Volume 0: Chapter 11- Getting Used To It

After making his mentor fall unconscious, Nur carried her body to one of the room that had a bed in it. Shinigami rarely slept so the bed looked untouched for a long time. Nur was surprised how light Desolai's body was, most likely because she was just bones, literally. Kunjarik just followed behind him, occasionally hopping. Once Nur put Desolai on the bed, he and Kunjarik waited for Desolai to wake up.

A few hours passed silently, with both of them looking for any visible sign that Desolai would wake up.

Finally, she slowly regained consciousness. She opened her eyes, gazing at her servant. "Nur, I see. So that was…" She paused once her gaze settled on Kunjarik. "…not a dream." She concluded.

"Mommy! You are finally awake" Kunjarik cheerfully hugged Desolai's face, squeezing it with his small arms. It looked rather adorable from Nur's perspective. A child hugging his mother with such a loving look in his eyes.

Desolai's eyes were sunk in downwards. Her expression looked mortified. Nur was afraid she might pass out again.

"Uhm, Desolai, are you feeling ok?"

Her gaze shifted from the child clinging on to her to Nur.

"This is not good, not good at all."

"What do you mean?" Nur asked with questioning look on his face.

"This violates everything I knew to be true… His existence… it should not be possible!"

"But there he is, clinging tightly to his mother." Nur stated as a matter of fact fashion.

"That is another issue." Desolai's face, at least because now she was in her humanoid form, looked serious. "Shinigami are incapable of reproducing."

"Repro- what?"

"It means we can't have children. Ever." She emphasized the last part. But when she looked at the child beside her, who now was hugging her arm, she realized how pointless her argument was. This child's existence itself was a proof how much Interference could twist anything he interacts with. Interference has no set fate, so whatever Interference does could have consequences of changing the original fate of whatever the Interference interacts with. And apparently, not even an angel of death was immune to his fate altering influence.

"Then, you are one lucky Shinigami. Right, Kunjarik?"

Kunjarik lifted his head up in a cute fashion and looked at his mother with a loving smile. Seeing the child, Desolai thought 'He truly is my child, isn't he?' She felt her nonexistent heart thump with emotion she never felt before. Shinigami never have children, so feeling of parenthood is not something any of them ever experiences. But in Desolai's case, it was an exception.

"Mommy, do you not want me to be here? Do you want me to go away?" Kunjarik innocently asked. Desolai's heart thumped in a painful way. Just knowing that this child was hers made her feel some sort of attachment to it. Him asking such a question from her with such an innocent hearted look sent her emotion over the edge.

"Of course not!" Desolai hugged the child with both of her arms. "What kind of a mother would want to get rid of her child? You are my child! I am not going to throw you away, not as long as I exist!" She said unexpectedly. Her face had tears streaming down due to how much emotion she felt at the moment. Due to Nur's influence, she developed some emotional awareness, and by extension-attachment. Now that she had an offspring, she knew that she wanted to be near her child. She heard about how some mortals were attached to their children, loved them more than themselves and cared for them. Because she didn't have an offspring before, she had absolutely no idea what that kind of parental feeling meant, but now that her child stood before her, she finally understood.

"So, Desolai, can Kunjarik stay with us?" Nur cautiously asked.

"Yes! Of course he can stay!" Desolai cried out while lifting Kunjarik up with adoring look in her eyes. This was her child, a creation that was partially made by her essence, her son, a miracle she thought was impossible. 'So this is what it means to have a child of my own.' She looked at Nur.

"Nur" Nur looked somewhat freaked out, as though he expected a scolding. But to his surprise, he heard "this is the greatest gift I have ever received. Thank you" she said while cuddling Kunjarik in loving fashion, with tears of joy still streaming down her face.

This was not what Nur imagined she would say, but it was for the best. He sighed in relief. "You are very welcome."

Afterwards, three of them went around to the garden. Kunjarik was running amok inside the garden, picking and trying different types of fruits.

"This is going to take some getting used to." Nur whispered, not realizing Desolai could hear his voice due to close proximity.

"It sure will." She agreed. Nur smiled, concealing his surprise.

Both of them stared at the child having fun with satisfied expressions.

"He is half Shinigami, so I have to teach him many things." Desolai began. "He is going to need much guidance so that in time he will be ready for his position as a fellow Shinigami."

"Is there really much to learn? You didn't really teach me that much."

"Much indeed. There are some things only Shinigami can learn for it is within our abilities to do so. Your body is simply incapable of doing some things."

"Like what for example?"

"Time manipulation within your own dimension." She touched a leaf that was green and a second afterwards it rotted away and flew into dust.

"Ok, I see your point."

"But he is also half human, so you will have to give him guidance for what I cannot." Desolai admitted.

"I see."

"I don't even know at what pace he will grow! He already looks like a child of ten years, he even talks like one! How in the world did he learn to talk? There are so many things I don't understand about this child of ours that it makes my knowledge of the universe seem obsolete."

"When you say 'child of ours' that just makes it seem like a huge misunderstanding." Nur remarked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that it could lead anybody hearing to assume we are a married couple!" Nur said with a funny look on his face.

"Is there something wrong with that?" She asked with her head tilted.

"Do you know what that means?"

"Shinigami don't develop such relationships, but I have heard and read about such things." She thought 'Does that mean Nur is my wife, and I am his husband, or is it the other way around?'

"I see."

Both of them enjoyed the view of their son having an excited chase after many butterflies.

"Mommy! Father! Let's chase them together!" Kunjarik called out to them.

Nur and Desolai looked at each other awkwardly before standing up and joining Kunjarik in the chase after the butterfly.