Volume 3: Chapter 36: Return?

'Oh my black winged angel, where have you gone to? Every moment I spend here is just a painful reminder that I will never see you again.'

'I am so lost. Where am I? Who is controlling my body? I can no longer tell…I must hold on…I must hold on or I will disappear again….No, I can feel it…I will be gone again if he wakes up….

'My beloved, when shall I be free of this curse and the darkness that has taken me over, to see you once more? In these rare moments I can feel my consciousness coming back, but I am steadily fading away….Soon, there will be nothing left and the only thing that shall remain will be darkness…'

'You got that right, Nur Finnerman. And I shall remain in control. This body is mine to control. And do you know why? It is because you don't have what it takes to get the job done. But I do.'

Two sides of the man who once was known as Nur Finnerman and was now nothing more than a nameless darkness, collided against each other.

Each desired to manifest.

This is why Dark Lord hated sleeping.

Every time he slept or closed his eyes, he would see the thoughts and memories, vestiges of what once was Nur Finnerman.

But the moment he was born in that dark room, when Nur Finnerman had given up, he was ready….Unlike Nur Finnerman, he was up to the task.

And he was not about to let what remained of Nur Finnerman to manifest ever again.

It might have looked like madness to anyone who could see into his mind, but light and darkness were always struggling against each other.

But every single time, the result was the same, darkness was victorious.

And thus, Dark Lord, not Nur Finnerman, remained in control of the body.

Dark Lord noticed by now that if he did not take caution, there was a possibility Nur Finnerman might come back, so any time he detected his thoughts within his mind, he would suppress them by force until the only thing he could hear were his own thoughts and nothing else.

Reverting back to that foolish boy was the last thing Dark Lord wanted to happen.

After all, Dark Lord was not Nur Finnerman.

It would be erroneous to assume Dark Lord was Nur Finnerman pretending to be someone else.

Nay, Dark Lord and Nur Finnerman were two different people; both were simply stuck within the same body.

Dark Lord was always there, sleeping, lying dormant within Nur Finnerman's heart.

But ever since that fateful day, their positions were reversed.

Now the one sealed within the heart was Nur Finnerman and the one who was awake was the Dark Lord.

One could not exist without another.

Dark Lord knew for a fact that as long as he remained active, Nur Finnerman would still be there, lying dormant, but he would never truly disappear.

Dark Lord did not fear death or anything gods could throw at him. If it is true death, then he would gladly welcome it.

What he did fear was ending back within the locket, within the heart.

One of the reasons he was grateful for that torturer was the fact the torturer had freed him.

When he was sealed within Nur Finnerman's heart, he could do nothing but watch, but thanks to that torturer, Dark Lord managed to escape from the locket that was Nur Finnerman's heart and took over the body.

Nur Finnerman was now sealed away within the same locket Dark Lord once was in.

But that raised a definite possibility.

If Dark Lord managed to escape Nur Finnerman's heart when Nur Finnerman was at his weakest, what would prevent Nur Finnerman doing the same when Dark Lord has his guard down?

That possibility combined with Nur Finnerman's occasional voice within his cranium, terrified Dark Lord to no end.

To be sealed away again…to be essentially snuffed out of existence…that was once thing he strived to avoid.

Desolai once said there are two sides to everything, one on the outside and one on the inside.

As long as Nur Finnerman remains sealed away, deep down, where he could not influence Dark Lord's thoughts, then everything would be fine.

But in the rare moments when Dark Lord would truly let his mind rest and drifted off to sleep, Nur Finnerman would try to take over.

But usually, the only thing he managed to do was open his eyes.

He was trapped within his own body.

Ever since Dark Lord had taken him over, he could no longer manifest while Dark Lord was awake.

But now, a rare chance has arrived…

…A chance to escape.

He felt that he could now move his body.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? Why am I dressed like this?"

Nur Finnerman inspected his right hand; it was covered in some type of substance resembling skin and then wrapped up in countless bandages.

As Dark Lord and Nur Finnerman did not share memories, Nur was not aware that this was fake skin Camilla attached to his body to hide him being half undead.

In fact, Nur Finnerman was not even aware he was currently almost half of his body is that of a skeleton.

"How did I end up here? The last thing I remember was being taken apart, piece by piece….am I a prisoner? Why am I covered in bandages? What are they going to do to me? I must get out of here!"

Falling off his bed, Nur struggled to move.

For some reason, his body was hurting all over, but Nur did not care.

Forcing his body to move, he managed to grab the cane that was nearby; with it he pushed himself to stand up.

He was limping.

His body hurt all over.

But he did not care.

He had to find his beloved angel….

He had to get back to his family…..

That was all that mattered.

He did not know where he was or how he ended up here, but it did not matter, all that mattered was that he was in control, for now, and he had to do this before the devil within him woke up once again.

However, after he reached the stairs, Nur felt an undeniable sensation of pain within his psyche.

"Oh no you don't!"

Dark Lord had woken up.

His right hand was no longer his own to control….

And then the rest followed.

With a final desperate attempt to keep in control, Nur pushed his body, resulting in him tumbling down the stairs.

Hitting his head several times, both occupants of the body ended up passing out, the maid ended up finding Runfar's injured body and after panicking a little, she took put him in a bedroom to be taken care of.

Once again, Nur Finnerman ended up sealed away within the heart.

Darkness within him proved too strong.