Volume 0: Chapter 3- Duty

In an inn, within a very distant city of Jauin, people led their ordinary lives, not considering what could be lurking right beside their high held noses. The city had very frequent rains due to it being located close to the rivers and lakes, which is why there was always some mud on the streets. Currently, the rain did not seem to want to stop any time soon, leading the residents of the inn to continue drinking liquors, eating, and flirting.

None seemed to notice a spectral, hooded figure sitting at one of the spots. In their eyes, there was none there. But they instinctively backed away from that location due to their primal instincts telling them to stay away from the ominous shadow they couldn't see but could feel.

The hooded figure was three meters tall, with the hood covering its face. Near it sat a smaller figure, nearly half the size of the hooded figure. He was wearing a grey cloak that concealed his face. Then he suddenly took the hood off himself.

"Why in the world do these things have to cover our faces, I can barely see with it on!"

The tall figure looked in smaller figure's direction. It had reddish black flames in place of its eye sockets on an expressionless skull. Yep, a skeleton in black cloak. If anyone was able to see this, they sure would have panicked and left the inn already.

"It suits me better this way; I don't have to wander about anyone watching me." Desolai replied.

"I see, but wait, none can actually see you! And why are you in this form?" small figure's voice was filled with confusion. He gestured at the skeleton.

"Nur, this form is the one I use when I am performing my duty."

Nur smiled meekly and replied.

"Yes, but it's rather scary. It would have been far less scary if my boss had a real face to look at!" He had to admit he was rather freaked out about having conversation with skeleton. "Please don't tell me that skull for a face is your true form!"

The expressionless face of the skull looked rather confused before the lower jaw dropped down. "This is just how I appear to mortals, it is nothing like my true form. My outer appearance is completely of my choosing." Desolai put her hand on her skull which instantly was replaced by a human face, complete with human appearance. The only indications of her not so human nature were the eyes that seemed to have red flames dancing within them.

"Nur, is this form more preferable?"

Nur wasn't sure how to respond, he didn't want to accidently insult his new boss. "Well, it's not as scary anymore; I can at least tell what expressions you are making"

"That is good; I wouldn't want to scare away my new and only servant." Desolai said rather sarcastically. The appearance did not really matter to her much considering the fact that after becoming part of natural cycle, she was able to obtain a semi-corporeal form with changeable appearance. Because people associated death with skeletons, she found it appropriate to appear as one.

"I have been meaning to ask for a while, but how can they not see you" Nur asked, pointing in the direction of bar keeper and everyone who occupied the inn.

"Naturally, because we are not occupying the same plane of existence as them." Desolai extended her left hand out while a large man was walking nearby. Instead of making contact, her hand passed through him with the man not even realizing who was near him. "To them, we are invisible and intangible."

"Does this mean I can't even touch food? Why did we come here in the first place?" Nur was talking about his growing hunger.

"Don't jump to conclusions too quickly. We are occupying the plane of existence reserved for the Shinigami, so I can't interfere in any of mortal's affairs."

"You can't interfere? Why not? Is there some rule preventing you? Can't you break it?"

"Indeed, there is a rule- rule of nature. I am physically incapable of breaking the rules even if I tried." For emphasis she let her hand pass through the table in front of her. "Of course, that doesn't mean I can't touch trivial, small things" She grabbed a piece of bread from the basket on top of the table. "Of course it takes quite a concentration to do so, the bigger the object the harder it is to lift it up."

She gave the piece of bread to Nur who took it cautiously as if it might pass through him. Curiously he was able to touch it and eat it without any problem.

He decided to grab the food himself.

"Remember, they can't see you, but they can see the bread, so make sure to be cautious."

"All right! I will do just that" Nur timed the interval when none in the room was looking at the plate of food that was about to be served, then he made a swift grab for the plate and the fork. He was successful. None noticed it moved until they realized it was gone. By that time Nur was already enjoying the soup.

"You know, this is rather convenient. But hey, if I am eating it right now wouldn't they see the food disappearing into thin air."

"No, the moment you grabbed the food it entered the Shinigami dimension. Anything that occupies this dimension is beyond the reach of their sight."

"Ah, is that so. Rather nice." Nur replied. "By the way, on the way here you said something about teaching me the thing you called 'Duty', what is that?"

"Allowing the deceased soul to move on to the after-life of course." Desolai replied in a matter of fact manner. "Human soul most of the times ends up trapped in this reality from either lingering attachments, unfulfilled duty, or fulfillment of personal desire such as revenge. In worst cases they become malevolent spirits that are beyond anyone's help. They can't be reaped and they end up hostless, stuck to the mortal realm by the chains of their own ambition. They are theoretically stuck in mortal realm until they fulfill their duty, but without a body it's the same as eternity. My, no, our duty is to prevent the newly deceased soul from becoming a malevolent spirit."

"Malevolent spirit, huh, sounds rather scary" Nur said with a an expression full of fear and shuddering at the thought of it.

Desolai just stared at him astounded. 'Does he not realize that he is currently being occupied by countless malevolent spirits? How can someone be so ignorant of their own soul? Must be the side effect of having fractured his soul, perhaps that is it.'

"They are nothing to fear. They are just disembodied essences of former human beings that try to possess any living being that comes near them. They do so in hope that they can fulfill their duty while occupying the vessel and be able to move on to the afterlife."

"Ah, that doesn't sound too bad, aside from possessing the living beings part" Nur replied.

"If anything, it is just sad to watch." Desolai said with a nonchalant nod. "Malevolent spirits have to wait for eternity if they get stuck to the mortal realm and without consent of living beings they can't even fulfill their duty, so they're pretty much stuck on earth, with none able to help them. That is why we, Shinigami help the soul pass on before it turns into a malevolent spirit."

"So there is a time interval before soul becomes a malevolent spirit?" Nur asked.

"Yes, but it depends upon the decision that the deceased soul makes right after death, whether to stay or go on. My job is to ensure the soul goes on."

Both Nur and Desolai stood up. Desolai extended her hand. A gigantic shadow rift opened upon the wall of the inn. None in the inn saw it. The shadow rift was like a door through which Nur and Desolai went through.

"By the way, where are we going?" Nur asked.

"To the upcoming death, of course." Desolai out her hand into her sleeve, producing a book. "Asul Jem, the one possessing the power of the Sacred Stallion."

"You can tell when someone is going to die?" Nur asked, not denying his obvious fascination.

"Of course, that is my duty after all. I can also tell the cause of death and the history of the one about to die. I just wait before the deed is done, then I can just take care of the soul."

"Sounds logical."

"It has to be. Death is the inevitable end. It will come sooner than later, so there is not use in trying to avoid it."

"I agree, master Desolai" Nur said courteously.

"Just Desolai is fine, Nur"