Volume 5: Chapter 17: Adventures of Drunken Crow (Part 1)

'At least these are not Yak tits' Ren thought while half asleep.

He shuddered from memory of suckling Yak udders. That was a memory he tried his best but still failed to erase.

With two demons on his bed, Karli and Lotus, he soon found himself buried in Lotus's bosom.

And soon enough, Ren ended up finding out for himself what breasts taste like.

Funny enough, the only ones he could compare them to where Yak tits, which was a little tragic.

'Damn you, Sento! Because of you I ended up in this situation with Lotus!'

Just what the hell that Sento Draco was thinking? Arranging so that Lotus ended up being Ren's fiancée, it was just a matter of time before they ended up in this situation.

And for some weird reason, Karli also was on his bed.

'Come to think of it, I noticed Karli frequently sneaks into my bedroom while I am asleep, and I got used to seeing her there every now and then. But I thought it was just coincidence….'

As Lotus hugged him tighter, Ren gave up the struggle.

'Well, on the bright side, Grandpa was not mad about me using up all his bottled mana, and even told me that he left half of the orbs and everything else inside. Come to think of it, what orbs was he talking about? He did say that he only took about a fifty or so….Oh, well, it doesn't matter. At least I have the storage ring back'

That ring was now on his finger.

'Oh well, at the very least there are no more surprises…'

What Ren was not aware of was the fact that he had a severe sleep walking problem. So severe in fact, that it was almost as though someone else would take over his body at night and go for a jay walk.

After a couple of hours of being asleep on the bed with two female demons, Ren's body started to move on its own.

When Ren is asleep, his instincts take over and lead him to do very strange things, out of which the sleep walking is the least unusual….

Without his consciousness active, his unconscious mind took over, and proceeded to absorb mana from surroundings, allowing him to easily break free from the embrace of the two demons.

With a wave of his arm, he used a bit of mana he ended up passively absorbing from Akjan to create a portal to somewhere.

Since he was doing it by instinct, he simply entered the portal without a second thought, with no fear of where he might end up.

* * *

Human Encampment: Base of Paladins.

One of the low ranked Paladins walked in with the report to his superior.

"There aren't any sights of the demons as of now, sire."

"Be on high alert. Demons are capable appearing when you least expect them. If you are not cautious enough, their entire armies could be here before you realize it"

"Yes sir!"

"Anything else?"

"On an unrelated note, we found a strange person outside our encampment. He was wearing nothing but his underwear, so we lent him a coat and pants."

"A demon?" The high Paladin asked. His hand was on the hilt of his silver sword.

"No. We used Holy Water on him, poured it on him, and even made him drink a mug of it. There was no reaction. He is human. Though a very weird one"

"Define weird"

"After drinking Holy Water, he started dancing around like a buffoon while screaming at the top of his lungs 'All Hail Holy Mushroom!' after which he got completely naked and jumped into a swamp. We barely managed to pull him out of there before he drowned."

They couldn't have known just how wrong their assessment was. Their guest was not just human or a demon; he was both, a half demon.

While Holy Water couldn't kill him, it sure did make him drunk beyond reason.

"Where is he now?"

"In the cells, waiting to be questioned"

"Good. For now, leave him there. We have much bigger problems at our hands. Focus all forces on defending the base!"

Unfortunately, that very afternoon, their base was sacked by the forces of Bukka clan.

Many of the Paladins were killed; those that survived were chained up and taken away.

Of course, the one person the Paladins have captured for questioning was also taken in by the Bukka clan of Ox demons.

All human prisoners were going to be put in the gladiatorial pits for Bukka clan's entertainment.

Of course, the drunken crow demon was not aware of anything that was happening until he found himself chained up inside the cell.

He woke up sober, with a massive headache, in an unfamiliar place.

His hands were free, but there was a chain on his leg.

Though apparently he still had the storage ring his grandfather gave him back.

Looking around the cell, he found that he was not alone.

The other person in the cell was nothing short of nightmarish.

He looked like a skeleton with fake skin and flesh plastered on top of it.

One of his eyes even popped out of its socket before he fixed it by pushing it back in. He was wearing clothing that looked more like discolored rags.

Calling it a walking corpse would not do a justice to describe him.

"Oh, a roommate! I am Kanka, nice to meet ya!" Kanka's lower jaw now detached and fell on the floor.

Ren Karatengu could only wonder how the hell he ended up in this situation in less than a day.

Facing the walking horror show before him, Ren could only think.

'Somebody help!'