Volume 5: Chapter 25: Kraken vs. Hydra

"I can't believe you" Kizilkoz muttered, her intense irritation was obvious to see.

"Well, think of it this way, it could have been worse" Doran replied. The way he said it so casually with a shrug really was getting on her nerves.

"Worse…" She turned to face him. Their hands were bound by mana sealing cuffs and they were surrounded by buff Ox type demons.

They were prisoners.

"Worse? Worse?! What could be worse than ending up in this situation?!"

"Now, now, calm down…"

"Why did we have to end up here…this was a mistake…"

"Now, now, none is at fault about this"

"None is at fault you say? This is completely your fault, Doran Tengu!"

After receiving a telepathic message from Shaula, who apparently regrouped with Akjan, they were told that Ren was most likely in Bukka clan's territory.

Considering the Bukka clan was close by to the area they were in, Kizilkoz thought it would be prudent to sneak in and see for themselves if Ren is there. She secretly hoped Ren got killed by the Bukka clan.

This was meant to be a stealth mission.

Doran suggested using his Darkness magic to teleport in, so Kizilkoz agreed.

But the results were…idiotic to say the least.

"Teleporting us in to a location that is packed with Ox demons! Not somewhere isolated but right in front of them! You literally put a cheese in front of a den of rats!"

"But look on the bright side; they didn't kill us on the spot"

"Only because they want to get sick entertainment from either torturing or making us fight for their amusement!"

"Well, to be fair…I am a newcomer in this world. Had I been familiar with the territory or the geography in general, this wouldn't have happened…probably…"

"I swear, you are same as your brother!"

"Thank you"

"That was not a compliment!"

Kizilkoz's irritation was understandable. When she was paired up with Doran Tengu, Ren's step-brother, she thought that Doran was reliable, at the very least. But turns out he was just as if not more frustrating than Ren. Being raised by Ren's father did not really help matters.

'And the most annoying part about him is how positive he is about everything! We are prisoners here; get a grip on reality, you fool, for crying out loud!'

Kizilkoz was pretty much crying on the inside.

Every person from his family is something else.

One killed her father, the Demon King, enslaved her, and has the gall to do whatever the hell he wants, causing so much destruction in his wake, while the other one got them captured in an enemy territory due to sheer stupidity.

They may not be blood related, but Kizilkoz definitely saw the resemblance.

'But Korgan Karatengu is nowhere near as wacko as them…did it skip a generation?'

Has she met Korgan when he was Ren's age, she probably would have run for her life. Back then, he was extremely aggressive, constantly getting into fights, with a very impulsive and unpredictable personality.

If anything, Ren was more like his grandfather than he realized.

As they walked forward, the ox demons that captured them led them to the section of the coliseum where the spectators sat. Now the gladiatorial fights were in full view.

Then, they heard a ghastly roar.

"You should rejoice; our young master has unleashed the Land Kraken, and now you have the honor of being its meal" the ox demon who held the chains said in a proud voice.

"Land what now?" Doran asked.

"Feast your eyes upon the majestic beast!" ox demon proclaimed.

Doran's mouth fell wide open as he beheld the most hideous beast he had ever seen.

Ugly was not strong enough word to describe it.

A creature that would haunt anyone's nightmares, that was the Land Kraken.

With countless tentacles attached to a blob like body filled to the brim with razor sharp teeth, this was one monster none wanted to see roaming the land.

Yet, here it was, feasting upon its helpless human victims.

'He said we are going to be this monster's meal?!' Doran gulped.

"We are dead" Kizilkoz's expression, just like Doran, was that of mix of pure terror and shock.

But then, something burst out of the belly of the beast.

At first look, it resembled a dragon, but on closer inspection you could see that it had six heads.

Without a doubt, it was hydra, a very familiar one at that….

"Is that…Fanghead?" Kizilkoz exclaimed.

"Brother's pet, so that means…" Doran suddenly pointed to Fanghead's back. "Look! Up there! I can see him! Brother is up there, on its back!"

Indeed he was there. Though rather than gallantly riding his steed, it looked more like he was taking a nap on its back.

"What the heck is the doing? Is he sleeping…no, it can't be…" but as soon Kizilkoz saw Ren drooling, she angrily shouted out. "He totally is sleeping! That imbecile! How can he fall asleep in such a dire situation?!"

As much as she wanted him to get killed, seeing him not even take his circumstances seriously was truly infuriating.

"This guy's entire family is nuts!"

