Volume 1: Chapter 1- Falling Star

Alem, a world where humanity has prevailed…is not where the story is taking place.

Rather than Alem, it is the world of Sulum, a land dominated by demon kind, where the inexplicable events were fated to transpire. A long time ago, demons have fled the world of humans, to live their lives in the world of their own, realm of Sulum.

Within Sulum, there was a kingdom by the name of Kalkan lead by the Demon King, the mightiest demon who reigned supreme for the sake of protection and survival of demon race.

Because of this Kalkan kingdom is also known as the demon kingdom.

Demons existed alongside the many other races within this world, but they were, without a doubt, the dominant force here.

Human world and demon world existed in two different realms, but it was possible to travel in between them.

While mages could open dimensional doors in order to travel between the worlds, sometimes portals would randomly open, allowing an unlucky lady or lad to end up transported to a different world.

Even the scholarly depictions of the portal were not accurate, leading many people searching for the next world return without finding anything.

One day, a certain young man from the human world ended up slipping through the portal, ending up transported to the demon world, but instead of being transported to a stable land, he ended up falling from the sky.

Like a falling star, he was rapidly plummeting downwards, all the while screaming at the top of his lungs.

The star was coming closer and closer to the earth as if it wanted to touch it.

For anyone watching it from far away it looked as though it was the screaming star that announced the beginning of the end, or rather the end of the beginning.

Either way, it was the star that has decided the fate of the Kalkan kingdom on that very day.

Apparently he ended up passing out from the sheer terror of falling down, but luckily he ended up landing in the large body of water.

While he did land surprisingly well, from such height, it was still a painful endeavor. He was lucky to be alive.

Of course his body was bruised from the impact, but overall he was whole and unhurt.

Climbing out of the water, he wobbled before falling on his back on the bed of grass.

He felt the warmth of the earth beneath him, more accurately the scorching heat it radiated.

It was more intense than the heat he used to feel in the human world, at least as far as he could recall, but it was tolerable. He could only wonder why the land would be so hot at night.

His peace was interrupted by the suffocating sensation in his lungs.

As if clinging to dear life by a thread the man opened his eyes, breathing heavily.

The air itself was too intense to breath.

He tore off the rag that was clinging to his left shoulder and put it against his face in order to be able to breathe more easily.

The atmosphere was too intense; his body felt like it would melt from the heat.

He had no idea where he was, why he ended up there, or who in the world he was.

Considering the height he fell from, it was not surprising that he developed a rather bad case of amnesia.

While his memories may be gone, his survival instincts were still intact.

Almost as if he was desperate to stay alive, he kept walking.

He felt that he couldn't stop until he has found safety; the atmosphere was too harsh on his body and he needed a safe place to recuperate and adapt.

Strange sounds echoed through the air sending chills down the man's spine.

Fear overtook his senses.

Now in the state of complete panic, he ran as fast as he could.

He didn't reach far, his leg ended up in a hole made by a root that was growing in a weird fashion. Naturally he ended up tripping on it.

With a thud, he awkwardly landed on his face.

He cringed; he still wasn't used to this sensation of pain. It was unpleasant but it was bearable.

Then he tried to stand up.

As he looked around he realized that there actually were plants growing here despite the severe hotness of the climate.

Except the plant were not green in color but were reddish brown while their stems and roots were almost colorless.

He grabbed a stem of a small flower and peered at it closely. The liquid within the stem was clearly visible. Somehow the plant adapted itself to such a climate by becoming so strange in appearance.

The man stood up, stretched his back and glanced at the sky and to his surprise he found that there were three moons with countless red, green and occasionally white stars surrounding them. It was a strange but beautiful sight, a night with three moons… what could be more pleasant.

Then a realization hit him.

If there are three moons in the sky then are there just as many suns? If that's the case how hot it would be during daylight if it's already so hot at night?

He needed to find a shelter quickly.

Considering he did not know where he was going, he covered a surprisingly large distance on foot without ending up walking in circles.

When he finally found a den, most likely abandoned by some wild animal, he finally fell from exhaustion.

Yet, at this moment he did not care, as long as he could sleep it was fine.

Feeling the softness of the ground beneath him, he turned over on his back to look at the beautiful moons encircled by countless stars. Finally feeling safe, he closed his eyes in peace.