Volume 3: Chapter 33: Lukalis Kreschen (Part 3)

Sold out by her own kingdom…

Betrayed by the human heroes she came to view as comrades…

Stripped of her pride and used as a living mana factory…

Lukalis Kreschen finally awoke from her seemingly never-ending nightmare.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she noticed that she was in an unfamiliar room. She was tucked into a bed, wearing unfamiliar clothing.

These were not the used up rags she had on her body, of that she was sure. Her hands and legs were no longer cuffed, and her body felt rejuvenated for some reason.

The room itself was decorated with colorful carpets and lavish furniture; it was obvious this residence belonged to a nobleman. A common person would not be able to afford even the vase on top of the corner table.

However, her being in this room was not the thing that made her surprised. No, it was the fact that she could see anything through her eyes was the most unexpected part.

Everything was crystal clear, her senses were not deceiving her, this was no mere illusion; her sight had clearly come back.

Standing up from the bed, she also noticed that most of her injuries and scars were all but gone. Even the biggest injuries were reduced to mere scratch-marks.

'What is going on? How am I here? How can I see...?'

She ended up looking at a mirror, her aquamarine hair and blue eyes with diamond shaped pupils were clear to see. Her elven features were a common sight among her people, but they clearly made her stand out compared to human beings.

"My eyes…They are restored…" she couldn't help but utter in surprise.

When the human heroes betrayed her and placed a mana concealing cuffs and collars on her, they also blinded her, before selling her off to the mercenaries to be used for her mana supply.

From then on, she could only see the constant whiteness and nothing else. Like a desolate landscape, such was the sight she would have to see until her inevitable end, which seemed to be arriving sooner and sooner.

She had accepted that the white scenery would be the last thing she would see before being used up for good, but now, it seems like something in her fate had been changed.

She was no longer tied up a cave, forced to have her mana drained every single day, as she was helplessly bound to that 'device'.

It seems someone went to the trouble of rescuing her and healing her on top of that.

"But who could have done this? And why? I don't understand…"

Before she could utter another word, a red haired maid walked into the room along with a blue haired demi-human child, who was at least a head and half shorter than the maid. The demi-human child was dressed in a maid outfit as well.

"Oh, Rune, you were right, she is awake, thank you so much!"

Child by the name of Rune simply nodded without making a sound.

Alarmed by the sudden visitors, the elf shouted out.

"Who are you?!"

"I am very sorry; please don't be alarmed, I did not meant to startle you. I am simply a maid in service to the master of Sevilles Estate. My name is Elian Vane. I was asked by young master Runfar Sevilles to escort you to a meeting room after you woke up."

"Runfar Sevilles? Never heard of him."

Lukalis frowned a little, suspicious of red haired maid. She did not know whether this was a trap or not, but if her experience had taught her anything, it was that humans could not be trusted.

Sooner or later, they will betray you.

"Oh, do not worry, he is the kindest master anyone could hope to serve, you have nothing to be afraid of."

"Who said I am afraid?!" it seems like this Elian maid saw through her façade, but Lukalis was in firm denial of her emotions.

"I am very sorry for speaking out of line, miss…"


"Miss Kreschen. Right. Please tell me when you are ready."

"And who said I have to meet him?"

"It is a common courtesy for a guest to show respect to the master of the house by meeting him, is it not?"

"I suppose that much is true. Besides, staying in this room without knowing who took me in would be a height of stupidity…Very well, lead the way."

"As you wish, Miss Kreschen."

Elian couldn't help but think that this elven woman seemed to be very angry for some reason, no; angry was not the correct word to describe it.

She was burning up with a seething desire to destroy her hated ones, even the Elian who could not see into her soul, clearly noticed her killing intent, it was simply massive.

It was almost as if it was a desire for vengeance that slowly grew into something monstrous over a long time.

She had never seen such eyes, filled with nothing but pure hatred, but that hatred was not directed at Elian, nay, her eyes did not even see Elian, almost as if she was gazing at something so far away in the distance.

But among all that hate, there was something else….Fear. It seems her heart has so much fear…But who could this brave elven woman could be so afraid of? Could it be humans?

'Master Runfar, I truly hope you know what you are doing.'

He surely would never invite an enemy into his own house. Master Runfar must have some kind of a plan if the elf decided to attack him.

At least, Elian hoped he did.

With the way the elf looked at her, she could tell she did not like humans, so having her master in close proximity to an elf that clearly despised humanity was unsettling to say the least.

Even if she was a mere servant, obligated to serve her master, as a woman, she sincerely hoped that her beloved Runfar would be safe.

* * *


Knock on the door was clearly audible, the master of the estate was expecting a visitor, and now she has come.

"Master Runfar, this is Elian. I have brought your guest."

"Excellent, both of you may come in."

A maid with an elf entered the room. Rune stayed behind the door, waiting for Elian to come back.

"I see, so she has finally woken up…Thank you, Elian. On another topic…"

the man was sitting on a chair at the end of the table, facing away from them, so Lukalis couldn't see his face.

"Do you have any news to report to me or any significant changes, perhaps?"

"Aside from big sister Mira hiring an assistant, I do not believe there is anything else had changed. Do not worry, sire, the new worker is a young girl who would be occupying the worker's quarters and will only be allowed in the kitchen, she will not disturb your peace."

With more and more people starting to work under Runfar, Mirabelle started to need help in the kitchen. It was amazing how she could handle so many tasks despite being blind, able to cook for the entire Sevilles Household, but as more and more people came in, even someone of her talent needed assistance.

"I see, I suppose it is about time…well done, Elian. You may go back to your duties."

"Thank you, master Runfar."

The maid bowed before exited the room.

Standing up from his chair, the man sitting at the base of the long table now finally faced his guest.

He was leaning on a cane and half mask was concealing the right side of his face. Peering at his guest with his piercing, blood red eye, he spoke to his guest.

"I welcome you, Lukalis Kreschen."