Volume 1: Chapter 9- Fateful Meeting

After the party at the Karatengu mansion, Ren felt like everyone was starting to look at him in a different way. Every demon he ran into made a respectful bow to him, none talked casually to him. After an entire day of Tengu clan members following him around calling him 'Master Ren, Is there anything we can do for you?' he really had enough of it.

So, Ren decided to visit the animal traps he has installed outside the Karatengu territories. Before he recruited lizard demons, he was tasked with hunting down some animals for food. Back then, Ren found the idea of having to follow prey to be not the best solution, so instead he laid traps in many locations. There were at least ten pits he had dug up and covered with fragile sticks and moth. Underneath there were spikes that would surely kill any animal that was unfortunate to be caught in the trap.

It has been more than a month since Ren dug up those traps, it was about time to check up upon them.

So, Ren proceeded to sneak away from the Karatengu territory while none was looking. Unfortunately he didn't get very far.

A certain white haired demon was sitting on top of the Karatengu mansion's gate. Ren didn't notice her until she jumped off and landed next to him.

"Oh, I have been found out" Ren said with a sigh.

"Not exactly, I saw you get out" Akjan said with a smile.

"What are you doing, Akjan?"

"Same thing I can ask you, where are you going?" She closed her left eye "Young master Ren?"

"Don't call me that! That just sounds weird!" Ren protested. She said it in such a playful way that it instantly made him react.

"Heheh, my my…it looks like I have no choice"

"What are you…" Ren mumbled before he found Akjan linked to his arm to arm.

"I will just have to go with you; after all it is a good idea for you, the heir of the clan to go with a bodyguard." She said while squeezing his hand with her own.

"Is that so? I don't need a bodyguard!" Ren protested.

"But you can't go alone! I can't let my husband go alone and risk losing his life! The best solution for me to go with you…"

"Fine! Does anyone else know?"

"Of course not, I am the only one who knows you sneaked out."

"Let's keep it like that; I need some fresh air after all the 'Young Master' nuisance today."

Both of them proceeded to walk forward.

"The Tengu clan members seemed quite happy though, I heard them saying how grateful they were to serve another generation of Karatengu family."

Ren sighed. "Give me a break. A week ago I didn't even know Master Korgan is my grandfather. It's little too much to take in at once."

"As long as they have you in there, I think they will have many happy days ahead of them" Akjan said with uncharacteristically sad expression, she usually has a teasing smile on her face.

"I see" Ren said after thinking of trying to be polite. 'Crap, I forgot how sensitive she is about family related topics, I have to say something to get her to not think of sad stuff'. Sadly nothing came to mind.

Both now continued to walk towards one of the traps Ren had laid out.

"Uhm, Ren. Why is there a hole here in the ground?"

"Well, it was supposed to be a trap for animals. I laid out traps all over the place for them."

"All over the place? Wait, you dug the traps up around here?" Akjan said after catching what he said so casually.

"Yeah, I thought it was a good idea to lay a trap in many locations to increase my chances of catching delicious animals. So I laid about ten traps."

"Ten?" Akjan asked in a shocked voice.

"Maybe eleven, I kind of lost count" Ren shrugged. "So, I thought of visiting them to check if any of them were successful in catching prey."

"Oh, I can help you check on them. Just tell me where they are." Said Akjan.

"Sure, it would help if you could visit half of them while I visit the other half, that way we can cover the grounds much faster."

"Oh, splitting up, so that's what you meant…" Akjan said with somewhat down expression. "OK! I will do as you ask."

"Thanks Akjan, you are a lifesaver" Ren's original plan would have taken him full day to visit all traps, but with her help they would be able to check up on them much faster. It was efficient and effective.

Ren proceeded to tell Akjan location of five traps. She proceeded to go there.

While she was leaving, Ren thought 'Didn't she say she was my bodyguard? It was surprisingly easy for me to get her to go away from me, even if it was unintentional' Ren did want to just be alone for the moment, so having her tasked with checking half of traps was a polite way for Ren to get some time alone.

For some reason, Ren felt that going on a task alone would be the best way to clear up his mind on recent events. He saw the true face of humanity and found out he had a family. 'I feel like my mind has been given too much information to process.' He had to admit, those Pishak Priests… they were in one word- messed up bunch. Just imagining what they do to demons made Ren feel nauseous.

