Volume 3: Chapter 8 - Attack

"My son, is it wise to keep that Tengu there in the dungeon? Is this still according to your plan?" an elderly saber tooth demon asked his son. Kar Kas, now the former leader of the Kas clan, was not sure what his son was planning.

"Forget about the plan, father. That imbecile…He is nothing like what I thought. To think that all of the incidents he was involved in were just accidental encounters…If I hadn't searched through his mind myself I wouldn't have believed it. Yet, why the hell is he so obsessed with making abominable dishes and gardening?!" Nar Kas's mind flashed back to what he saw inside Ren Tengu's head. There were so much disgusting things he has done, so much revolting things cooked into one. Nar Kas felt shudder in his spine. Ren Tengu scared him for entirely different reason altogether. "Forget that. I promised Karli that she will get her revenge upon Ren Tengu and that is what I shall deliver. Unlike Korkau, she proved to be quite cooperative. Considering Ren Tengu proved himself to have absolutely of no use to me, I shall dispose of him as soon as possible."

"Have you contacted the girl?"

"I have, she will be here as soon as she is able. Worry not, father, I shall seal his mouth lest he spills the whereabouts of her brother."

"A wise choice, my son. You truly have the makings of a ruler. If only your brother was here to witness this."

"My half-brother. I wonder what kind of expression he would make." Nar Kas glanced down from the wall of the castle. Their clan consisted of total of six hundred demons all together. It was a stronghold unlike any other. Six hundred may not be very many, but united under his command, they were a formidable force.

"Look! In the sky!" one of the castle guards shouted. Immediately, both father and son turned to look at where he was pointing.

In the sky, there were two figures, about ten meters apart from each other.

One looked like a gigantic crow demon while the other looked like dragon demon. The crow demon had two black wings and a beak, but noticeably missing his left arm, his legs were large talons. The dragon demon looked like a bipedal winged dragon with spiky horns and scales. Both of them looked formidable.

"That's a Tengu type demon! And a Dragon type demon as well!" Kar Kas shouted out, alarmed. Tengu type demons, the crow types, they are practically extinct, with only known true Tengu demon being Korgan Karatengu. The other one was alarming as well; he looked mighty in his own right.

"Whoever they are, I will shoot them down!" Nar Kas extended his hand and fired a blast of lightning at the two demons in the sky. . A long range spell that shot out in a single direction and then exploded, striking everyone in the vicinity. It was a level five spell; highest level spell Nar was currently capable of using.

The arrows of lightning spread and struck both demons, but neither flinched.

"Impossible! No effect! What the hell are they?!" Nar Kas was confused. His spell should have fried them down and made them fall but they stood like it was nothing.

"They are Demon Lord level demons…" Kar Kas's expression expressed pure fear. "Nar Kas, run!"

But it was too late.

The crow demon raised his sole left hand, so did the Dragon type demon.

"Our turn." Crow demon said with hint of controlled anger.

"Indeed." Dragon demon replied.

"Level 7 spell: Chain Lightning Barrage!" crow demon shouted.

"Level 7 spell: Piercing Light Barrage!" the dragon demon shouted.

Immediately, the castle was shot with countless beams of lightning arrows and spears of light, striking down many of the unprepared demons within the castle.

Nar Kas and his father managed to survive by covering themselves with the bodies of their subordinates, sacrificing their lives in the process.

That level spells, they were level 7 spells, also known as Celestial level, and one of the highest levels spells known. To cast it, the users have to be Demon Lord level magic user. That meant they were being attacked by two demons at the level of demon lords. One demon lord was hard enough, but two…this is crazy. Demon lords are only one step below the Demon King, and there are two of them attacking the castle. But the numbers were on Nar Kas's side. He had many subordinates, while there were only two enemies, he could take them!

To his surprise, a large rift opened in space, showing the darkness within. Now from within that rift emerged an army.

He could see lizard demons, fox demons, and many other types of demons, all armed to their teeth. They were ready to strike while Nar Kas's army was still dazed after the lights show.

Demon lords landed from the sky, now the crow demon pointed towards the castle.


Now the battle between the Kas clan and the invaders began.

Nar Kas fought his way back towards the inside of his castle. He needed to stay safe and wait till his subordinates managed to take care of the problem. There were only four hundred strong left, but it did not matter. As long as Nar Kas survived is all that mattered.

As he saw his own father fight against crow demon, he briefly saw a glimmer of hope as his father activated his spiritual form. A massive form of saber tooth tiger enveloped him, with him floating within it. Now he charged at the crow demon with the claws and fangs of his spiritual form. But his hopes were dashed when the crow demon unleashed his own spiritual form, a giant crow which proceeded to chop the saber tooth spiritual form in two with its wing.

Kar Kas's spiritual form dissipated, now he was coughing blood from his mouth. His spiritual form was damaged; it meant the damage was also done to his mana, causing him internal damage. He didn't move as the crow demon proceeded to slam him into a wall just with his left hand. He was no longer moving.

"Father!" Nar Kas shouted. He couldn't believe what was happening. His clan was losing. They struck out of nowhere and so suddenly, his clan was overwhelmed. And now, an army came out of nowhere and was fighting against his clan.

'Wait! That gate of darkness, the one they stepped out of. I know it. It must be him!' The prisoner who escaped. The leopard type demon of Tang clan whom Nar Kas used to torture and used to drain his darkness mana. Only he could cast such spell. No doubt, he was also here.

Suddenly, a sound of commotion could be heard.

"A Monster!!! Stay away!!" accompanied with a sound of being bitten and torn to shreds.

Nar Kas looked behind him, thinking 'What is it now? This situation can't get any worse than this!!'

But apparently, it could.

He saw a six headed monster, attacking everything on sight. It was eating any soldier that was too slow to run away. It even launched balls of black fire from its mouth, exploding the second they struck a demon, allowing it to bite a large chunk off the demon once the demon was unconscious.

"What is that monster…?" Nar Kas wondered.

"NAR KAS!" Nar Kas turned around. He saw someone very familiar. Someone he tortured for his own amusement, someone he used for the sake of darkness mana, forcefully and painfully draining his mana for his own use.

"I see. So you are the one who led them here. I should have expected that, you Tang clan filth."

"Where is he!?" The Tang clan member, whose first name Nar Kas did not know asked angrily.

"Him, oh you mean Ren Tengu? Why are you concerned with him? It is not like his fate will be any different from yours-slow and painful death."

"I will not let you!"

"Then we will just have to see about that." Nar Kas now activate his true demon form. His body now expanded in size, acquiring more feline features. Overall, he now resembled a three meter tall bipedal saber tooth tiger demon, with three horns on his head extending like sharp daggers. His heavily muscled hands now were adorned with large claws. He was ready to battle.

"Tang clanner! This will be your funeral!" Nar Kas shouted as his wild instincts took over, now he charged at the Tang clanner with a psychotic look on his face. He was excited to finally tear that Tang demon into pieces!