Volume 3: Chapter 40: Secondary Deity

"Foolish mortals, no matter how many of you defy me, no matter how much you struggle; it will never be enough to reach me"

All of the Shadow Lords were slaughtered and their leader was currently held by the throat by the entity before him.

His name was Dominus, the Secondary Deity serving Terros, the primary deity of Earth.

His majestic form, dressed in a tunic was a truly sight to behold. His skin seemed to radiate with a godly presence.

Granted, he may be a low ranked deity, but he still was one of the gods, thus he exceeded everyone in the mortal realm, including the fools who dared to challenge him.

Unlike the other gods who walk among the mortals anonymously, Dominus took no such caution, frequently announcing himself as a god and making people bow at his presence.

This was why the ones who targeted Dominus had no trouble finding him.

However, they were quickly outmatched by the Secondary God, who proceeded to kill them off one after another, leaving their ring leader for last.

"Take this knowledge to your grave, little mortal, there is no power in this world greater than that of a god. Challenging the will of god is the crime of the highest caliber. You should consider a death to be mercy."

But to his statement, the man he was holding by the throat simply laughed out loud.

"Mercy? Ha ha ha…Mercy? Ha ha ha ha…"

"What's so funny?"

"It is just that gods are not known to be merciful, and judging by the way you indulge in wine, luxury, and women….you were not originally a god, were you?"

"Your observation is correct, I once was a mortal just like yourself, but for my years of faithful service, Lord Terros allowed me to transcend the realm of mortals. And now, I am a god."

Dominos started to squeeze the neck of the victim harder, but the mad expression on the mortal's face did not go away.

"Power of a god is absolute, just what kind of a fool would you have to be to challenge me even after knowing that you have no chance at winning?"

He loosened his grip upon the mortal's neck, allowing him to reply.

"The type of fool who had just about enough of gods and would like nothing better than to squash them one by one."

"What you speak of is blasphemy, fool!"

"I might be a fool, but at I at least know my purpose, but then what does it make you, someone who can only see a path underneath a cloak of so called gods?"

"Your arrogance is most insulting."

Dominus proceeded to chop off the mortal's right arm.

"Still not enough?"

"I wonder" the mortal was chuckling; Dominus felt a little sense of dread.

Was this mortal finding this situation funny? He should be screaming in pain, but for some reason the entire thing seemed to only entertain him.

He is mad.

He must be put down.

Dominus chopped off his left arm as well, but the laughter did not stop, it only intensified.

Now kneeling on the ground, the mortal was now looking up at Dominus who held the mortal's head in his palm, intent on crushing his skull.

"Before I end you, I wish to ask of you…Did you really think you stood a chance against a god?"


Obviously not.

No mortal can defy gods; after all, gods held control of fate, to which all mortal beings were bound by their souls.

"But I will now." Mortal stopped laughing and looked at Dominus with a confident expression on his face.

"And the next time we meet, I will make sure to return the favor tenfold."

"There will be no next time!"

Just like that, the mortals head was crushed into a bloody pulp under Dominus's grip.

But the mortal's last words made Dominus a little wary.

* * *


Dark Lord woke up in his own bed, breathing heavily.

He was within the Sevilles mansion, in his personal bedroom.

Quickly, he proceeded to grab the notebook he kept to record each successive day he was alive. That was the only reliable way to know just how far he had been sent back.

After checking all of his notes, Dark Lord sighed.

Two months.

That was how far he was sent back.

Many events occurred within that time, and just thinking he would have to relive those days all over again made Dark Lord a little nauseous.

"But now, I will be one more step ahead of the game."

Dark Lord smiled.

"Chronos, this is not over yet, nay, it is just the beginning. This accursed kingdom in which you have stranded me, I will burn it down to the ground, I shall cause a calamity that will be remembered for the ages to come. And all the knights, all the Heroes, and all the gods that shall stand in my way, I will destroy them all. And when I have finally caught your attention, you shall come to me. I can't wait until that moment comes. Ha ha ha…."

"…Vengeance will be mine."