'Now I understand why demons hate human beings, no wonder, they are really scary.' Ren said with a cringe.

Ren checked on three more traps. All of them were empty.

When he visited the last trap, however, he found an unexpected sight. Apparently a big chest was suspended on top of the trap; instead of falling in it seemed stuck because the chest had legs on its sides that seemed to be made in order to be held up. The legs were stuck to the edges of the hole. There was a fresh smell of blood in the air. Ren could see that the chest was resting on top of some things covered in blood.

So, something indeed fell inside his trap while carrying a big chest. It may not have been a good idea for Ren to dig the trap on the side of the road. Back when he dug it up, digging a hole where a clear rode lay seemed like a great idea; thinking that many animals pass by the road. 'Oh boy, I forgot that demons use this road as well!' Ren mentally exclaimed. What a huge flaw to a genius plan to trap animals! By doing this, Ren realized he may have killed couple of demons; the blood that was leaking from the trap was a proof that somebody got killed.

'I have done it this time' Ren's hands shook while his eyes were going crazily from side to side. 'I killed somebody with my stupid idea, damn it! Why do I always have such a lousy fortune with these kinds of things!' Ren however ignored the fact that he was the one causing these kinds of situations to occur in the first place, in a way causing his own misfortune by his own actions; even if indirectly.

'What am I gonna do? If somebody finds this bloody chest then they will try to find who caused this! And I will be without a doubt imprisoned or even killed on the spot for this blunder. What am I going to do?' Just as Ren was wondering about the state of his dilemma, he heard a noise coming from the chest.

It was without a mistake the sound of someone weeping.

'Chests are objects, they don't cry' Ren scratched his head.

He put his hands on the chest; it was locked so Ren used the knife he had on him to pry it open.

"No way…" Ren gasped.

The chest was by far not empty. Inside of it was a young girl with bright red hair. She was cuddled up and hugging her knees. The minute she saw Ren she backed away in fear, shuddering all over.

From the look in her red slitted eyes, Ren could tell she was afraid of him. He could also tell she is not a human. She had two horns on her head. Not very large, in fact one of the smallest horn sets Ren has ever seen. They were protruding from her forehead in a fashion that made them face forward. The horns were reddish brown in color.

The demon herself was wearing an elegant looking dress, but it seemed somewhat damaged, and it also had some rips and blood stains upon it. Her hands were tied in front of her with her legs tied by ropes as well. There was something like a leash on her neck.

Ren could not tell how old she was, but he approximated that she was around the same age as younger demons in Tengu household, although she seemed younger than Ren by little.

She was crying, but now the look of fear was replaced by a look of hatred.

She could not move, not with her limbs tied. The only thing she could do was scream.


She said it so loudly, that Ren had to cover his ears. 'Wow, she is really loud.'

"Hello there, I am…" Ren began but was interrupted by another tirade by crying and angry demon.

"DON'T YOU COME NEAR ME, YOU HEAR ME?" Her voice was angry, but her expression was rather sad and broken, it was screaming with pain while her tears were streaming down her face.

"Hold on a sec, I not sure who you think I am but I think I can…"

"I know your kind, human" She said bluntly. Ren finished his sentence in his mind '…explain.'

Ren's expression twisted into an expression that could only be described as sad. With his eyes facing down and his mouth open in sighing motion. He was sobbing on the inside. 'Why does every demon I meet mistakes me for a human? I already have enough trouble due to this, but do they have to point it out every single time? Grandfather said I was a late bloomer, but when these damn horns will grow for me as well?'

"Uhm, I think you are making a mistake there, you see I am not a human." Ren began cautiously.

The demon girl looked at him with scrutinizing gaze, and then she shrugged in a prideful manner.

"No, you are obviously human, none else could be so hornless ugly." She said with a smirk.

'She just had to say it.' Ren's expression twisted into a frown. Something about this demon girl just pissed him off. Gone was the sympathy he felt for her when he found her crying inside the chest. Needless to say, the topic of lacking horns was a rather sensitive topic for someone who was almost killed several times for lacking horns.

"That's it! I am leaving!" Ren turned and proceeded to leave.

"Wait! Are you really not a human?" The demon girl called from behind. 'He didn't try to harm me, does that mean he really is not a human?'

