Volume 2: Chapter 20: Captured

While their intention was to leave as far away from Holy City of Sana as possible, Dark Lord and Camilla did not make it too far.

On their way, they heard the sound of a flute playing, but there was none in sight.

Then, out of nowhere, bones started sprouting out of the ground. Then, the corpses dug themselves out, each one standing upright.

Their sights were focused on Dark Lord and Camilla.

Apparently the concealment spell Camilla placed on both of them was useless against the undead's ability to sense life.

"Capture new victims in your eternal embrace, take them to me, so that they may become same as us, let us flourish our race~" the command was made in conjunction with a string musical instrument; the user was singing the verbal commands to the undead.

Dark Lord and Camilla were surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of skeletons and corpses. Soon the undead were hording on them by dozens.

Using his crystal dagger Dark Lord managed to cut down many of them into pieces, thus destroying them. However, Camilla, with abilities weak in combat was soon captured and tied up.

There were too many undead between Camilla and him, Dark Lord destroyed undead one after another, but they kept coming.

"Liches! Shoot him down!" another type of undead, each one with a staff appeared. They were wearing robes, and on their heads were decorative crowns. Unlike the other undead that were bare skeletons or ragged corpses, they were wearing good quality silk clothes.

It was obvious they were higher level undead.

All of them raised their staffs, out of them shot out a gas-like substance, spreading in Dark Lord's direction.

Dark Lord instinctively covered his face, but it was too late, he ran towards the liches with his weapon, but his body kept getting weaker.

The mist weakened him.

One of the liches proceeded to hit Dark Lord with his staff, making him fall down,

The other lich shot Dark Lord with a dark beam of light that paralyzed Dark Lord's body. Camilla was given the same treatment.

Both of them were tied up, their equipment was taken with them.

Dark Lord was slowly losing consciousness.

But before he closed his eyes, he noticed that the undead had put them inside coffins. The undead carried the coffins on their backs. And the directions they were heading towards the holy city instead of away from it.

Holy City…more like Cursed City…

Dark Lord's mind drifted away into the land of green mist.

As Dark Lord and Camilla completely lost their consciousness due to the effects of the mist emitted by liches, they were carried by the undead inside coffins.

They crossed the barrier without trouble. One of the loop holes in crossing the barrier was that it only detects beings hit directly by the barrier, thus if the entire body of the being is covered, preventing the detection. However it was not quite that simple.

Tricking a barrier like that is only feasible if the barrier was weakened enough. However, in this section of the Holy City, barrier was especially strong, so carrying demons inside coffins undetected should have been impossible. The barrier would have easily detected anyone inside the coffins, after all the barrier was renewed only recently by the Five Holy Maidens responsible for keeping the barrier active throughout the Holy City.

Holy City was the capital of kingdom of Kizilalem, a very large city that had to be placed under protection of a huge barrier, but keeping that kind of barrier active required constant supervision.

But the barriers in this section were only recently renewed by the Holy Maidens, its detection abilities will not start dulling for at least a year. Because of this, humans living inside this section of Holy City were assured of their own safety.

But the one who planned this out already took that into an account.

The coffins his victims would be carried in had special seals engraved on them, making them masked by the aura of the undead.

As effective as barrier was, it can only detect the living, the undead were free to go in and out as they please, and so were those whose auras were suppressed by the undead.

Thus, the victims in coffins were carried through the Holy City's barrier undetected.

Funnily enough, people paid it no heed. The one who organized all of this had given all of his undead disguises that made them look like temple workers, carrying out their duties of putting the dead to rest. People were not surprised to see the robed people carrying coffins; they assumed that the temple workers were taking the dead to be buried.

Little did the people know that the coffin carriers were the undead…

After a long walk, the robed ones reached their destination, an abandoned building not too far from a river. It was the place their master had chosen.

Then, the master of the house himself appeared. A pale being, which could be mistaken for a human being, but his hollow cheeks, prominent bones, and bony physique signified otherwise. The smell of preservatives permeated the air. His eyes were red, but not glowing, simply blood-shot.

He was their master, Kanka the lich. The undead who aspired to create more like him.

"You have done a splendid job. So who are our new comrades?" He opened the coffins.

"A snake type demon and a human. Not a bad catch. I assume you have their weapons?"

The undead troops nodded. One of the undead had the crystal dagger and sheath.

"Good, once they have been converted, they will need them" Kanka smiled and laughed, his jaw moved down lower than it physically possible before completely detaching.

Then with a movement of his arm, he proceeded to snap the jaw back into its original position. His body was that of an undead, while he kept his flesh in order to fool people into thinking he was human, without the preservatives it will rot away.

He was a walking cadaver, but until he needs his disguise no more, he will keep this rotting flesh on his undead body.

"Worry not, my new friends, soon you shall not be bothered by the trifling matters of the flesh."