Volume 3: Chapter 13: Daily Life (Part 3)

"Runfar Sevilles! I, Warlow von Clave, challenge you to a duel, with your territory at stake! Refuse and this maid of yours will pay the price."

A large man of about two meters tall, very bulky, it was obvious he was a warrior. His beard along with his moustache covered his chest area. His armored clothing made it obvious he was looking for battle.

In his hand was a large mace.

He was leading his soldiers, followers, and servants behind him. Among them was a captured and tied up maid with red hair and warm yellow eyes. She was captured while she was running an errand outside the Sevilles mansion.

Now this warmonger of a nobleman was using her in order to challenge Runfar to a duel.

Noblemen are not allowed to wage war upon another, otherwise they will be branded criminals in the eyes of the kingdom, but a duel is acceptable if both sides agree to each other's conditions. Noblemen with little to no territories thus challenged nobles who had territories, but the trick was getting the nobles to agree.

That is why, a bargaining chip like a captured maid is necessary.

Warlow von Clave, with his head full of blonde hair adorning his head like a lion's mane, stood proudly along with his army right outside the Sevilles mansion, yelling at the mansion's master to come out and face him in a fight.

"If you are a coward, then I am not responsible for what happens to her, I wonder if she will be able to serve you after she has lost her virtue and been used as our toy. Men! Strip her down…."

Red haired maid, Elian, looked very scared as Warlow's followers looked at her like hounds looking at a piece of meat. It was obvious what their intention was.

But before they could do anything, a voice sounded out.

"That will not be necessary."

A man with golden hair, wearing half mask on the right side of his face, now exited the mansion. His sole red left eye looked at Warlow intently. He was wearing white clothing with silver linings, he wore no armor or carried a weapon; instead he had two apples in his hands.

This was the current master of Sevilles estate, illegitimate son of Augustus Sevilles, Runfar Sevilles. Cat was finally out of the bag.

"Warlow von Clave, was it? All right, I will accept your challenge at the condition that you let Elian go." Runfar took a bit of the apple in his right hand.

"You seem like a reasonable fellow, all right, men, untie her!"

As they untied her, Elian looked at her master with eyes full of dread.

Oh no, Master Runfar, what are you doing? You can't sacrifice your entire heritage, mansion, and estate, just because of me, a lowly servant. Please just abandon me; my life is not worth rescuing.

"Master! Please stop! This is a trap! Please just let me sacrifice myself for the sake of your future!"

"Elian, do not worry. Everything will be all right." Runfar looked at her with his left eye and smiled to reassure her.

Oh no! This Warlow von Clave is a huge, muscular warrior, who without a doubt is very strong. He is a fighter type, using mana in order to enhance his strength. Landon told me just how badly damaged Master Runfar's body is. If he faces off against Warlow, then he will lose not only everything he owns, but his life as well. Why will you not just let me pay the price for my mistake for getting caught? Why, Master? Why?

As he kept taking bite of the apple in his right hand, Runfar now faced off with Warlow von Clave, who now looked at him with arrogant expression. It was obvious he was sizing up Runfar who was a head shorter than he was and three times thinner, Warlow's entire body was a trained muscle, he was a warrior trained for battle, with his mana enhancing his body beyond its natural limits.

Because of his battle prowess, he earned himself a nickname of 'Conquering Bull' which was a nod to his brutal yet fast fighting style using mace or a club. He was a brute who solved things with his extreme strength. Only knights of Holy Order could even hope to be able to best him in combat.

"You have no weapon. Do you at least have a hidden dagger or are you a mage?"

"I have no weapon on me and no, I am not a mage." Runfar now finished his apple. Only the apple in his left hand remained.

"Well, I suppose if I faced off against you armed while you are bare handed would not be very sportsman like of me, so I will not need this."

He dropped his mace and shield on the ground, both of which landed heavily with a thud.

Now they circled each other.

However, in contrast to Warlow, Runfar seemed more relaxed and casual about the entire situation, almost like Warlow was his guest rather than his challenger.

If it was about the contrast about their physiques, then it was obvious that Warlow with his height, stoutness, and powerful muscles held an enormous advantage. Warlow's followers were assured their master would easily squash Runfar in one move.

"So you are Runfar, you do look a lot like Augustus. Though, unlike him, you actually accepted my challenge. No matter what I did, he wouldn't even budge from his place. I was eyeing his territory for a long time now, but when I heard that he passed away and his bastard son took over the place, I could not resist the temptation. And what do you know, my instincts were spot on."

"I am glad you feel that way. However, I am not sure of one thing though, if you get the entire estate if you win, what would I gain from winning?"

"Hah! Like you could ever win! But I suppose the conditions must be even on both sides, so how about this, all of my wealth, riches, and magical artifacts I have acquired after challenging countless other lords and nobles. That should make it a fair bargain. I swear upon my name that should be the prize for being able to best me. If anyone can that is."

He smirked, he was obviously confident there was no way for Runfar to win.

"I see. Then I shall hold you to your word. Would you like an apple before we start? Just a courtesy of my gardener."

He threw the apple in his left hand to Warlow, who caught it with his right hand.

"Thank you, to think you would offer refreshments to the one who will defeat you, Sevilles, you are one weird fellow."

"Is that so?"

"Indeed that is the case. But for this measure of courtesy, I will not kill you; I will only take everything that you hold dear, lord Sevilles."

"I see. I am glad we understand each other."

"I suppose you giving me an apple is some form of a farewell joke then?"

"Oh my dear Warlow, if you knew me better, you would know…I never joke."

Runfar snapped his fingers.


The apple Warlow was holding in his right hand exploded, cleanly blowing off his right hand below his elbow. He ended up being knocked back by the shockwave; his expression was stunned, as he ended up thrown five meters back.