Ren turned his head back, looking at the demon girl.

"Of course, that should be obvious, right?"

"Then, if not a human, what are you?"

"A demon, of course." Ren pointed to the symbol etched on the clothing on his back. "Can't you tell at least by looking at this?"

"No way" she whispered. 'Symbol of Tengu household, a family managed by Korgan Karatengu, my father's sworn brother, right hand demon as well as one of the seven Demon lords.'

'There is no way a human-looking creature like him part of Demon Lord Korgan's clan, there is just no way. But…' She glanced at his annoyed expression meeting her own skeptical gaze. "That symbol is the exact mark of Tengu family, of that there is no mistake. He is not allied with humans, if he was he would have killed me as soon as he opened the chest. What in the world is he planning?"

"Aw come on! What will take me to convince anybody? Should I start wearing a horned helmet for convenience now?" Ren replied with visible annoyance.

"If you really are a demon, free me" She pointed with her head at ropes that tied her hands and legs.

"I was going to do that, but now I am questioning whether it was such a bright idea… "

"It is a good idea! Just untie me and that's it!"

"If you say so…" Ren approached her with knife and cut off the ropes that bound her hands and feet.

As soon as she was freed, she proceeded to hit Ren with her knee; making him fall over with pained expression on his face. She then proceeded to run.

'So long, you unfortunate soul!' She gloated in her mind. As soon as she took the first step running, her leg cracked and she ended up falling head over heels on the ground. 'I forgot, those human beings injured me, and this leash is consuming my energy.' She looked at her sprained leg. 'Not good, at this rate I will be found by human beings and they will butcher me. I must get back to the household…'

"Well, now look at where you got yourself. You injured the demon that freed you and even injured yourself while doing something stupid. I guess you really are as reckless as you are moronic." Ren steadily walked over to her in small steps, clutching his abdomen. It hurt a lot, almost like he had indigestion but worse. 'Jamming a knee into my stomach, that hurt a lot!'

"Moronic! You take that back!" The girl demon screamed at him.

"Sure, what kind of a respectable demon gets herself locked in a chest that fell into my trap?"

The girl demon's face flushed red. "For your information, I was locked in that chest against my will by human beings. They took me from my home… Wait, did you say it was your trap?"

"I did build it, so yeah."

"So that means the humans carrying the chest were…" She looked at where the chest was stuck on top of the hole.

"Most likely they fell into the hole. I put many spiked wooden poles inside of it, so I don't think anyone survived falling into that. The blood underneath the chest just proves they are dead." Ren said nonchalantly. 'Whew, that's a relief. I didn't end up killing a demon again. I suppose the casualty caused by the trap would be fine because they were humans.'

"I see. So the humans who took me away are dead." She looked at the trap that lay in the middle of the road. "I am grateful for you doing this, but what kind of a sane living being puts a trap in the middle of a road?"

"At the time it seemed like a good idea" Ren admitted with a goofy expression that seemed to say 'My fault!'

'This guy… he claims to be a demon, but the way he thinks… it's far worse than whatever human kind can come up with. What the hell is he? Walking, smiling idiot?' Her face twisted into an expression of awkward smile.

"Anyways, I thought I would take you with me to the Karatengu household, for you to regain your strength, but it seems you have other ideas, so you are welcome to go, provided that you can." Ren said, noting that she couldn't get far with maimed leg.

"Karatengu household? Can you really take me there?" She asked now eager for his response. 'Korgan Karatengu, I must inform him of someone attacking my clan and trying to murder my father. My father is still alive, I just know it. If I can get Korgan Karatengu, Demon Lord to help my father, then I can save him.' She thought internally. 'But this guy, can I really trust him? I have no choice but to make sure. I will have to trick him into removing this darn leash. Then if he lies to me I can just kill him.'

"Yeah, that should be ok." Ren replied.

"Then do you mind taking this leash off me?"

"So it's not a fashion choice? I thought it suited you?"

"Of course it's not fashion choice, you dumbass!"

"Is that any way to talk to someone trying to help you?"

She gasped and then with a pouting expression she said. "Could you kind sir please take this leash off my neck?"

'Wow, she made a total 180 degree personality change!' Ren was rather impressed. "That sounds better."

He cut the leash off with his knife. It fell to the ground without a sound.

