Volume 3: Chapter 3: Great Plan

New lord of the Sevilles estate, Runfar Sevilles, and his personal butler, Camil, have become the newest additions to the Sevilles estate.

But it was no accident that leads to this chain of events…not an accident by a long shot.

It was carefully planned out, with countless trials and errors before coming to this point….

However, Dark Lord was satisfied with the results.

* * *

At first, they had to get away as far away from the undead as possible. Which is why, they chose to travel towards the northeast side of the Holy City.

After that, it became a matter of gathering information about the nobles in the area in secret. Because of Camilla's concealment abilities and Dark Lord's curse of looping back whenever everything went south, they managed to gather a lot of information.

Dark Lord personally took advantage of his curse by infiltrating multiple noble households, and the minute they found out he was there, he would kill himself, making it so that none of the events actually happened, while he retained the information.

From Camilla's point of view, it took about three days to come upon a noble family of Sevilles, while from Dark Lord's perspective it took about half a year.

It was trial and error, finding a perfect candidate among the noble families.

Augustus Sevilles simply fit perfectly to the criteria. He had no extended family, no known heirs, owned a sizeable estate, and he had a reputation for his cruel means.

With Camilla's help, they managed to sneak into Sevilles estate, and there in his office, they found the most precious document, the master-slave contract he signed with his staff, workers, and anyone affiliated with him.

While Augustus was alive, any alterations can be placed on the contract, so Dark Lord chose to place an additional clause of his own.

If the holder of the master portion of the master-slave contacts passes away, his heir and successor has to take his place within thirty days of previous master's passing, otherwise, all of the ones contracted under slave portion of the master-slave contract will inevitable die.

Dark Lord added that condition while Augustus was still alive, thus it became immediately active.

And then, when Augustus entered his office, Dark Lord had Camilla dispose of him with his poison.

Camilla was a member of Kumis clan of Snake type demons; they specialize in illusion, disguises, concealment, and poison.

The particular poison he used was colorless, odorless, and could not be traced back. It makes it look like the victim died of natural causes, such as heart attack.

Then, it was a simple matter of planting false documents with identical looking hand-writing to Augustus. Dark Lord spent several loops studying Augustus's handwriting, he was confident it could not be distinguished from the original. And for a bonus, a hand drawn picture of Augustus's supposed illegitimate son, Runfar Sevilles.

With Camilla's help, Dark Lord had his hair color altered in order to resemble that of Augustus. He already had one red left eye, and his facial structure was similar to that of Augustus. With all the alterations, a half mask to conceal the undead right half of his face and bandages wrapped around the skeletal portion of his body, his disguise as Runfar was complete.

Dark Lord made sure to make the staff of Sevilles mansion search for him for three weeks in panic. If he ended up being right after Augustus passed away, it would generate suspicion, which is why, it needed to make it look like Runfar did not know of what happened.

After that, Dark Lord arranged for Mordon Myers to 'accidentally' stumble into Runfar in the Stink Eye's pub.

Everything went exactly as planned.

Now disguised as Augustus Sevilles' secret illegitimate son, Dark Lord could bring any future plan into fruition.

"Simply perfect." He whispered.

* * *

It was only a day after Runfar and Camil has become the new member of Sevilles estate.

The mansion was suspicious to say the least, even the staff that lived here thought so.

Incidents such as objects disappearing and reappearing in different places in the mansion were common. Sometimes, chandeliers would drop only when people passed underneath them.

Staff even spread rumors that Sevilles mansion was haunted, but they dismissed it as baseless rumor.

They had no idea just how right they were.

Runfar simply watched with his crimson left eye, as ghosts were staring at everyone menacingly.

No, ghost would not be the right word, malevolent spirits…that was the correct word.

Malevolent spirits were stuck in the mortal plain due to their earthly desires and unfinished business, the most obvious of which is revenge. Unlike ghosts who wandered aimlessly, malevolent spirits could have limited influence upon objects, usually causing mayhem everywhere.

Right, these people, not even Camil can see them, I wonder what in the hell happened in this mansion for so many malevolent spirits to occupy it? Either way, they can't do anything substantial, so ignoring them might be the best call, however…

One of the malevolent spirits was staring at him with angry look on its face. It was a disfigured woman, scarred all over, and for all he knew, she looked like her skin was set on fire.

She stared at him and whispered.

"Heir of Augustus, I will have my revenge. You will not live long."

"I would like to see you try." Runfar looked right at the malevolent spirit.

They were inside his bed chambers; it was soundproofed so there was no chance of anyone overhearing them.

"You…you can see me?" malevolent spirit seems to be panicking.

"I can do more than that, I can send you away; let you rest in peace, that is if you let me."

"Why would I let you do that? My goal is revenge against Augustus for what he did to me! He used me for experiments, cut me up into pieces and then when I no longer could be of use to him, he set me ablaze! Why would I let his son live in peace?"

"Because I am not his son, not really. In fact, I am the one who killed Augustus."

"You're lying! You look just like him!" malevolent spirit hissed in indignation.

Runfar simply pressed his forehead, his golden blond hair changed to black in an instant.

"This is a disguise."

A moment of silence followed.

"I see, you are not lying. You really have killed him."

"That is correct."

"My business is finished, but now…I do not know how to move on."

"I can help you with that." Runfar or rather Dark Lord said confidently.

"I will reap you."

"But I thought only Angels of Death could free a trapped soul from mortal plain! How can you possibly do that?"

"I happened to have worked for an Angel of Death, long time ago." He brandished his crystal dagger and with it, he severed the ties that held the malevolent spirit bound to the mansion.

"Now, you are free. You will leave this mortal realm shortly."

Malevolent spirit's body started to fade away.

"Before you leave, can you tell me, how many of you are here?"

"Augustus has destroyed many lives, there are many who want to settle score with him."

"I see."

"Thank you, whoever you are…" the malevolent spirit faded away into nothingness.

Great…according to her, there are countless other malevolent spirits loose in the mansion, what exactly was my 'father' had been up to? Well, anyways, I will be reaping a lot of them, that's for sure…