Broken heart






Chapter 11

Broken heart

Next day, Aman came in morning and sit on his sit.

" Aman in which event are you taking part?"

" Me, I am taking part in territory capture. "

" Wow, are you sure? It is most important tournament of the inter school supremacy. "

" Ah, yes if our school comes in top ten. "

" Good luck, I will be cheering you."

A slight pain in heart, he don't know why now he anticipate for the event.

" Hey Anamika, are you not taking part? "

" I have applied for quiz but I think I won't get selected. "

" If you try then you can. "

" Yeah, I will. "

The short exchange over between them. Both want to talk more but can't must muster up courage to.

In lunch break, Anamika got up move toward gate. A boy with a rose in hand came , " Anamika, I like you. Will you go out with me." He was class monitor. Good in study and sports and rich second generation. A sudden painful feeling attack Aman.

' What if she say yes, Ah, have I fallen for her.'

" Sorry, I can't. " a reply which brings relief to Aman. " Why? Is there someone you like? Or I am not good? " a question which Aman also want to know. " Sorry you are good but I can't date you. I already have someone I like. " " Sorry to bother you. " the boy return with broken heart, the reply also broke Aman's heart. ' She has someone she like, ah I have no chance, why is it so painful. I think I have fallen for her but she like someone else. '

Aman was feeling terrible, he was suffering from which he can't describe. He stood and ran out of the class. He goes to school's garden and sit in the shade of tree. School garden is actually a lovers spot, only a few people came here and mostly girls. A few couple also came but they prefer to between trees where no one can see them.

Aman was looking at sky feeling gloomy.

" Hey Aman what are you doing, why are you looking so sad something happened? ", seeing the gloominess on Aman Zetian asked.

" Nothing just enjoying the scenery, well teacher what are you doing here? "

" Well I watch you running out of the class, I came to talk you about competition. Seeing you like that I thought something might happened so I came here following you."

" Ah teacher you are so good and beautiful, your husband will be very blessed." seeing in the eyes of Zetian Aman answered.

A red blush on Zetian face, a pounding sensation in her heart. ' what is he saying, looking in my eye with that blue eyes and saying such thing. '

" What are you saying and don't change the topic, why are you so gloomy? "

" I am just feeling broken from inside. "

" Oh does your girlfriend broke with you? "

" Nope, I don't have any. "

" Oh, so your crush has found a boyfriend. "

" Nope but sort of. "

" Well to tell you in school relationship is forbidden. "

" I know, and I have never in any. "

" To ease your heart, come at cafe beside school I will let you meet with your team members and discus about the competition. Focus on it and you will forget about it."

" Hey teacher do you have boyfriend? "

" Nope , are you picking on you? I will complain it to the principal."

Seeing the slight anger look on the slutty queen Aman's heart fell at ease. " Hey teacher, if we are students then do I have some chance? "

A pounding sensation in heart, ' what is he saying, why I am feeling so restless, have I fallen for him. No no no I am teacher I have to remove such thought. '

" Don't speak nonsense and come at cafe after dismissal. "

" Hey don't forget the deal. "