Volume 4: Chapter 13: Unwelcome Guests (Part 2)

"Ouch…What was that for?"

Kazan exclaimed in pain, clutching his nose.

But Runfar's single crimson eye was dead focused on Kazan as he made his way forward and without wasting a moment, Runfar placed his right hand on Kazan's neck, draining him dry of mana.

After that, he punched Kazan again and again, repeatedly.

"Wow, is that how crow demons greet each other? And I thought I had it rough with my family…"

Rahat Ras couldn't help but feel a little awkward in this situation.

"Not a moment of hesitation, goodness…"

Temur Tang put her hand upon her mouth in shock.

"They're at it again…" Arin Draco sighed, it was almost as if she expected this to happen, but accepted it as inevitable eventuality.

As far as they knew, those two were the last remaining crow type demons, but seeing one beating the hell out of the other was a little disturbing to behold.

"You two please stop!" Arin tried to diffuse the situation to no avail.

Runfar had just about enough of Kazan the last time he saw him, so seeing him again made him instinctually pounce on him with the intent to slaughter him on the spot.

With a swollen lip, and nose bleeding all over, Kazan weakly smiled.

"Good to see you as well, brother."

"Sentiment is not mutual."

Dark Lord was just about to kill him, when he heard a voice behind him.

"Master Runfar, who are these people?"

It was Elian, a red haired gentle maid working within Sevilles Mansion.

"Runfar?" Arin looked at him in surprise. "Hmm, how curious…"

"Oh? Them? Well…These people are my old friends…."

Runfar made a motion to help Kazan stand up, but as he did so, he whispered.

"Play along."

Helping Kazan stand up, Runfar proceeded to introduced him.

"This is Zan, an old buddy of mine, and this is…"

"Rin, very nice to meet you" Arin immediately caught on to what Runfar was trying to do.

"Likewise" Elian answered with a courteous bow.

"I am called Rah" Rahat Ras went along as well.

"Mur, pleasure to meet you as well"

"I am called Rahis, pleasure is all mine~"

When the last one named himself, the other four looked at him with an expression that seemed to say 'are you an idiot?'

Of all the Demon Lords, he was the only one who stated his real name without a clue that he was supposed to at least put in some effort to conceal it.

"Master Runfar, would you like me to escort these guest into the mansion?"

"That would be nice; I hope my guests will be human enough to stay…."

He emphasized the human part rather clearly, but Elian did not catch on what he meant, thinking it was just his strange way of expressing himself.

As Elian led the way, Runfar whispered to Kazan.

"Step out of line, even a little, you are dead"

"I wouldn't have expected anything less from you, brother."

Reluctantly welcoming his guests into the mansion, Runfar could only scream internally in disbelief.

'Why have they come here? Why now?'

* * *

Apparently the Demon Lords were not as bad a company as Runfar thought they were.

Rahat and Mordon really hit it off; both deeply invested in their conversation.

Temur's beauty even in her human form was not left unnoticed, as the maids literally dragged her away in order to see how different dresses would look on her.

And outside, within the orchard, Aris Rahis and Lake were having a rather deep discussion about female undergarments.

Runfar did tell them to entertain the guests, but he did not expect it to go that well.

But now, Runfar was left alone with Kazan and Arin, a crow type Demon Lord and a dragon type Demon King.

'This is not going to end well, oh well, might as well get it over with…?'

As the three of them entered into an empty room, Runfar closed the door, locking it to prevent anyone from entering.

With the three occupants in an awkward silence, Arin spoke up first.

"So, Runfar? Is that your real name, Dark Lord?"

"It is a name I use here, nothing more."

"Brother, do all these people really work for you? Are you the head of the mansion?"



Shifting his irritated gaze from Kazan, Dark Lord asked.

"Why are you here Arin?"

"I simply wanted to visit our ally and have a little chat."

"Since when did I become your ally?"

"Did you forget the contract you forged with me?"

"So you are still going to keep me by the noose, huh….How did you find me?"

"By the power of the contract, no matter where you go, I can always track you down. Though I am surprised, despite being a demon, you have disguised yourself as human being, a prominent one at that."

"A cover is necessary, you understand"

"Of course"

"Speaking of which, why do you all look like that?"

Runfar referred to demons now looking seamlessly human. No matter which way you look, there was nothing demonic about them.

"We used this" Arin held up her left hand, and upon the ring finger was a single ring with a crimson stone.

"It is called Ring of Race change; we used them to sneak into the Holy City without drawing any suspicion."

"Interesting, I never knew the ring's function was useful to that degree…." Dark Lord was impressed.

"But the only reason we managed to sneak in was due to the barrier suddenly shattering and vanishing without a trace. We are not sure what kind of luck or accident has occurred, but as long as the barrier is down, there are things we need to accomplish."

"Oh, that was no accident."

"What do you mean…?"

Arin did not get to finish as they heard a voice from outside.

"Hey Runfar! It's me! Leon! I finally found your place!"

There was no mistaking who that was.

"Dark Lord, who is that?"

"That is the Knight of Light, Leon Revilles."

The expression of pure terror that crossed Arin's face was indescribable.

It was like watching a mouse that was cornered by a cat.

"Knight of Light….No, no, no…Not him again!"

"Runfar! I am here!" Leon apparently managed to enter the mansion and now he burst into the room the three of them were occupying.

With the amount of force he pushed the door open with; the lock did not stand a chance.

Leon really did not have any tact whatsoever.

Kazan's expression was that of a loyal subordinate waiting for the order to attack, but his liege herself was in no state of mind to issue a command.

As soon as Leon entered the room, Runfar found Arin clinging to his waist behind him, almost as if she was holding on for her dear life.

Instead of a proud Demon King, she was like a scared child, holding on to him for comfort.

"Hi Leon, it is great to see you again!"

Runfar laughed out loud.

"Likewise, my friend, likewise!"

Leon now ended up hugging Runfar rather tightly.

As Kazan watched the absurd situation unfold, Runfar couldn't help but think.

'Knight of Light, the hero of humanity, is hugging me from the front, and Demon King, the leader of all demonic forces, is hugging me from behind…What has my life turned into?!'