Now free of the binds that restrained her energy within her body, she felt her magical ability returning to normal. 'My powers are back, now I have a security measure.'

"Ok, now climb on." Ren sat in front of her while facing her with his back.

"What?" She didn't expect this to happen.

"Exactly what I said. Climb on. I am not going to try to help you walk. It's faster this way."

'True and it will also make him unable to attack me with his hands while I have access to his neck. But it is just so embarrassing to be in such a position.' She sighed and reluctantly accepted.

"Ok." She climbed on his back. Then he stood up and started walking in the direction of the Karatengu clan.

She didn't know where he was going. He was focused on the road ahead of him without even minding the passenger on his back.

After about half an hour of silent walk, they heard an unexpected sound.

"Ren! I have searched for you after I was done seeing the traps. I couldn't find you so I thought you were walking back home… Wait, who is she?" Akjan exclaimed as soon as she saw Ren carrying a girl demon on his back.

"So, your name is Ren?" the red haired demon asked him.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you, did I? What is yours?"

"Kizilkoz" She said in a proud manner.

"What a weird name" she said.

"Ren! Who is she?!!" Akjan lost her patience and screamed out loud.

Ren looked at Akjan with a smiling expression and said.

"Well, it turns out I did catch something in one of my traps. I found her inside a wooden chest that was inside of the hole."

"Like I would believe that kind of lie!" Akjan said with a sulky expression.

"No, that is the truth." Both Kizilkoz and Ren said in unison.

"Oh, I see… then you two are not on a secret date or something of that kind, right?" Akjan said while nervously shaking her hands.

"A date? I just met her, and I already don't like her!" Ren said with angry expression.

"What did you say?" Kizilkoz grabbed his face from both sides. "Is this the dirty mouth that said that? I will rip it off!"

From Akjan's point of view it looked like a squabble between two kids.

Akjan thought 'He did propose to me, so I shouldn't be suspecting him of cheating. It's not like he tricked me into going away in order to sneak away to meet her, right?' She looked at Ren and Kizilkoz fighting, with her still on his back.

'No, he is not the type of demon that breaks hearts in order to steal more. But still…' Looking at them wrestling, having body contact with each other even if angrily made her want to be slightly more intimate with Ren as well.

'If what he said is true, it just means that Ren is being his usual, loving and helping self. That is in his nature.' Akjan sighed. 'This is exactly why you are not like the others, Ren. That is what I love about you.' She gazed at him rather lovingly without realizing him not holding any feelings or even awareness of her feelings.

"Ren, it's time for us to go back to the household." Akjan said with a smile.

Kizilkoz and Ren stopped bickering and three of them proceeded to walk back to the Karatengu mansion.

Meanwhile, inside the Karatengu household, Korgan Karatengu felt a pulsating sensation coming from his left wrist. When he unraveled the clothing on his left hand he found to his astonishment that the mark that used to be on his left hand had disappeared.

"No! This can't be right!" Korgan shouted out. The mark that used to be on his left arm was the mark given to him by Akil Ras, the Demon King, which marked him as one of the seven Demon Lords. The mark represented the absolute loyalty to Demon King, meaning that anyone having that mark can't directly harm the Demon King. The mark allowed for Demon King to share his powers with Demon Lords in an effort to bestow power during critical situations. The mark only existed as long as the caster is alive.

The disappearance of the mark could only mean one thing-Akil Ras is dead.

Korgan's heart shuddered from fear. Akil Ras is not the type of demon to die just from disease and the last time Korgan saw him he was in perfect health. That could only mean one thing-he was killed.

"But who could be strong enough to kill him? Was it humans? Or someone of demon clans?" Korgan excluded the possibility that one of the Demon Lords rebelling against Demon King. One of the Demon Lords was already dead. The only ones active were Altyn clan Demon Lord, Aiu Clan Demon Lord, Kanat clan Demon Lord, Japalak clan Demon Lord, Kumis Clan Demon Lord, and Korgan himself. The Draco clan's Demon Lord had perished in battle and the family had lost its power ever since. The other clans had power but because they didn't have Demon Lord as one of its members, their authority was lower than the authority of ruling clans. It is safe to say that out of Demon Lords, the strongest would be Altyn clan of Phoenix demons. They were age long enemy of Karatengu family. While the mark of Demon Lords prevented them from directly harming the Demon King, it did nothing to prevent Demon Lords from attacking each other. That is the root cause of how Phoenix family managed to almost wipe out several demon clans.

