Round Two? [1]

"Farm, harvest, and babies?"

An ominous feeling washed over Roland.

"It's a miracle that she was able to escape and come back here but I'm sure that precautions were taken by that tribe. Her escape wasn't that simple.

They may have done something to her before she escaped to take her life as though they had foreseen that it would happen.

I'm not sure what they did to be able to such a thing but, in this world, anything is possible".

Roland stood up and exited the room; not sure how to react or what to say on the matter.

Barov watched his retreating figure until he could no longer be seen.

His lips curled up into a smile.

"One step at a time".


Meanwhile, at another location in an underground chamber.

"You damned beasts; getting played by a little girl".

A man, seemingly in his early twenties swore at the beasts kneeling before him.

"L-l-l-lord B-b-brov…" they stuttered.

"Shut up!" the man rubbed his temples.

"You better bring her back here before her family realizes she's not dead. If that witch wakes up

before you bring her back here…" he gave them a meaningful look and they shuddered.

"Get out!"

"Y-y-yes l-lord Brov" they jumped to their feet and exited the room.

The man released a sigh before collapsing to the floor.

"Dammit. Time is running out".


That night, Roland didn't' get an ounce of sleep.

He woke up the following, bags under his eyes. To make matters worse ,he had turned his head at an odd angle suffering a whiplash.

As is his new morning routine he freshened up, had a meal and made his way to the cathedral for his lessons without Barov who 'had an emergency'.

'I may have not known him for long but I feel like there's something fishy about him'.

Memories of Barov's reaction towards him the night before made his insides churn.

Donall was present when he arrived but, to his surprise he was not alone.

The 'witch' that was to be executed was tied to a chair to one side of the room. She sat upright; the smile which teased Roland etched on her lips.

The style of her garment was no different from when he'd first met her.

She was scantily clad; bosom popped out, legs apart and thigh on display.

'Calm down Mary, calm down Mary' he tried calming himself down.

He turned his attention to Donall who was standing roughly five meters away. Lust swam about in his eyes. His face had an expression as though a predator about to pounce on his prey.

This look did not get past Roland. Vivid images of Donall's 'expedition' caused him to gag.

'That's one way to kill Mary'.

He stood by the door of the chamber; his presence was yet to be acknowledged.

His eyes never left Donall as though anticipating something.

Soon enough he saw Donall's trousers tighten. One leg after the other moved until the gap between him and the witch shortened.

'Sh-t! Round Two??'