Volume 6: Chapter 7: King of Gorillas

World of Sulum consisted of many separate territories.

These territories included Kalkan Kingdom, Frost Empire, Human territories, and many others.

Kizilkoz: 'This is bad….like, really, really bad…'

Much to Kizilkoz's shock, the location of Third Trial was not within Kalkan Kingdom, but in the Wild Lands.

It was a land ruled by monstrous, gigantic beasts.

A place where demons were the prey.

Ruled by the Beast King, the Wild Lands were one of the most dangerous territories within realm of Sulum.

A place dreaded by demons and humans alike….

It was a land where the nature and beasts reigned supreme; truly a place where the survival of the fittest rang truest.

These beasts were different from what one would normally consider a beast-person, being far more aggressive and larger than them.

Some speculate that these beasts are the distant ancestors of the beast-people, much like the wolves are the ancestors of dogs.

The land itself was full of life, filled with lush greenery, boundless drinkable water, and the jungles that seemed to stretch on for miles.

On a land that can support life, the life will flourish to its fullest, which was not a good thing for the demons that had entered this trial.

First trial was a barren land of rocks while the second trial was a sea of Holy Water.

The third trial was indeed different, showing just how powerful the nature can be, if let free.

Kizilkoz: 'This place is a nightmare'

Kizilkoz: 'Father once told me that stepping foot into the Wild Lands is same as suicide. Now I have to take the Third Trial in the very place he told me to avoid at all cost'

The ruler of the Wild Lands and the current Beast King was the Lizard King.

From what Kizilkoz heard about him, it was best to die than end up in his hands.

Even her father, the previous Demon King, could do nothing to tame the Wild Lands. During the beginning of his reign, he attempted to make the Animal Kings submit, but even he could not defeat the Beast King.

Each of the Animal Kings was easily at the level of a Demon Lord if not stronger, while the Beast King was someone who could take on even someone at the level of a Demon King.

Beast Tribes in general, looked upon demons and humans are a source of food, but in case of Lizard Tribes, they sought out females to use for forced reproduction purposes

For a female demon, this was a fate worse than death.

Luckily, the tribe they ran into was not the Lizard tribe, but one known as the Ape Tribe.

One of their sub-classes was called the Silverback Apes, otherwise known as the Giant Gorillas.

Apparently they had a single alpha that was in charge of everyone. If the alpha was killed in a one on one duel, the victor would become the next alpha to sit on the throne of bones.

Kizilkoz: 'They don't even care if the alpha is not one of their kind; as long as he is the one who killed the previous alpha'

Kizilkoz: 'At least they no longer want to eat us'

Kizilkoz: "That aside…How did this happen?"

The current occupant of the skeletal throne was none other than the crow demon, Ren Karatengu.

Sitting as comfortably as he could on a seat designed for an occupant five times his size, he was visibly uncomfortable, all the while sweating in fear.

As to how this happened, let us rewind to a day prior….

Right after stepping in to the portal to the Third Trial, all of the participants found themselves transported to different locations within the Wild Lands.

Apparently the Great Ones wanted to make sure that everyone ended up in different locations, to test the individual strengths of the demons, making them unable to rely on their clan members for support.

Due to this, the Tengu clan demons ended up split up and scattered all over the place.

And as fortune would have it, the one demon Kizilkoz ended up with was none other than the crow demon himself.

Kizilkoz: "Are you kidding me?"

Ren: "I haven't cracked a joke yet, you know?"

Kizilkoz: "And I am the punch line, right? Just great!"

She could not kill him; even thoughts of harming him were forbidden due to her contract.

In this situation, she was his reluctant ally.

If he were to issue a direct order, she would have no choice but to obey.

Kizilkoz: 'I am in the Wild Lands and worse yet, with him of all people! In the most dangerous land with the most dangerous demon! In terms of screwing myself over, I have truly outdone myself!'

Fortunately, Ren almost never gave direct orders to anyone, so it was very unlikely to happen during this trial.

Ren: "Kizilkoz…"

Kizilkoz: "What!? I am trying to think of a way to get out of this mess, you dolt head!"

Ren: "Well, behind you, those…"

He pointed at the giant Silverback Apes coming towards them.

They were too big, too wild, and way too scary for them to handle, so having no other choice, they ran for it.

Seeing that the two demons were fleeing, the Silverback Apes started to chase them.

Kizilkoz: "Why do you always make me suffer?!"

Ren: "Sorry, but it's not like I do it intentionally!"

