Volume 5: Chapter 29: Bullfighter

'Greetings. My name is Ren, Ren Karatengu. I am a crow type demon'

'Occupation: Technical leader of Tengu clan.'

'Concerns: About to be killed by an ox demon'

'Currently: Running for my life!'

'For anyone who can hear my mental dialogue, please help! I am too busy screaming!'

Ren managed to barely dodge yet another one of Robos's attacks.

'That was a close one!'

"You will not get away!"

Ren ducked as Robos's sword sliced through the air.

"Give it a rest, will you!"

Ren ended up giving Robos a mighty uppercut.

For a moment, it looked like Robos lost consciousness.

The sword in his hand dropped to the ground.

'Wow! I really did it!' Ren's happiness did not last very long.

Robos proceeded to crack his neck.

"I see. If you are not using weapons, I shall do the same. I will tear you apart with my own two hands!"

Robos flexed his muscles. Just looking at the scene before him, Ren ended up gulping from fear.

"Not even close to what I meant, you psycho!" Ren shouted to no avail.

The chase of a cat and mouse began once again.

Rather than a cat and mouse, it was more like a flightless crow and an angry ox.

"Ren, wait for me…I will be there in a moment….Agh!" Doran's leg was clearly broken. As he tried to stand up, a very sharp sensation of pain prevented him from making any further movements.

"Oh no… I am out of mana, my body is mangled… And Ren is out there alone…but he should be fine, right? He was practically dominating the fight before….He should be able to deal with it alone, right?"

Then he heard Ren's scream.

"Somebody help! I can't deal with this monster alone!"

"Or not" At this point, Doran was not sure what to think of his brother.

One minute he turns into a fearless action taker, the next he reverts back to an idiotic coward.

When it was Inner Ren, all of his sense of fear and reason were gone, with only a crazy Demon Lord Level action man remaining.

Now he was back to a weakling.

'Either he is taking roleplaying too far or there is something seriously wrong with his head'

If only he knew how right on the mark he was.

Another spectator, Kizilkoz Ras, was watching the scene of the leader of Tengu clan being chased by the leader of Bukka clan with a very confused expression.

'I have no idea what is going on anymore.'

It was too silly for words.

One minute, she thought that Ren was showing off his true personality as a powerful leader and a fighter, but then….this happened.

With Robos now chasing Ren, the Bukka clan spectators started to cheer as loud as they could.

They knew better than to interfere when their leader wanted to defeat an opponent by himself. But the least they could do was root for their leader.

'If he started to fight like he did just a bit ago, the leader of Bukka clan would not stand a chance….Then why is he now acting like a complete amateur? Is it in order to make the Bukka clan believe that their leader has a chance at victory? Or perhaps he wants to break the leader mentally? Either way, it is a devious scheme…'

In reality, what was happening was neither.

As soon as Inner Ren got knocked out, the normal Ren ended up waking up.

And he was terrified, running, crying, and screaming all at the same time.

"Take this!"

Ren barely ended up blocking Robos punch, which ended up launching him back as far as ten meters.

"Ouch!" the spots of Ren's arms that he used to block the punch hurt like crazy.

If he blocks another punch like that, he was confident his arms would break.

"Hey kid!"

A voice sounded out. Standing on top of a column made of earth was a rather familiar lich.



Kanka threw something to Ren. Thinking it was a weapon, Ren proceeded to catch it.

But then, when he unfurled it, he realized that it was nothing but a red cape.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?!"

"Your opponent is a bull, and you have red cape. Figure it out"

"Not helping at all!"

Ren ended up running away from Robos with the red cape tied to his shoulders.

'Oh no…it is almost like the color red is making him even more angry than before….Wait a darn minute! That's it!'

With a cape in front of him, Ren gulped before trying to compose his voice to be as confident as he could currently muster.

It was not easy at all.

"Hey, bull idiot! Come at me!"