With his powerful body, he managed to not die from shock of having something explode so close to him, but he still lost his right dominant hand.

His eyes wide open, breathing heavily, he watched as a figure walked towards him from the dust created by the explosion. As the dust cleared, the red eyed man with half mask approached him.

Warlow was on his knees as Runfar approached him, and with strength unbefitting a man of his average stature, he proceeded to grab Warlow by his neck with his right hand.

Unlike what Warlow thought, Runfar's grip was not weak but unimaginably strong. Just with his right hand he proceeded to lift scared Warlow's body by the neck, especially impressive by how large Warlow was.

Warlow tried to break free from Runfar's iron grip with his left hand, but his fingers gripping on his neck did not let go no matter what he did. He was steadily losing his air as the hand was simultaneously choking him and lifting him up by the neck.

This strength…it's monstrous!

Runfar's physical strength was nothing to scoff at, unlike what his seemingly weak appearance implied, his right hand seemed to be a lethal weapon in on itself.

As there was less and less air in his lungs as Warlow began to choke, Runfar slowly began to talk.

"Well, well, well. While I do not mind being challenged, you made a huge mistake. None lays hand on my servants. Please be sure to remember that, little Warlow."

Before Warlow completely passed out, Runfar proceeded to throw him with his right hand, making Warlow's body hit the ground hard.

As Warlow started to breath heavily, he found himself with a sword pointed to his neck. Apparently, Runfar took one of the swords of Warlow's followers and now Warlow found himself at a sword point.

No way out. It was clearly a loss.

"Surrender or die. On contraire to popular belief, I am not a pacifist." Tip of the sword touched his neck; just a single thrust was all it would take to finish him off.

"I surrender." Warlow muttered, on his knees.

"Wise choice."

Now Runfar faced against Warlow's followers who witnessed their leader get defeated in such absolute way.

Ignoring Warlow's followers who were cowering in fright, Runfar confidently walked up to Elian, who apparently injured her ankle when she was captured, and much to her surprise, proceeded to lift her up in a princess carry.

"Master! What are you doing!?" It was obvious she did not expect her master to suddenly come and lift her up. She expected him to berate and punish her for causing this mess, but instead he lifted her up in his arms in such a graceful manner.

"Do not worry, Elian, didn't I tell you everything would be all right?"

"You did, master, you did." Elian found herself crying into Runfar's chest, but he did not mind as he now proceeded to walk away from Warlow's followers.

Now that he was about a few meters away from them, still carrying Elian in his arms, making sure everyone of Warlow's followers could see and hear him, he declared.

"Tend to your master's wounds. His life is his to keep, that shall be my mercy to him. As for you lot…"

Warlow's followers looked at Runfar with look of absolute fear. Warlow was a man who could take down hundreds of soldiers single-handedly, but there he was, a man who easily bested him.

"…I will let you go, but on one condition. I know Warlow is not the last person who will challenge me. Tell every noble who wants to face me, they are welcome to challenge me at any time, but if you touch a single hair on the heads of my servants, then I shall make sure to give you a fate you would prefer death over. I hope we understand each other."

Suddenly, Warlow's followers felt the air suddenly feel cold for just an instant, but it was enough to send dread into their spines.

It was Runfar's killing intent, permeating the air for a single moment, but that moment felt like facing off against a highly poisonous snake, they knew if they made a wrong move, they would die.

Warlow's servants took their injured master and proceeded to run.

Runfar, on the other hand, still carrying Elian in his arms in a princess carry; walked back towards his mansion.

"I am very sorry about this." Runfar apologized to his servant.

"Master! What are you saying? That was amazing!" Elian's eyes seemed to be filled with admiration and respect.

"Is that so? I thought I did a rather shabby performance."

"Not at all master. But for causing such a huge problem by getting caught, I sincerely apologize. Please punish me as you see fit."

"You did nothing wrong. Besides, it is master's duty to protect his servants. As long as you and the others are under my wing, you shall be under my protection. I promise."

"Mmaaaaaaster!!!! Thaaaank you!!!!" apparently Runfar managed to earn a rather high level of respect and adoration from Elian, which caused her to cling to him while he was carrying her, crying tears of relief and happiness.

It was obvious that at that moment, Runfar earned her complete loyalty.

What a foolish girl. All it took was a couple of well-placed words and strategic actions. Still, Warlow managed to kill me over twenty times before I chose to use the mana crystal embedded within an apple to detonate in his hand. Injured, and paralyzed from shock, he was easy to deal with. Luckily I consumed a lot of mana during the night visits to knight's barracks, so my right side was strong enough to beat him senseless. This should give them a false idea of my strength and I will have far less trouble to deal with.

Too bad, unlike mana, most of the stolen mana points don't survive the transfer. If I steal six mana points per person, I am lucky if one mana point survives and is usable. I stole mana and mana points from over seventy people already, but while mana is flawlessly drained, only handful of mana points is usable.

I have only twenty three mana points usable at the moment, still, that more than three times the average person's mana points, so it should be ok for now. Though, because they are not originally mine, they will get used up within a few months, if used sparingly a year.

Still, maintaining my image as the kind and gentle lord who protects his subjects is rather cumbersome, yet it is a must if I hope to be able to deceive my enemies.

My staff should be less afraid of me now; Landon and Elian were easy to deal with… however… there is a matter with Mira….

…I will deal with it later.

For right now, I am the fair nobleman carrying his maid in a princess carry.

Though I wonder, why is her heart beating so fast? Is she by any chance still afraid? I suppose it will take time for her to get accustomed to me.

Runfar thought internally without noticing that his maid was looking at him with eyes full of adoration. Her expression was that of a young girl meeting her crush

Master …I luuuooove yooooou…..

She giggled dreamily until they reached the mansion.