Kizilkoz: "That does not make it any better!"

Eventually, they found themselves on a dead end, at the edge of the cliff.

Kizilkoz: 'That's it. We are dead'

What she did not expect was for Ren to step in between her and the Silverback Apes.

Kizilkoz: "What are you doing?! This is no time to be playing brave!"

Kizilkoz: 'He is my enemy, so why is he protecting me?'

Apes were making strange noises while drumming their chests.

Ren: "Maybe if I do this…"

Taking off his shirt, Ren did the same motion of drumming his chest as the apes.

What he did not know was the fact that he just challenged the alpha of the Silverback Apes for a duel over the leadership of the Silverback Ape tribe.

He was simply trying to imitate their customs and trying to communicate that they came in peace, instead, he issued a challenge for one on one duel with the boss.

Ren: "I think it is working…."

Then, much to Ren's dismay, a Silverback Ape, at least twice the size of others, stepped forward. He was carrying a crude wooden mace.

Bending its head down, it made its face level with Ren's.

Alpha Ape: "Uha-uha! Ha-ha-hah!"

When he said that, the other Silverback Apes erupted into laughter.

Thinking this was his cue to start negotiating, Ren drummed on his chest once again.

Ren: "Yeah! I am really getting through to him!"

Alpha Ape gave Ren a chance to back off, but Ren simply could not understand them, so he ended up essentially saying "I challenge you to a death match! This one's grip is nothing to sneeze at!"

And the only one who could understand exactly what was going on in this exchange was the poor eagle demon, Kizilkoz Ras.

Fear for her life, combined with adrenaline of running from these beasts, ended up inadvertedly awakening her demon eyes and with them the power of .

But now, she was too scared to realize that her power had awakened.

Alpha Ape:

Stomping on the ground, he caused the earth itself to shudder underneath them. Then, he let out a loud guttural roar.

Ren: "This does not sound good"

Kizilkoz: "REN RUN!"

Even if she hated his guts, she wouldn't wish such a fate to anyone, not even Ren.


Running, jumping, climbing….as fast as he could….

But the Alpha Ape was still on his tail.

It was the same situation where a small animal is chased by an enormous predator. And unfortunately for Ren, he was the prey.

Ren: "Must jump and grab on to the vines…"

But the vines turned out to be snakes.

Ren: "Are you kidding me?!"

Ren: "Vine, vine, another vine, snake! Vine, vine, vine, vine, snake! Vine, snake! Vine…."

It was as ridiculous as it sounded.

The vines were enormous, hanging underneath the cliff.

Somehow, he ended up here after an hour long chase.

Looking down, he could see the land at least a mile away.

A fall from this height would kill any creature, regardless of its size.

Alpha ape, unfortunately, was not a rational type, opting to instead to follow Ren, grabbing on to vines as well.

In Alpha Ape's eyes, Ren was an impudent male that challenged his authority, so how could he let Ren go scot-free?

Ren: "You are one persistent guy, aren't you? Leave me alone, damn it!"

Ren: "Vine, vine, vine, vine….snake!"

This time, it was an extra-long one.

Flinging its tail, it tried to shake Ren off.

Holding on for his dear life, Ren was being shaken from side to side, almost like a swing.

As the Alpha ape lunged at him, intending to snatch him with one swooping motion, something rather unexpected ended up happening.

With the trajectory of the snake's tail and Ren's flailing legs, he ended up kicking the Alpha Ape right on the side of the head.

Even if Alpha Ape's body was tough, the same could not be said for its brain.

A direct kick to the head ended up causing the Alpha Ape's brain to suffer a minor concussion.

The momentary stunning effect was enough for the Alpha Ape to lose its grip on the vines and end up plummeting down to its death.

As for Ren, the swing of the snake's tail ended up launching him up, where he grabbed hold of the vines that were scaling all the way up.

Ren: "*Opening eyes.* Where did that Gorilla go?"

He did not realize he just drop kicked the Alpha Ape down to its doom.

Ignorant of his own accomplishment, he proceeded to climb up to the surface.

There, he was met by the Silverback Ape Tribe.

As soon as they saw him emerge victorious, they started to make strange noises. One of them lifted the panicking Ren up and put him on the throne made of bones.

Since he beat their mightiest member, the position of the alpha of the tribe was his to take.

Now, he was their King.

Kizilkoz: "Unbelievable *puts her palm on her face*"

Ren: "What is going on? Can someone please tell me?"

And that is how this madness began.