Volume 3: Chapter 11- The Aftermath

With all enemies having either fled or ending up as corpses underneath their feet, the Tengu clan was victorious in the rescue of their leader. Not only that, it was their leader who delivered the decisive blow that snatched the victory from the jaws of defeat. Somehow, before they could penetrate the castle, Karatengu Ren managed to free himself along with the other prisoners.

During the one on one duel between Akjan and Nar Kas, Akjan was clearly outmatched. Yet, none dared to step in. It was a battle between two leaders; the victor would be guaranteeing his side's win. Tengu clan members knew they could do nothing but watch as one of their own was getting steadily overwhelmed by the superior foe. He kept pressing on and on, causing Akjan to make missteps due to frustration and loss of energy. She already expended enough energy in order to transport all of them here; it was obvious her mana supply would not last long.

When Nar Kas pinned her down and was about to deliver the finishing blow, the Tengu clan members looked on in shock at what horror would happen before their very eyes. And then, like a shadow he emerged out of nowhere.

With a single swing of a frying pan, he managed to not only incapacitate Nar Kas, but also break all three of his horns. When their eyes adjusted, the Tengu clan members could see the back of their leader, holding a frying pan, his body language rather bold and cheerful. It was like nothing could disturb him, almost as if he entered a state of mind that none of the worldly concerns could distract him. But more importantly, it was their leader who won against the enemy leader. That fact alone was enough to raise the moral of the Tengu clan by enormous magnitude. At this moment, it seemed like none could stop them.

With unconscious Nar Kas tied up and taken prisoner, the Tengu clanners were going back home. All of them were talking to each other about the victory they have just achieved thanks to their master and that the once powerful Kas clan was no more, erased by the Tengu clan, no less.

"It must have been young master's plan, to get captured, just in order to destroy the Kas clan from the inside! It's brilliant!" said one demon.

"And did you see how he showed up out of nowhere just in time to save miss Tang? He did it with such timing and precision…it's impossible to be a coincidence. He really must have planned this out from the start!"

"When he got kidnapped, I started losing faith, even thinking that I might have chosen to join a wrong clan, but after seeing this…I swear I shall serve the Karatengu clan for the rest of my life!" another fanatical demon cried out.

Just like that, the demons of the Tengu clan were left with even greater impression of their leader. What they initially perceived to be his weakness were actually his strength. He had everything planned out from the start…At least in their minds.

The only one who had no clue what was going on was Ren Karatengu himself.

'I might have screwed up. I mean, I saw Akjan about to get killed so I just rushed in there and hit him by instinct with the only weapon I had in my hand. I never imagined I would overdo it so much that all his horns would break and then everyone started chanting my name while I was standing there confused. What the heck is going on here? Why is everyone smiling, and why Akjan and her siblings walking so close to me? And why every female demon I know are giving me dirty looks?' Akjan was carrying her younger sister, so she was holding my right hand with her left. Her younger brother was walking holding her hand. Aijasyl and Shaula had an expression on their face that seemed to say 'go on, never mind us.', and Kizilkoz just walked with her eyes closed in slits, as if seeing a couple walking while holding hands was something natural.

"I knew it, I got kidnapped, so Shaula and Aijasyl must want to give me a lot of scolding, that's why they look like a predator staring at a piece of meat, at least Aijasyl is. Where is grandfather when I need him? Grandpa, save me! I feel like their stares are going to eat me up alive!" Korgan Karatengu was walking in front of them, almost as if he already gave his seal of approval for the relationship. 'Good job.' Korgan silently praised Ren, as he saw his grandson and Tang girl walking while holding hands. Maybe, if he is lucky enough, he would be able to see his great-grandkids…

'Seriously, what did I do? Everyone must be disappointed in me, their resident weakling who got captured and had to be rescued. After we get home I will give them a public apology while kowtowing with my head down, I hope they forgive me. Why the heck are they smiling while looking at me? Are they thinking of giving me manual labor as punishment? How much? I am willing to do three times more farm work than my usual share, so please forgive me!' Ren couldn't help thinking.

Within the procession of Tengu clanners was the gigantic six headed serpentine monster, now even bigger than before. Apparently it fed on so many Kas clan members that it now was size of a small house. It was walking quickly on its four feet, following the scent of its master. After the Tengu clanners and the hydra, there were the rescued prisoners, among them Korkau Jou, following the Tengu clanners for they had nowhere else to go.

"Karli, you can stop hiding now, they are not the enemy." Korkau said in a voice that was only audible enough to hear to the recipient.

"It is you! Big brother!" Hiding behind a tree that the Tengu clan just passed by was Karli Jou, Korkau's sister. She ran up to him and hugged his emaciated body. "You're alive! You're alive! I…I am so happy…" As she hugged him, her tears ended up soaking his chest. His younger sister, the only other true member of the Jou clan alive other than him, he missed her dearly during the time of his imprisonment. His only family, he couldn't help but worry for her and curse the day Ren Karatengu maimed him and caused his imprisonment. But now, he swore fealty to the very same demon. As he saw his sister's canine ears twitching and her tail wagging in happiness, he didn't know how to explain that he was now a subordinate to the very demon who caused his downfall.