"If the Demon King is dead, that means there no longer is anyone preserving the stability of the Kalkan kingdom" Korgan realized in horror. "The kingdom without a king is going towards ruin. Unless…" Korgan looked in the sky.

"The Selection. The rightful Demon King must be selected." Korgan thought for a moment. 'In this Selection, any demon or human can participate and anyone who clears all four trials can become the next Demon King. But that means…' Korgan shuddered. 'Phoenix family will definitely aim to produce the Demon King. It will be total disaster if those mad demons manage to take power. It would allow them to implement their view of annihilating every clan that stands in their way, including mine. Even if clans manage to survive, they will be subjugated by Phoenix clan, making them slaves to them for eternity. I know of the cruelty of Phoenix clan, they will not stop at nothing until they subjugate every demon on Kalkan to their whim.' Phoenix demons were infamous for their cruelty to their allies and enemies alike. The only reason they were able to get away for causing so many atrocities was because they were too powerful. None aside from Demon King and maybe combined power of Demon Lords would be able to equal them in power. Because the patriarch of the Phoenix family was Demon Lord, thus reluctantly to Demon King, Akil Ras, the Phoenix family was unable to make any large moves. But now that Demon King is dead they surely will start making their move. They will aim to have next Demon King emerge from their family and they will make sure other clans will have no chance for victory by any means, including assassination.

What Korgan feared the most was that Phoenix family might do to Ren, if they find out Ren is planning to become the next Demon King. Korgan asked every Tengu clan member to keep Ren's identity a secret from the outside of the clan, but Korgan knew that sooner or later Phoenix family will find out. "Altyn clan, I have lost two of my sons because of you, I will not allow you to harm my grandson even if it costs me my life!" Korgan declared.

Korgan's expression turned sad as he poured two cups of Ot-Susin. One was for him, and the other was for his dear old friend, and sworn brother, Akil Ras.

"Thank you brother for all your guidance, and may you rest in peace" Korgan drank his own cup in one gulp. Then he left the other cup under the tree.

Now, Korgan would have to announce to his clan the dire news. There was no use in keeping it a secret, everyone will find out soon enough. It would be safest if they find out the information coming from him rather than outside.

"Now then, where is Ren?" Korgan thought when he couldn't find his grandson anywhere.

Just when he thought that, Ren Karatengu and Akjan Tang entered through the gate towards the Karatengu territory. Ren was carrying someone on his back, a redheaded demon.

"Does my grandson have a habit of bringing unusual demons to his home? First it was Orin, then Akjan, then lizard demons, and now this demon. What could he be planning?" Korgan thought for a moment. Ever since Akil Ras had told him of Ren's actions, Korgan came to understand that while Ren was weak of body he was not weak of mind. All of his actions were strategically planned; it was as though Ren was some sort of master mind. If it is Ren doing something, Korgan believed that without a doubt that there is a hidden purpose behind it. "I can't believe I thought of him as an air head for such a long time, all the while he was such a masterful tactician with such a large ambition." Korgan smiled. "Grandson, as long as you are safe I will support you in any endeavor. If you plan to become the next Demon King, so be it! But I will make sure you survive the trials, so I will teach you all skills you will need for this goal."

Meanwhile, Kizilkoz was thinking of how to introduce herself to Korgan Karatengu. She knew that he was sworn brother to her father Akil Ras, and that he was Akil Ras's right hand demon. Therefore, Korgan Karatengu could be counted on as an ally. If he could help her father then meeting him was a must. She never imagined that this strange demon was a member of Tengu household and that she would be able to meet Korgan Karatengu so easily.

Without a doubt, this was the Karatengu territory. There were many types of demons, but the unusual thing was that there were lizard demons as well, lots of them.

Nobody found this Ren demon out of ordinary, instead they regarded him with respect, and some even bowed their heads when meeting him. 'Just as I thought, he is no simple demon' Kizilkoz reflected. She interpreted Ren as a clumsy fool at first, but from the impression she saw from the members of Tengu clan, she saw that he really was a demon.

