Volume 4: Chapter 11: True Leader (Part 2)

After her leader proceeded to make sure to kill the ox type demon that attacked them, Shaula could silently only look at him stabbing the enemy demon with absolutely no emotion in his eyes.

There was only killing intent, simple desire to end his enemies. It was almost as if there was nothing else within him, just the desire to destroy. No happiness, no sadness, no sympathy, or even a hint of regret. To him, this was just a chore, not something he needed to be emotional about.

'I understand he was our enemy, but still…His aura is so cold…What in the world could have happened to make young master this way? He fought like nothing else mattered, not even his life. Does he not care whether he lives?' Shaula wondered.

Unlike the other demons that attacked them, ox demon was extremely strong, resulting in Ren receiving some scratches and bruises.

He was visibly hurt in the process, but not to the point of being unable to move. However, Shaula insisted him to be healed by her.

Now, Shaula proceeded to use healing magic upon her master.

Granted, healing magic was not her specialty, but she knew thing or two about it, Jop Tengu made sure she at least knew the basics.

Slowly, the bleeding on Ren's bare back had stopped, and the wounds started to close.

Then, she made sure to apply healing ointment and bandages on him.

After she was done, she asked.

"Young master, why do you do all of this? I understand you wish to obtain the throne, but such reckless, brutal ferocity…"

"Had I not killed him, he would have killed me. That is all there is to it."

"I understand, but still…you fought him rather recklessly. Doesn't young master cherish his own life? Forcing yourself to fight again and again nonstop, isn't young master pushing himself too far?"

Shaula was genuinely concerned that if Ren kept fighting heedlessly like this, he would soon collapse from exhaustion.

"Cherish my own life, you say? Its tad bit too late for that."

"Why do you say that, young master?"

"I already lost everyone I once cared about, now I have nothing but the desire to carry out my duty, nothing else matters. If I can get fulfill my mission, my life is a low price to pay."

"Young master! Please don't say that! What could have happened to make you come to such a horrifying thought?"

"But it is true. Once, when I was a child, I had everything. I lived in a remote village called Sunflower Village, me and my younger brother grew up there, following the footsteps of our parents. For eight years we lived in peace there, knowing not the evil of this world. But the evil of that world did not forget us."

"World? Was it in this world of Sulum?" Shaula wondered whether Ren was born in this demon reality.

"No. I was born in human world of Alem."

Shaula couldn't conceal her surprise. Ren never talked about his past, but now he was actually going to tell her about it. She chose to stay quiet and listen.

He continued.

"One day, our village was attacked by the human knights. They…killed our parents and murdered my brother… stabbed him with a knife, shot him with arrows, and let him fall down the waterfall. Sight of him falling off the cliff still haunts me in my dreams."

Ren clenched his fist tightly.

"I managed to survive, only to see the village I loved burned down to the ground, none else in the village survived. I was left alone."

Now he turned to Shaula.

"From my point of view, I got nothing left to lose."

Ren sadly smiled, stood up, took a few steps away, and sat down near pieces of wood, making a small bonfire over which he roasted a raw piece of meat he apparently had within the ring he used to store his belongings.

Shaula couldn't help but be moved to tears. She now understood just a little bit of her young master's pain.

She proceeded to take a few steps towards Ren who was sitting on a log, staring into the flames.

Hesitating a little, she proceeded to hug him from behind.

He instinctively flinched, but realizing her intent was not hostile, he dropped his guard down.

"I know this will not help to soothe the pain within young master's heart, but please know we are here for you; we always will be here for you."

"And who are you to me? You are simply an ally master asked to help me in my task, nothing more."

'So that's how he truly felt about us…I see. But just thinking about what happened to him….It's just sad.'

'He never talked about his past before, so that's why. Master Korgan said that Ymit 'disappeared' twenty one years ago; could it be…he did not die, but was sent to the human world instead? That could be why no matter how much Master Korgan searched for him, he couldn't be found!'

More than nine hundred years ago, demon kind had fled from the human world of Alem, and built their kingdom in a world called Sulum.

But travelling from one world to another is possible, one of the ways would be through the usage of gates or portals, but another method was banishment.

If a demon ended up being banished, a seal would appear on his arm, and it would make the demon transported to the human world of Alem. It was a cruel punishment for any demon, which prevented them from ever going back home.

And the worst part was that the seal of banishment slowly drained the power of the demon away, making them weaker and weaker until they succumb to death.

'Master Ymit would never have abandoned his clan…But if what young master said is true… then Master Ymit truly was stuck in the world of humans…Could it be… he was banished there by his enemies?'

That was the only plausible explanation to how Ren, Ymit's son could have been born in Alem, world of humans, not Sulum, where the Kalkan kingdom is located.

'Young master said humans murdered his parents. But if that is the case…Then that means…Master Ymit is dead.' A single tear fell down on the ground.

No wonder Ren was such a twisted demon, seeing something so horrifying must have truly wounded his heart.

"I know I am not someone close to young master, but I am simply someone who understands young master's pain, even if just a little."

She hugged him tighter, making him feel the softness of her body.

No matter what, she wanted to make him feel comforted.

"Don't expect me to thank you." He tersely replied.

"You're welcome." Shaula smiled.

"Weirdo" Ren sighed, before silently muttering

"Thank you"