Volume 5: Chapter 35: Attack of the Tengu (Part 2)


The servants of Altyn clan were struck speechless at what just happened.

Golden Castle, the place where the patriarch of the Altyn clan resided, just suddenly exploded.

Pieces of golden bricks and broken woods scattered everywhere.

Without a doubt, anyone who was weak would end up being killed by such an explosion.

A single figure was climbing out of the rubble, his clothes tattered, and even with his extreme regenerative abilities, it was obvious he took some damage.

The Patriarch of Altyn clan, the mighty Demon Lord, Jaulon Altyn was breathing heavily.

Phoenix demons might have the strongest regenerative abilities out of all demons, but even they can be harmed when the magic is potent enough.

If that explosion spell had been just a level or two stronger, Jaulon might have been killed by it.

'What the hell just happened?'

Even Jaulon was not sure how exactly his castle was blown up into smithereens.

At first, it looked like the assassin was going in for a straight-forward attack, but then, at the last moment before Jaulon could grab a hold of him; the assassin tossed a strange black orb into the air before disappearing.

What followed was a grand explosion that leveled the castle to the ground.

"Wow, I thought that much would surely do you in, very impressive recovery, Mister Demon Lord" the assassin made a short bow, as if to mock Jaulon. "You indeed are a worthy prey for me to hunt"

By now, all the injuries Jaulon suffered had completely healed, but his clothing could not be regenerated. As he extended his wings, what was left of his cloak was shredded into pieces, revealing a very muscular upper body underneath it.

"You… Why have you attacked my clan?!"

"To test my limits, I suppose" Shengyn replied with a shrug.

"Who do you think you are?!" to be wounded like this…Jaulon felt insult to his pride.

"Just a simple guy after your head, not a big deal"

"I will show you a big deal!"

As Jaulon propelled himself forward, the assassin casually jumped away, avoiding being hit in the process. The rubble that Jaulon's fist had struck ended up breaking into bite sized pieces.

"You will not get away!"

Jaulon unfurled his wings, unleashing two enormous beams of light in the assassin's direction.

Unlike a physical attack, it could not be avoided so easily.

But much to Jaulon's shock, assassin muttered.

"Child's play" before swatting away the incoming beam with his hand and redirecting it at Jaulon.

Just by an odd coincidence, Jaulon and the assassin both were users of light type magic, so it was even easier for the assassin to take over its control

Just like that, Jaulon was struck by his own magic, making him crash into what was left of one of the nearby buildings.

'When opponents have equivalent strengths, the deciding factor in victory is whose willpower is greater. Are you telling me this nobody's will is stronger than mine? That cannot be…No, it is not true!'

Jaulon activated his demon eyes.

The rubble around him started to float up before being launched in the assassin's direction. Their speed was supposed to be lightning fast, yet somehow the assassin avoided them in an instant, before reappearing unharmed, walking towards Jaulon.

"Oh, please tell me that is not all you have got?" the mockery did not go unanswered.

With a roar, Jaulon transformed into his True Demon Form, and at the same time, assumed his Spiritual Form.

Now there was a transformed demonic Phoenix within a ten meter see-through energy based avatar of a giant Phoenix.

"Wow, it totally looks like a chicken stuffed in a turkey" everything went exactly as the assassin planned.

"Be silent!"

The energy avatar's fist collided with the location the assassin stood in just a second ago, but the assassin was quick enough to use this chance to climb on top of the arm.

"Oh, lighten up a little, will you?" Running up the arm, assassin jumped and then proceeded to strike the Spiritual Form right in the middle of the chest, a location where a solar plexus would be on a normal body, with an arm coated with magic.

Spiritual form, while powerful, has a rather crippling weakness. Any damage done on it is reflected on the user, meaning the avatar was a rather large target.

Jaulon Altyn, a very powerful opponent, in raw power, his might exceeded nearly every other Demon Lord, but based on the intel the assassin received from Silver Sparrow, his weakness is his temper.

Push him far enough, he will act without thinking and expose his weak point.

That was the true reason he provoked Jaulon, making him angry enough to unleash his Spiritual Form right off the bat.

Now, the assassin had nothing preventing him from using another explosive, right at the center of the enemy's powerful avatar. He proceeded to teleport right afterwards.

A gigantic explosion soon followed, destroying Jaulon's avatar completely, and not only that, all of Jaulon's limbs were blown off, with only a charred torso and a head remaining on the ground.

Unlike the previous explosion, this one was not as strong range-wise, but with how close it was to Jaulon, it still did massive damage.

Since he is a Phoenix demon, he could recover from that within a minute, but that time was enough for the assassin to land the finishing blow.

'I sure am glad I came prepared. Facing this guy without any preparation would have been suicide' Shengyn breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Silver Sparrow, Shengyn was approximately a Demon Lord level demon, not stronger but not inferior to any other Demon Lords. Combine such power with a cunning and strategic mind; you get the most formidable assassin the world has to offer.

Even the toughest of opponents can go down so easily when you play your cards just right.

Before Shengyn could move in to finish Jaulon, two Phoenix demons blocked his way.

"We will not let you harm our father!" one of them exclaimed, before trying to skewer Shengyn with a spear.

Shengyn simply delivered a single kick to knock away the spear, kick to the stomach, followed by a kick to the neck within three seconds. Phoenix demons may be able to regenerate from nearly all damage, but they do still feel pain.

With every one of his movements coated in powerful magic, he was sure their regeneration would take longer than a few seconds to recover from damage.

As for the second one, he looked rather familiar for some reason.

Kin Altyn charged at Shengyn with a sword, which Shengyn simply swatted away. Then, Kin tapped the medallion on his neck, which started to glow with strange light.

But before he could use it, Kin found his head rolling down the ground after Shengyn proceeded to slice it cleanly off.

Granted, even this might not be enough to kill him, but his prey this time was Jaulon, he couldn't care less about the small fry. Still, when Kin tried to use an unfamiliar magic item, Shengyn was momentarily alarmed, so he proceeded to behead Kin, just to be sure. Just in case, Shengyn took away the amulet from the beheaded corpse.

"What is this thing?" he took away the amulet, but it did not stop glowing.

Then, a form of yet another Phoenix demon appeared within Shengyn's sight.

Zircon, the heir of Altyn clan, has entered the fray.

Zircon was uncharacteristically enraged; it was a rather odd for someone like him to absolutely lose it like this. Even the air around him was radiating with murderous aura.

But then, something strange occurred.

"Who are…" Zirc's eyes opened wide, the masked man before him just sprouted wings, and not just any wings, but wings as black as the night.

The wings of a crow.

And the man's face slowly morphed into that of a bird.


It was obvious what Zirc was up against, his mortal enemy, the crow demon.