but Aman has still not arrived. All have started their paper but he still has not arrived. Half an hour then an hour still he didn't arrive. Anamika was feeling restless then a person arrived at the gate of the examination hall.

" What happened? " Invigilator ask him in astonishment.

" Sorry sir I was a little late." Breathing heavily he replied. Aman was totally drenched with precipitation.

Watching at his watch invigilator ask, " Little have you seen time. You are an hour late, go and ask permission from the person-in-charge."

Aman rush to the office.

A serious-looking man looked Aman carefully. He noticed the sweat and baffle of Aman. He then asked in a serious and angered tone, " What is your name boy? "

I have to do something special to get permission for the exam, Aman think and replied,

" The Aman "

" The Aman? Why are you using' the' with a name? Also haven't you learn to give the full name in this situation."

" No sir my grammar is good. I use 'the' because I am special. And sir I gave you my full name. I don't have a surname. "

The man was amazed and gave another deep look at the boy and asked, "And how are you special? "

" Not my name. Although I will write an hour late I will be top of the class."

Listening to this the man laughed and thought what a bragger. Well he can't allow him to miss his paper. Plus he also was a little impressed by his reply.

" Bold statement. Amm but overconfidence kills. Well you are in high school, I know after this exam you will be a secondary school but this much boldness for your age is quite rare."

" Thanks for the compliment."

" Now go and give the exam. I will remember your name when I see your results. "

Aman gives the exam and time ended but he was still writing.

The invigilator arrived, " Time is up. Give me your paper."

" Sir just give me five minutes, also I arrived an hour late."

The invigilator got angered. He had to collect and submit the paper on time. He replied in an angered tone.

" Give me your paper now or I will not take it. "

He ignores and continues to write.

" Fine go and give your paper to the person-in-charge."

Five minutes later the invigilator finish arranging his paper and prepared to live. Aman arrived " sir my paper."

The invigilator stares at him and says, " Go and give it to the person-in-charge."

In return Aman stare him back and asked in a heavy tone," Sir please take my copy otherwise you will regret it."

" No, even the world's end I won't take your copy."

A glint passed in Aman' s eye, he snatched the papers from invigilator and scattered around along with his own and run out of the hall.

The invigilator became furious and shout but he was all gone.