Volume 6: Chapter 17: Lost

Rocco: 'We just had to encounter the bear tribe'

Enormous even by beast tribe standards, they towered over the demons with their titanic might.

As the bear beast swung down his arm, the resulting shockwave made Rocco crash into a boulder behind him, with the rock shattering from the sheer force of the impact.

Bear beasts may not be as proficient in magic as other beast tribes or have the mastery of weapons, but what they lacked in finesse or technique, they made up with enormous physical strength.

Rocco: 'Ok, we are dead'

As the bear beast ran towards him, Rocco expected to be killed on the spot.

Instead, what he saw was the figure of a white fox demon stopping the bear beast in his tracks.

Bear beast pushed and pushed, but Akjan's grip did not loosen.

With strength comparable to that of a Demon Lord, Akjan broke both of the bear beast's arms with a single twist motion.

The bear beat roared in agony.

Before the bear beast could do anything else, Akjan kicked him so hard that his neck broke, making his head bend at an unnatural angle.

There were three other bear beasts, but seeing that the Alpha leading them was killed so easily made them hesitate. Fear filled their cowardly hearts.

As Akjan's gaze fell upon them, they prudently chose to retreat, tails tucked between their legs.

Rocco: 'I have been suspecting this for a while, but this guy is definitely stronger than Mistress Lotus, far stronger'

Akjan: "Are you all right?"

Rocco: "Yeah"

Rocco: 'He is this close to the Demon Lord Level, I am certain of it'

Rocco: 'Is this how Ren Karatengu managed to last so long as their leader, because he had him by his side?'

Akjan: "We should get out of here before….."

Suddenly a portal opened and Akjan, caught off guard, ended up stepping into it.

In an instant, Akjan disappeared from sight.

Rocco: "Mr. Tang!"

But it was too late, the portal already closed, leaving Rocco Draco uncertain of Akjan's fate.

* * *

Ren: "Now then…How did I end up here?"

He took off his mask to get a good look at his surroundings.

Not too long ago he was travelling with Kizilkoz, and then all of a sudden, he found himself alone, in the middle of nowhere.

The land seemed to be made out of volcanic rock and ash; plants were nowhere to be seen.

Portals tended to appear and disappear in random locations and Ren just happened to walk into one, and here he was.

He had no memory of when his demonic side took over and thus was very confused about his whereabouts.

Ren: "Why do I keep constantly blacking out? And then I always wake up somewhere I have no memory of travelling to"

Ren: "I guess it is not the time to wonder about that. I must step it up if I have any hope of being the leader of my clan"

A little while ago, Ren asked Sento if it was possible for Ren to step down as the leader of the Tengu clan, but Sento's answer extinguished any possibility of that happening.

Sento: "Hypothetically speaking, it would result in the clan's demise. A clan without a leader is as good as dead"

Somehow Ren managed to convince Sento that it was just a 'What If' conjecture.

Ren: "Oooh, I would like to quit being the leader but I can't, not when my clan's life depends on it, and now there is a scary Phoenix demon that wants to become the Demon King…."

Things just kept getting from bad to worse.

If anything Ren just wanted to watch from the sidelines, safe and hidden as a spectator.

Instead, he was pulled into so many things he had absolutely no control over and now he could only wonder just how deep of a mess he truly was in.

Ren: "I hope I find my friends…."