Looking down at her handcuffs, Kizilkoz regretted not taking up Sento's offer to teach her the skill of Absorption. Back then she was suspicious of everyone in Ren's inner circle, so she declined his offer, thinking that her own power is enough. But now, she realized that she could have broken free off her cuffs has she mastered the Absorption and by extension the Demon Lord Mode.

'I am such a fool….'

"I don't suppose you know how to use Absorption?" Kizilkoz was hoping that Doran was not as limited as she was in this situation.

"What is Absorption?" Doran asked with a goofy grin.

Kizilkoz resisted the urge to slap her face.

"Never mind. We are doomed…"

Land Kraken's countless tentacles tried to catch the flying hydra, but Fanghead easily dodged some tentacles and severed others with its razor-sharp tail.

With a roar, Fanghead's six heads started to blast the Land Kraken with different elemental attacks.

One head used black fire, another one used highly pressurized water, one used earth projectiles, one used lightning bolts, one used wind barrage blasts, and the last one used a concentrated beam of light.

Essentially, Hydra had access to every type of elemental mana that it had consumed, allowing it to adapt its body and be able to produce that element on its own.

Normal Hydras are much weaker due to the fact that they don't get to utilize their abnormal adaptation power to their fullest potential.

Considering Hydras are usually born in swamps or cavernous areas, they usually don't get the chance to consume high quality stuff like mana, instead focusing on consuming rocks and earth, which leads them to usually develop a strong earth affinity.

But the adaptation ability of the hydra only lasts for a year after its birth; after the first year, any power it develops will stay, but it will not develop any other powers.

Because hydras usually are solitary creatures that try to stay away from the populated area, their most known trait ended up being their abnormal regeneration rather than adaptation.

Hydras can also be differentiated into types depending on their affinity, such as fire, water, wind, earth, etc. Usually they develop affinity only to a single element during the first year, which stays that way for the rest of their lives.

But in Fanghead's case…it was slightly different.

His owner had fed him practically everything: different types of mana, metal, rocks, fences, leftover wood, badly made food…

As a result, Fanghead ended up developing multiple affinities, making it a rare breed of Hydra, the Chaos Hydra.

Unlike Hydras with single affinities, Chaos Hydras have far wider array of abilities they can use, and were far more powerful.

Land Kraken learned this the hard way when Fanghead proceeded to cook through several dozen of its tentacles before severing them with razor sharp water and wind magic.

Even a normal hydra is a legendary level monster, one of the most dangerous creatures in this world, but the Chaos Hydra is taking it one step further.

Land Kraken was clearly outmatched.

Fanghead may have been smaller in size than the Red Devourer, but he was far stronger. By biting and pulling the Land Kraken out of the ground by its tentacles, Fanghead proceeded to trash it around from side to side, making the Land Kraken crash into the walls of the coliseum.

It was a brutal battle between two titans; no…more like a giant being flung by the might of a true titan, which in this case was Fanghead.

The difference in power was too obvious.

Kraken roared in pain as Fanghead started to tear off its tentacles, one after another, and eating them on the spot.

Land Kraken's flesh contained a very potent poison, strong enough to kill the victim on the first contact, but Fanghead showed no signs of discomfort. The poison seemed to have absolutely no effect on the mighty hydra.

The reason?

It developed high level poison immunity due to being fed Ren's failed dishes.

In fact, the only reason Fanghead became so ridiculously strong was due to its irresponsible owner having no idea what to feed it, so he stuck to the safest option; feeding it everything he could get his hands on.

Since Fanghead was still within its first year cycle of evolution, he kept absorbing everything Ren fed it, including many monsters that appeared in the fields and on one occasion, countless members of Kas clan of Saber tooth demons.

Eating so many demons did in fact contribute to Fanghead's remarkable growth.

What is more remarkable was the fact that Ren was completely unaware of Fanghead's first year cycle, he was simply trying to find things that were safe for his pet to consume, only to find that his pet ate everything thrown at it.

Eventually Ren simply started to use Fanghead as an alternative to garbage disposal.

After Fanghead delivered damage upon damage, injury upon injury to the poor Land Kraken, hydra proceeded to blast it with a concentrated beam of six elements.

The result?

Land Kraken's appearance now bore an eerie resemblance to Swiss cheese, with countless holes decorating its barely alive body.

Due to the massive damage it had suffered, it could no longer remain, forcing it to end the summoning spell, teleporting it back to the body of water to recuperate. It would take a while to regenerate after taking this much damage.

After Fanghead landed, the rider on hydra's back fell off on the ground.

Now he was busy napping.

"Unbelievable" Kizilkoz muttered.

