Volume 1: Chapter 15- Finally Out of The City!

"What took you so long?" Aida asked me. Three of us were inside of a horse wagon driven by a merchant. Apparently Aida used hypnosis on him through eye contact and made him believe we were his customers. That was how we were able to exit the city without raising any suspicion.

"I was a little busy." I did not mention that I was stuck in a loop fighting against a ridiculously powerful knight to whom I lost more than seventy times. The only reason I managed to incapacitate him was due to stroke of dumb luck, nothing more. I do really hope that one slash was enough to kill him, I don't want him chasing after me again. "But now we have the map." I took out the map and showed it to Aida and Sariu.

"Mr. Finnerman, where do you intend to go?" Sariu meekly asked.

"Anywhere that is not this messed up city is good enough for me." I muttered.

"Wait, does that mean you truly did not have a plan? Back inside the city you sounded so assured that I assumed you already knew where we were going, but are we on a blind goose chase?" Aida looked at me in disbelief.

"That is one way of looking at it. Another way is to think of it as an opportunity to go anywhere we want to without any knights or humans stopping us. We can finally get to a place that will not be trying to kill us every minute!"

"That sound too fishy~ But I suppose that would be for the best." Aida replied.

The horse wagon kept going, with the brainwashed driver continuing forward. Apparently the road was long and Aida instructed him to head towards the nearest lake near the road.

Before we reached the lake, Aida already fell asleep, wrapping herself with her wings like a blanket. Sariu stared at her with wonder- filled eyes.

"I saw her do this several times but it never gets any less strange or amazing."

"Well, dragons are something, especially when they are masquerading as humans." I admitted. I was a little jealous of Aida, who could sleep with her extended wings being used in such an advantageous way.

"How did you meet her, Mr. Finnerman?"

"Well, it's a long story. There was a rumor inside a city about a dragon that was shot down and I just happened to find that very dragon." I lied. I knew exactly who I was looking for, finding Aida was no accident.

"I understand that, but how come you didn't kill her or better yet she didn't kill you? Even if you are a demon that is an enemy of humankind, dragons are allies to none but themselves."

"Who said I am an enemy of humankind? I am just an ordinary demon who happened to be at the wrong place at the right time, nothing more. Besides it's not like Aida had any reason to harm me, after all I am just a harmless passerby, nothing to be concerned with. I am just an ant in her eyes."

"An ant that broke me out of a prison cell and saved me from being executed and you still call yourself a passerby?" Sariu asked me in an astounded tone.

"Well, that is how I am beginning to see myself recently, a stubborn ant that wants to dig a hole across a mountain, not exactly realistic, mind you, but that is the idea."

"Regardless, you have my thanks. Though, I admit, I don't understand you. Why would you help a stranger and a witch at that?"

"What does it have to do with being witch? You mentioned that something about the Supremacy, and how it is essentially the opposite of the Blessings by gods, but I also am confused, what exactly are blessings and Supremacies, why such a seriousness when people talk about them?"

"You really don't know anything about witches, do you, Mr. Finnerman?" I shook my head. Sariu began. "Gods of this world have supported and aided humanity for eons, guiding and nurturing them towards their whims. Occasionally, gods bestow a power known as Bata, Blessings as they are better known. Those who were blessed with such power are held in high regard and they often live happy lives because they have the support of gods on their side. People like me, however, are born with Jin, Supremacy, a power that is not under God's control and it latches on to a host until the host's death. Unlike blessings, Supremacies are a curse." Sariu clenched her fists. "I wish I could take it off myself and get rid of it, but I can't, the curse shall only abandon me when I lose my life. Ironically, this curse is what lead me to meet you."

"Then it is not much of a curse is it? Do tell, what kind of Supremacy is it? Or are all the Supremacies the same? Can you show me what it can do? Is it super cool?"

"NO!" Sariu ended up shouting at me. I looked at her with the expression that said 'Why did you just shout at me?'

"I am sorry, but I would prefer to keep it to myself." Sariu muttered.

"That is fine. Everyone has their own secrets; I will not pry any further."

An awkward silence followed.

"Well, at least we are finally out of that scary city. Never thought it would be so complicated for a group to get out of a city."

"Then, if that is the case, wouldn't it have been easier for you to escape from this city alone?"

"And leave you to burn at the stake? I don't think so!"

"You hardly know who I am, I do not believe we have met before or being acquainted with you. You should have no reason for helping me." Sariu was making a valid point. I had to reply with a honest truth, at least partial truth.

"I do have a reason. I needed the power of contract, that is all there is to it."

"Contract? Why would you even need a contract? Members of demon kind are usually not weak, I don't see a reason you would resort to become someone else's familiar just for the sake of contract."

"Well, I am weak, thank you very much. A weak demon that has to take any given opportunity in order to have even the slightest chance of survival. Even then, my survival is not guaranteed." I admitted.

"I see." Sariu smiled.

"I apologize if this sounds like I am just using you, but that indeed is the case." I took a sword and proceeded to stab my hand with it. I knew that I couldn't use magic, so the sword was not coated in mana. The tip of the sword harmlessly passed through my hand as my hand briefly dematerialized, and then returned to its normal shape. "I needed a way to make sure that my chances of dying would be lower, now only magic can harm me. Ordinary tools like this…" I gestured at the sword. "They will do no damage to me."

"You are aware that the contract can only be undone from my end and that it will fade away if I am not nearby, right?" Sariu asked.

"Indeed. But I needed the power of the contract to exit the city. If you wish to remove it from me, then go ahead."

"But if I do that, I can no longer come with you!"

"What gives you that idea?" I asked.

"When we first met, we made a deal, I would give you the power of the contract in exchange for you taking me with you. If I were to take away my contribution, you would no longer have any reason to have me with you! Please, I beg of you. If you see me as a burden, you can sacrifice me as you see fit, I would be happy if I could be just of some use for you!"

Ok. This is messed up. I can tell she is not lying. But if she is offering herself to be my pawn, then I would be a fool to not to take this opportunity.

But in order to sacrifice her, I need to be able to take the risk of myself dying away.

I know. I need to assure her that I am going to have a use for her, so for now at least, I will keep the contract. But once we reach the city, I will ask Sariu to remove it. Then, if any threat comes our way, I can use her as a shield, so that I can escape.

"Do you mean it? Don't you cherish your life at least a little?"

"I gave up on life before you saved me. I wish to follow you. I do not have anywhere else to go. None needs me. If I can be of some use to the one who saved my life, then I will gladly give up my life."

Yes, I managed to manipulate her. It seems like I will be able to use her as a pawn after all.

"Then, will you follow my orders without a question?" I now changed my tone from concerned to serious. "Even if I will not divulge my secrets?"

"I will. I will follow your commands, Mr. Finnerman."

"Call me Nur; Mr. Finnerman is a mouthful to say every time."

"Yes, Mr. Nur." Why the heck does she keep adding Mr. to my name? Never mind. I suppose I should count be happy with the current results.

I smiled in my heart. It seems like I managed to get one pawn who will take my orders without question. At least it will make it easier for me.

Now both of them went to sleep on the opposite sides of the wagon.

What Nur did not heat was her sobbing.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so sorry…" She was saying in her sleep, as if her only solace was her very own nightmare.