Volume 5: Chapter 8: Daily Life of Tengu Clan (Part 3)

"Akjin, do you have the rods and hooks ready?"

"Yes, elder brother, I made sure to gather everything we need"

"In that case, let's go fishing!"

Ren needed an excuse to get away from the Tengu clan members, even if it was for just one day.

With Shaula telling him about the food shortage that will soon be happening, Ren could only sigh in exasperation.

'What the hell does she think I am? A miracle worker?! Does she think I can just wave a stick in the air and food will appear? So many clans to watch out for… I need some time to cool off my head.'

Luckily, Akjin, Akjan's younger brother eagerly accepted when Ren asked him if he wanted to go fishing with him.

By now, Ren grew rather fond of the little fox demon, sort of a feeling one has as an older brother looking out for the younger one.

'Though, in my case, I was actually the younger one…' Ren noted.

Back then, when his family was still intact… he could remember bits and pieces of his memories, and the one he missed the most was of his older twin brother, Shen.

"Elder brother, are you feeling ok? You look a gloomier than usual"

"Oh? Don't worry; it's fine. Anyways, time to catch fish!"

"Fish for dinner!"

Both of them ended up singing made up songs about the different kinds of fish they were hoping to catch, as they walked towards the nearest lake.

* * *

"How long will you continue watching me? I can sense you, you know. I have training to do, so you might as well come out; spare both of us the trouble"

"It seems that you have not lost your ability to sense mana"

Lotus Draco appeared from behind the tree.

For the last hour, she followed Korkau, making sure he wouldn't see or hear her, but he still managed to sense her through her mana.

"It's not exactly easy to ignore someone who has more mana than I do"

"When we last met, you were my equal, had you continued on that path to power, without a doubt you would have been the superior one. So, may I ask, what happened to you, Korkau Jou?"

"Exactly what it looks like, Draco. I ended up crossing path with someone who was far more powerful than I and suffered the consequences for my arrogance."

Lotus frowned.

"Korkau, I know perfectly well how strong you were back then. How strong was this foe? Did you manage to at least land a hit?"

"No. He took me down with a single blow."

To that statement Lotus could only stare at Korkau with her mouth hanging wide open.

With Korkau's strength back then, he could pose a challenge even to the Demon Lord level demons, and under right conditions, he could even hold an advantage.

Hearing that someone was able to take him down with a single hit was rather disturbing.

"Did Ren Karatengu take you in after this enemy defeated you?"

Lotus assumed that Ren Karatengu extended his hand out to Korkau after his humiliating defeat by a powerful foe.

"No. The one who beat me was Ren Karatengu."

Lotus almost choked on her own breath.

The more she found out about her fiancée, the more alarmed she got.

To sum it up, he is Demon Lord level demon who could singlehandedly defeat several high level demons, and even take down someone as strong as Korkau Jou with only a single hit.

To top it off, he was an exceptional leader that seemed to excel in manipulating his foes and allies alike.

Having someone like him participate in the Trials almost felt unfair.

But at this moment, she could only thank the Great Ones that Ren Karatengu was not her enemy, but her ally, and her fiancée.

If he was her enemy, Lotus was not sure she could survive another encounter with him.

The first time, she barely made it out alive. She hoped that there wouldn't be a second time.

Lotus knew that if she ever displeased Ren, he could end her in an instant, and the same was true for her Draco clan.

Just the thought of that sent shivers down her tail.

"After that, a Saber tooth demon bastard, Nar Kas, took his time with me…."

Korkau unfurled his clothing, showing Lotus the true extent of his injuries, burn marks, and many scars on his body.

It was obvious he was tortured.

"And then, what do you know, Ren Karatengu shows up in the cell right next to me!"

Korkau continued.

"In less than an hour, he freed himself and the other prisoners, unleashed a monster upon his enemies, and even managed to defeat Nar Kas, with a frying pan, of all things."

Korkau shook his head in indignation.

"The one demon I wanted to kill was defeated by the demon I swore vengeance upon. A single swing of a frying pan, that is all it took for Ren Karatengu to destroy Nar Kas and his entire clan. That crow shattered all three of Nar Kas's horns upon impact; left him less than a demon and to add insult to the injury, Ren Karatengu let Nar Kas live in shame."

Looking at Lotus, he muttered.

"To say that Young Master taught me the true meaning of fear would be a vast understatement"

"I understand"

"If you are satisfied now, please leave me be. I have training to do"

"As you wish"

Lotus proceeded to leave.

Korkau was currently following Sento's advice on expanding his mana pool.

But in order to do that, he needed to use up all the mana in his body, after that, he would use Absorption and soak in as much mana as possible into his body, and then he would release it again.

Repeating it again and again would force his mana pool to expand.

Korkau hoped that by doing this he would be able to maintain the Demon Lord Mode induced by the Absorption for longer than before.

Right now, his limit was about half a minute; afterwards, he would collapse on the ground in pain.

But if his mana pool became larger, then he would be able to maintain Demon Lord Mode for far longer period of time without over straining his body. Right before he could continue, Korkau heard a rustling of the leaves. It was obvious someone was nearby.

"Did you not hear me, leave me be!"

"How rude, can't you even distinguish the difference between Elder Sister and me? My, my, your powers truly have declined…."

As Korkau turned around, he was face to face with a member of Draco clan.

She was a little shorter than Lotus Draco, but her face had a wide mischievous grin spread across it. Unlike Lotus, whose primary color scheme of hair and scales was red and pink; her scales and hair were green and yellowish.

"I guess this is our first time meeting, my name is Lumina, Lumina Draco. It is very nice to make your acquaintance"

She proceeded to point her index fingers in Korkau's direction in a playful fashion.

"Oh great, another one…" Korkau muttered in irritation.