'Then why the heck is he assuming such a ridiculous human form? He could have at least kept his horns for crying out loud!' Kizilkoz thought in frustrated manner. Some demons chose to remain in humanoid form instead of assuming their true forms, but most chose to leave their horns intact, as a show that they indeed are true demons. 'Could he have been dumb enough to accidentally conceal his horns as well? That might be why…' her view of Ren now plummeted down again.

"Ren! Master Korgan is summoning us to a clan meeting!" A flying succubus wearing a maid outfit said to Ren while flying over through the air. Apparently she was on duty to inform everyone of Master Korgan's summon.

"Alright, I will be there in just a minute" Ren said nonchalantly.

"A summoning?" Kizilkoz asked from Ren who was still carrying her. A white haired demon was looking at her funnily, almost as if her eyes were glued on Kizilkoz, making her feel the awkward atmosphere.

"That usually means we need to know something important, all of us." Ren said with a shrug.

"Important, huh, then why are you so relaxed about it?"

"Well, there is no need to worry before knowing anything. I will save worrying for later" Ren said with a grin.

"That is true" in her mind she thought 'What a weirdo! How can he say this while my family is in danger? Right, he doesn't know about it. I do need to keep it a secret.'

With Akjan glaring icicles behind them, Ren still carrying Kizilkoz entered the area where most of the Tengu clan has gathered.

Shortly afterwards, Korgan Karatengu spoke.

"Tengu clan, I am here to inform you of a tragic news."

He paused. Everyone's eyes were glued on him, waiting for his next words.

"Demon King, Akil Ras, is dead."

Gasps, murmors, panic, many types of reactions followed right after he said his words. Many demons' hearts became filled with fear. The leader of the Kalkan kingdom is gone, their sole protector is gone. The one who upheld the semblance of order in their lives has passed away.

"Master Korgan! Is that true?!!" one demon cried out.

"I am afraid that is the truth." Korgan Karatengu said with a serious expression. He lifted his left arm, showing unmarked skin underneath it.

"As one of the Demon Lords appointed by Akil Ras, I was given mark signifying my position as Demon Lord. The mark has disappeared and there can only be one reason why. The caster of the mark is no longer among the living."

The Tengu clan seemed to be collectively trembling. The entirety of the demons seemed to be thinking 'What will happen to us? How will we survive?'

"Because he no longer is in control of the inter-clan affairs, we need to be cautious. The other families will pose more danger to us than ever before. I am afraid that means Altyn clan will take action as well."

Echoing sounds came from many of the Tengu clan members. 'Altyn clan? No, this can't be… Not them!', 'They will annihilate us!', 'Those brutes, they will not stop until every single one of whom they perceive as weak is killed!' It was safe to say that Altyn clan was one clan many feared. After all, Altyn clan of phoenix demons was the clan that was the age long enemy of Karatengu clan. This clan was responsible for death of Omir Karatengu, Korgan's son, and to disappearance of his second son Ymit Karatengu, and to Korgan losing an arm. The fact that Tengu clan started to decline was directly caused by the Altyn clan.

"Therefore, I advise you to be cautious. Altyn clan has spies in many places as well as assassins. Do not draw attention to yourselves. Right now, at the time before the selection, Altyn clan will be more focused on dealing with rival clans. In their eyes we are a defeated enemy, we must make sure they think that way in order for us to remain unharmed. Altyn clan is too powerful, without Demon King to suppress them; they are going to take direct action against their enemies. Not only that, the other clans will try to take action as well. The Selection will show the worst in every demon clan for they will try to eliminate competition by sabotage and dishonorable ways. Please stay cautious, danger always lurks behind in unexpected places."

The meaning of the speech was grim. Tengu clan members were not taking it well. But one spark of hope was still there. 'We still have young master! We can help him succeed!' Many of them started to whisper about the young master Ren, who they were informed is Master Korgan's heir.

As long as Karatengu clan had an heir, the clan had a future, and so did its members.

While many of the Tengu were feeling fear and slight relief at knowing their future would not be doomed as long as there was the heir, a particular demon was taking the dire news with horrifying results.

It was Kizilkoz, who still was on Ren's back. Her eyes were wide open, not closing, staying still, as if the horror had frozen her face. Her hands were trembling. Her mind felt cold. It was as if the only vine of hope she held on to was cut off at its base.

