Volume 3: Chapter 11: Daily Life (Part 1)

Blood coated the carpets of the mansion, everyone on the inside was killed, and the one responsible was sitting on seat that was put on top of corpses, a gruesome throne.

Members of the Sevilles estate, Runfar's servants, all were killed by his hands. Using his skills and crystal knife, he butchered all of them.

Maids were lying on the ground, some bleeding to death, others decapitated. He simply smiled after tasting their blood.

What a way to relieve stress; just go on a killing spree…and all the piled up bloodlust goes away….

Although he was surprised at how horrified butler, Landon Myers reacted when he saw the scene of Runfar killing a maid and then taking a bite off of her neck.

"Why?" the only question he managed to ask before Runfar grabbed him by the throat and proceeded to gut him.

"Because I wanted to do so."

Of course, Runfar's crystal knife ended up cutting Landon's uniform along with his throat and chest. Apparently, Landon was not a he, but a she.

I will ask him about it in the next life….

The only one who was left alive was Camilla, he could only watch in silence as his master committed one atrocity after the next within the Sevilles mansion, but his master gave him strict orders, so before it is time, he was to watch and do nothing.

"AAAHH! What a wonderful feeling, my mind might just cool down a little after this kind of fun fare…Well then, anyways…It is time."

"Yes, milord." Camilla proceeded to take the crystal knife in Runfar's hand and proceeded to behead him.

Camilla Kumis…Such a loyal servant he is…following my orders even if it means killing me…

* * *

Runfar woke up in his own bed, with maids knocking on the door.

Yep, they are still alive…

Lately, Dark Lord developed a habit of letting loose for a change, with all his piled up stress released in a mad killing spree, and after he relieved his needs, he would have Camilla kill him, so that whatever atrocity he committed never occurred in the first place.

The curse is convenient in many ways, although I have next to no control over it, I can deduce it sends me to the same point within a certain range, if I exceed my range, the point I am sent to will change as well.

The longer I stay alive, the further the curse seems to send me. If I stay alive for only a single day without curse activating, then if I kill myself I will be sent to previous day.

However, if I stay alive for a week, then I could be either sent a week back or anywhere in between that and a day. However, I can be assured that as long as I stay within a single day's range, then I can pretty much make no mistakes. All right, I have seen this day five times already, in three of them I killed all of my staff, while in the other two I was merely experimenting…well, and everything is an experiment in the grand scheme of things…

Runfar proceeded to ask the maids to call Landon Myers into the room.

After two minutes, the lad ran into the room at top speed.

"Young Master! I heard you summoned me, so I came as fast as I could!"

"No need to rush, I am not trying to make you run a race. Please close the door so that we can have a chat."

"Of course, young master."

With the door closed, and the master and the butler alone in the same room, Runfar began.

"Landon Myers, I do appreciate how much you and everyone else works hard to maintain this mansion, however, it feels like everyone is afraid of me for some reason. Without withholding the truth, please do tell me why."

"I don't believe young master would like the truth." Landon honestly replied.

"Try me."

"Well for starters, they are scared of young master, or what he represents that is. Elian, Mirabelle, Leirin, Meriam, Song, Miya, Wylin, Leanor, Ryam, and Vinia are all too familiar with your honorable father, Augustus Sevilles, and considering you are his son, they are afraid you will someday perfectly fit into his shoes. And after Leirin ended up fainting, we almost thought you had done something to her, luckily it was just exhaustion. I am sorry for thinking like that."

"I see, so that's why. Though I noticed that all of them were wary of me, at least Elian tried to be polite, though me taking off my mask may have scared her off." Runfar solemnly admitted.

"Yes, she did tell me about young master's mask, though I am curious, was it really a monster that wounded the young master? Knowing your father, I wouldn't put it past him to inflict everlasting injuries upon his offspring."

"I did not lie to her, though I understand you might not believe me. And no, it was not my father who gave me this mark, but a monster that attacked me. One of the reasons my father wanted to keep me at arm's length was because of this." He pointed at his mask.

"As you are already aware, I am not his legitimate son, I was born of an old affair. I only met him once, only for him to tell me to wear a mask over my face and make sure not to tell of my heritage while he still was alive. Considering I do look rather unsightly without my mask, I don't blame him wanting to keep me a secret."

"Though, young master, if it is not too much a bother, may I take a look at your true face?" Landon was noticeably getting over familiar with Runfar, but that was exactly what Runfar intended.

"Go ahead, I don't mind."

He took off his half mask, revealing the right side covered in scar tissue, the eye was missing, it was obvious the right side of the face was completely destroyed, and the scar tissue that covered it could only make it barely bearable to look at.

Landon gulped as he saw his master's entire face.

"Not exactly a sight you would want to see for a first impression." Runfar shrugged.

"To think the injuries on your face are so severe, I must get you to healer right away!"

"No need for that. I had this injury for a long time now; at this point it is beyond fixing."

"I see, yet it is regrettable. Had it not been for your injury, you wouldn't have to hide your face. But I also noticed your body is always bandaged, is there a reason for that? An injury? Perhaps illness?"

"Well, while I am it , I might as well show you." Runfar took off his coat.

Landon was overwhelmed by shock as he ended up collapsing on his knees after he saw state of Runfar's body.

Runfar was still wearing pants, and his left side looked normal enough with a bare chest, but his right side was completely bandaged up, and even through the bandages, Landon could tell the right side was emaciated and damaged.

"When the monster attacked me, it did a lot of permanent damage, although I managed to somehow avoid from having it bite off my heart, my right side was not so lucky. When I tried to run, it sprayed me with acid on my right side; most of my right side was dissolved, including my eye. It took me months to recover; healer told me that I was lucky to be alive."

"Oh goodness." Landon could only utter two words as he saw the extent of Runfar's injuries. It was a miracle someone with such a damaged body could even move, let alone speak.

Runfar proceeded to put his coat and mask back on.

"Does it hurt?"

"Constantly, but I got used to it by now. Well since I showed you my true self, might I ask you to do the same?"

"How would young master like me to do so?"

"For starters, why a maid is wearing butler's uniform?" Runfar asked of Landon, whose expression could be described as mixture of surprise, horror, and fear.

With her hands trembling, Landon meekly spoke, no longer with male tone.

"Young master knew? But how? Since when?"

"Since the day I entered the mansion. Does everyone else know?"

"Only my uncle, others think I am a boy."

"I see. Seeing that you chose to hide it, I did not tell it to anyone, but I do believe it would be right of me to ask, why?"

"My uncle feared what Augustus would do to me had he known I was a girl. And he was right to do so, just look at what he did to Mira."

Mirabelle Siros, the maid whose eyes were burnt out by Augustus Sevilles, she avoided Runfar like plague, only making sure to make food for him and then running away as fast as she can.

"I understand. I will make sure to apologize to Mira on my father's behalf. But please be aware, I am not my father. I am not going to harm you or anyone inside this mansion, you have my word."

"Thank you, young master."

"But I suppose, Landon is not your real name, is it? What is your real name?"

"Lisan, Lisan Myers." She replied.

"Now that we have seen each other's bare selves, I hope that we can get along, as friends."

Runfar offered his hand and Landon shook it.

Maybe he is not like Augustus after all….