Seeing the red cape caused Robos to completely lose it. Using his demon eyes, his horns became longer and sharper.

Instead of walking on two legs, it was as though Robos reverted to his primal rage, now running on all fours.

Overall, it was quite a terrifying picture.

But the provocation worked like a charm.

As an ox demon, the red color truly was one of the things that could push him past the point of rage.

Now in a savage state, Robos rushed at Ren, intending to skewer him with his horns.

Using the red cape, Ren jumped forward, intending to use the cape to make Robos go in the wrong direction.

But the maneuver backfired.

Ren found himself on Robos's back, grabbing Robos by the horns.

As for Robos, the red cape ended up wrapping around his entire face, making him unable to see.

What followed could be best described as a bullfighter riding a bull.

"Grab bull by the horns. Is that what it's referring to?" Kanka wondered as he watched the scene while scratching his bony chin. This was truly amusing.

As far as he was concerned, this was a rather fine entertainment.

And this Ren Karatengu proved to be quite an entertainer.

"Their fighting styles are somewhat similar…brothers perhaps?" Kanka wondered for a moment, before dropping the thought.

Looking at Ren trying to hold on to Robos's horns for his dear life was too funny to watch.

"Not exactly what I meant by giving him the cape, but this is way more entertaining" What Kanka intended was for Ren to handle Robos a matador, not a bull rider. As far as surprises go, Ren exceeded all of Kanka's expectations.

With Robos's movements influenced by the crow demon that was pulling his horns, it was a rather strange scene to see, with the two demons wrestling for control.

'I have no idea what I am doing!'

All he knew was that he did not want to die. Ren needed to hold on for his life.

'I feel sick~' The more Robos tried to shake Ren off his back, the more Ren wanted to hurl.

Eventually, Robos ended up crashing into one of the large columns inside the coliseum.

The impact was so strong that the column broke and fell in Robos's direction.

Ren manage to escape just in time, but Robos…with his vision obscured by the cape, he was not so fortunate.

All of the spectators of Bukka clan fell silent.

Their beloved leader was just crushed underneath a stone column.

"I guess that's that, right? Brother?" Doran managed to limp forward using a broken spear.

"Heck not! He is going to die if I leave him like this!"

"Wait! Brother, what are you doing?! He is our enemy!"

"You don't know that! Heck, I don't know that! But right now I need to save him!"

"Are you crazy?"

"So what if I am?"

Ren concentrated on the energy surrounding him.

What he did not know was the fact that he was now pushing his body to use the Demon Lord Mode for the third time in a single day.

Even if he could ignore the pain due to the rush of adrenaline, the next day is not going to be pleasant.

With the mana in the air absorbed into his body, Ren stepped forward.

His body felt exhausted. And from the looks of things, he could only maintain Demon Lord Mode for about a minute.

But he had just enough to do this…

Using all his might, Ren managed to lift up and turn over the fallen column, revealing the ox demon underneath it.

Robos's entire body was crushed; the damage on his body was rather extensive, almost as if he was put through a juice wringer. But even with such damages, he somehow was still alive.

Using his left arm, he managed to make himself look at the crow demon before him.

"You saved me…but why?" he had no idea why this man did not just let him die.

"Well…we are both demons, so there should be no bad blood between us; at least that's what I think"

The answer he received was rather ridiculous, but for the first time since he met this man, Robos cracked up a laugh.

"You are one weird guy, aren't you?"

Closing his eyes, Robos smiled.

"I give. You have defeated me fair and square." Now Robos's fate was in Ren's hands.

Ren extended his hand to Robos.

For a moment Robos was not sure what to do, but thinking about it, he now understood.

This man just spared his life.

At this point, Robos had no right to refuse that hand.

Kanka watched Ren and Robos shake hands.

"What a strange guy…saving the life of his enemy when he could have gotten rid of him for good. But he did make my visit to this world rather worthwhile. Farewell, my friend"

With those words, Kanka transported himself out of the demon world….