When she was kidnapped by human beings, they were attacking her clan. She desperately hoped that her parents and siblings were alive. She wanted Master Korgan's help because she held on to that hope. Now that hope was shattered into bite sized pieces.

'Father is dead. Father is dead.' Her mind kept repeating those horrible words. Her mind was blank from any thoughts other than realization of complete loss and helplessness. She knew she must not show emotion otherwise Tengu clan members will be suspicious of her. Instead, she maintained the still expression on her face, but the trail of her tears from her wide open eyes betrayed the emotions she felt on the inside.

If her father was killed by those humans, that means her entire family is dead as well. The realization of losing everyone she cherished has broken her spirit. Now she knew exactly how Korgan Karatengu felt. Her father had once told her that Korgan had lost all of his family and that was the most painful thing for any demon to live with. Now she knew why, the pain more unbearable than any torture. The pain of having those you keep close to your heart so mercilessly snatched away.

Her body felt numb. She knew she had to act, not to draw any suspicion. Korgan never met her in person, so he wouldn't know she was Akil Ras's daughter.

When it came time to introduce herself, she said "My name is Kizilkoz, my profession is blacksmith. I would like to join this clan."

Strangely, Korgan accepted her in without any questions.

That night, she was given a room to sleep in. Yet, she could not bring herself to close her eyes. The reality has not sunk in yet. Her frozen expression on her face was definitely a proof that it was masking something truly painful.

She sat by herself in the courtyard looking into space, repeatedly thinking 'It is all over, everyone is dead, and nothing matters anymore'

She didn't even notice someone walking towards her.

"You are Akil Ras's daughter, aren't you?" Korgan Karatengu asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Ah!" Kizilkoz gasped. She didn't realize he was there until he asked her the question.

"Yes. I am. How did you know my true identity?"

"Akil Ras and I were sworn brothers; we didn't keep many secrets from each other. He was quiet fond of talking about his children, especially you, Kizilkoz Ras." Korgan said with a sad smile.

Now having no reason to maintain the façade, Kizilkoz broke down in tears. The tears she was holding in burst out in long streams down her face.

Korgan, who was slightly taller than her, put his left hand upon her head in a soothing manner.

"I am truly sorry for your loss, I understand how you feel" Korgan's said in a soothing, almost grandfatherly voice.

She was sobbing, but she was trying to rub her tears away, but even more came in their place.

"Master Korgan, why did all of them have to die? Why the human beings attacked us? Why has fate decided to play such a cruel joke upon us?"

Korgan sadly nodded. "It indeed is like a cruel joke of fate. Unfortunately, this is the reality, whether we accept it or not, the reality remains." He paused. "But at least, you are alive. I am thankful Ren found you, so that you could survive."

"I don't understand, why did I survive? I should have died with them!" Kizilkoz said in anger.

"Then there would be nobody left to remember their names, their legacy would be permanently lost, without a hope of ever returning."

She was shocked at the response. What Korgan Karatengu said was completely true.

"Little one, don't think of dying. Think of living. Think of it as doing a favor to your parents, they wouldn't want you to pass away, I am sure Akil Ras would want you to lead a happy life even when he is dead."

"So don't throw away the life that your family has cherished, doing so would only disrespect their memory."

Kizilkoz nodded. She wiped her tears away, now looking more serious.

"But I have nowhere to go."

"You can stay in the Karatengu territory as long as you would like, child of my sworn brother is always welcome here."

"Thank you, Master Korgan. I will contribute to this clan; I am a blacksmith after all."

"So that truly is your profession?" Korgan asked out of curiosity.

"It is. And also, could you please keep my identity a secret?"

Korgan nodded. "Naturally, I will keep it a secret. If whoever attacked the Ras clan found out there is a survivor, your life will be in danger. So I would advise you to be careful as well. You will be safe as long you are within this territory. Also … are you going to partake in the Selection?"

"Yes, I am" Kizilkoz now resolved herself to take the title of the Demon King, the title that once belonged to her father. Now it was her legacy to uphold his will.

"Then in that case, I wish you luck in your endeavor. Know this; I shall fully support your efforts." Korgan said. He owed Akil Ras his life, helping his daughter was the least he could do.

"Thank You, master Korgan. Your generosity is most profound." Kizilkoz nodded.

Now she officially was part of Tengu clan. Only devil could possibly know what was lying ahead of her.