How can that demon sleep through all that?

What they just witnessed was a clash between two monsters that might as well be the forces of nature, one embodying the water while the other embodied chaos, and it seems chaos prevailed.

"Wow, as expected of my brother!" While Kizilkoz looked at the situation with a mix disbelief and horror, Doran's face clearly expressed his awe and admiration.

"Red Devourer was defeated by that monster?!"

Robos Bukka's fists were shaking from rage.

The trump card of their clan, the one even the Altyn clan feared, defeated just like that.

Killing the hydra itself was impossible, at least not with the current strength Robos possessed. It would take a Demon King level demon to take it on and have even the smallest chance of emerging victorious.

The only other way to get rid of the hydra was to kill its summoner.

Now the hydra started to go after the ox demons; apparently Fanghead developed a taste for demon flesh and since Ren did not tell it to not eat them, it was free to fill up its enormous stomach.

The ox demons in the arena ran for their lives while being chased by that legendary beast. But now that he was not protected by the hydra, the human who summoned it was now right in the open.

"Your luck has run out, human. Prepare to die"

Robos activated the medallion on his neck. The medallion consisted of a coin with a single jewel in the center.

It was a magic item that originally belonged to the Rheno clan of beetle demons. Exceptional craftsmen, Rheno clan made many priceless artifacts and magic items before they were defeated.

One of their greatest creations was Power Stones.

Achieving the True Demon Form and then maintaining it took a lot of stamina and required exceptional skill. Some demons never managed to achieve True Demon Form during their entire lifetimes.

But by using the Power Stone, even the weakest of demons can attain True Demon Form, which lasts until the mana of the user is completely depleted.

One of the dangers of Power Stone was the fact that due to it essentially forcing the user to transform into True Demon Form, it might lead the user's death due to forcefully using up the user's mana and life force.

But True Demon Form achieved through the usage of Power Stones was far more stable than normal and wouldn't dispel if the user lost concentration.

Because of the Power Stones, the Rheno clan was once a formidable force, but now all that remains of them were the scattered remnants and the artifacts the clan left behind.

Such a waste of a powerful clan; driven to extinction due to the other clans wanting a piece of their power, tearing the Rheno clan apart, piece by piece, until they were weak enough to be killed off in one fell swoop.

In fact, Robos obtained that medallion during one of their raids upon the Rheno clan. It was his personal trophy.

Robos's True Demon Form was exceptional due to the fact that he combined it with the power of his demon eyes, the Body Manipulation, which allowed him to change the form of his True Demon Form. He typically used it to sprout extra limbs or increase their size or length to a certain extent.

Though it was not like his body would become pliable like clay, it was more like he could make alterations as long as he had enough mana to do so.

Instead of being a normal minotaur-like entity, Robos's True Demon Form was much larger, about 4 meters tall, sprouting four muscular arms.

The need for the usage of the Power Stone was due to the additional concentration required to use his demon eyes. Concentrating on both tasks at the same time was a hard endeavor, but with the Power Stone, Robos only needed to worry about keeping his demon eyes active.

With a single leap, Robos Bukka jumped off the spectator seat to the arena.

His enormous body was in full view.

The ground cracked beneath his feet as he slowly walked forward.

Just from the looks of it, it was obvious to everyone that the sleeping human was doomed.

"He is dead" Kizilkoz muttered.

"Doran, I don't see any way he is getting out of this alive…Doran?"

Kizilkoz looked at her side and found that Doran was no longer chained up alongside her.

"How did he…?" Kizilkoz gasped at the realization.

One of Doran's hands was artificial, made with earth magic, with enhanced strength and removable, so it would be an easy matter for him to take it off, slip out of cuff on that arm, and then reattach the fake hand before breaking the cuff on his real hand.

Now Doran was in the arena, running towards Ren's location to intercept Robos.

"I am coming Ren! Just you wait brother!"

"That brazen fool" Kizilkoz muttered as she watched the scene unfold before her.

The two idiots, Ren and Doran, were up against Robos Bukka, who was now prepared to kill them.

To make the matters worse, one of the idiots, Ren, was fast asleep on the ground with Fanghead, who started to go on a demon eating rampage, nowhere near him.

"I can't watch" Kizilkoz covered her eyes with her hands.

Even if Ren and his brother were here enemies, seeing them face this humongous demon that was going to most likely splatter them to bits was too much for her to bear.

With a battle cry, Robos Bukka proceeded to charge, but Doran Tengu was not about to let his brother die.

'I will protect you, brother. With all my might. Even if it kills me!'