Volume 4: Chapter 15: Festival (Part 2)

'This is not good….'

'…Not good at all!'

A certain crow demon was having a minor mental breakdown.

'Knight of Light is here and I can't feel any mana in my body!'

'What did brother do to me?!'

Kazan Karatengu could only wonder why the arch-enemy of all demon-kind just waltzed in to his brother's residence.

But Dark Lord, or Runfar, which apparently was his name while disguised as a human, did not seem very surprised when the Knight of Light walked in, recognizing him right away by his voice.

'When we came in, he seemed very surprised, but with Knight of Light it was different, almost like he was expecting him to show up. Oooh, this is really not good! If Knight of Light is here, all of us are as good as dead!'

As a demon and hero, they should be treating each other as sworn enemies.

But Dark Lord did not seem to treat Knight of Light as an enemy; in fact, the opposite seemed to be the case.

'Don't tell me…Did Dark Lord make a deal with Knight of Light to give us up? But brother couldn't have known we were coming, so that is not likely…Then what is the deal between those two? He is the same type of demon as me, a crow demon, then why is he being so casual with our natural enemy?'

Currently, the Knight of Light was in another room, apparently borrowing clothing to wear.

As Kazan observed, a single woman exited the room Knight of Light entered a minute ago.

It was his ally, Temur Tang, a snow white haired fox demon, but currently disguised as a human.

"Kazan….W-w-what is…going on? Why is he here?!"

Yep, she exited the same changing room where the Knight of Light entered, so she most likely saw him, leading her to be terrified as a result.

Knight of Light, he was a foe even stronger than the heroes; he was a hero among heroes, so to speak.

If a Demon Lord level demon is demon-kind's equivalent to humanity's hero, then the Knight of Light was something of an equivalent to the Demon King.

But considering how the last battle went, the Knight of Light managed to overpower the Demon King, defeated her, and took her prisoner. It was obvious which one was superior.

"Depends on who you mean by 'He'…"

"Kazan! You know perfectly well who I am talking about! Why is the Knight of Light here, of all places?!"

"If I knew he was coming, we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with, would we?"

"True, but if it really is him, why didn't he attack us as soon as he saw us? Ring of Race change may disguise us as humans, but it shouldn't be enough to fool his power!"

"I wonder that as well, it is almost like his powers are off or malfunctioning….Nah, that can't be true. Maybe because brother somehow convinced him to let down his guard, but even then, the Knight of Light should have been able to discern the truth by the power of his blessing…."

Knight of Light was an enemy they have faced in battle multiple times, each time resulting in loss for demons. By now, Kazan was familiar with some of Knight of Light's abilities, mainly due to barely surviving each encounter with him.

If a battle involved any other hero, demon-kind had a chance of winning, but when the Knight of Light got involved, the chances of victory plummeted down to zero.

What Kazan was not aware of was the fact that Knight of Light's blessing was damaged, thus making him unable to discern that Runfar's guests were demons in disguise.

"Where are the other two?"

"Rahat went off with the butler to have some tea, while Rahis is currently helping the gardener. I need to warn them!"

Before Temur could storm off, she was stopped by Kazan grabbing her hand.

"Wait! It is probably for the best to wait until the Knight of Light exits the mansion before telling them, if Rahat or Rahis hears that Knight of Light is here, they may blow our cover, and then we are as good as finished."

"Then what do you suggest? Wait? I am surprised you are not trying to attack Knight of Light yourself, in the past, you would have acted on instinct and charged at the Knight of Light without hesitation."

"Let's just say I have wisened up. Even with all our strength combined, we only have about 20% chance of emerging victorious, Knight of Light is simply too strong. We can't afford to act recklessly. Even if I wanted to fight, my mana is gone…Brother did something to take it away, I can't feel an ounce of power within my body. Besides, brother seemed to have some kind of plan in mind….."

Now that he focused his eyes upon his companion, Kazan noticed what she was wearing.

"Hmm, Temur, what is up with your outfit?"

Temur was currently wearing a long blue dress that accentuated her figure rather nicely. The area around her neck and shoulders was left open by design. Temur's short white hair complimented nicely with the color of the dress, and there was even a blue flower attached to the side of her hair.

Overall, she looked like a fair lady.

"The maids did not stop at one dress; they kept insisting I try on one dress after another."

"Looks good on you"

"Shut up." Temur was a little red; this was not exactly a look she wanted to be seen in.

Then an important question came up in her mind.

"Where is our king?" Temur asked. Her concern was obvious; their leader's safety was of paramount importance after all.

"She is with brother right now. Brother said something about a 'date', but I am not sure what he could have meant."

"Are you sure he did not betray us? After all that we did to him…."

"It wouldn't have been surprising if he did, but personally, I don't think that is the case."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, he is the only family member I have left, as his brother, I have to believe him."

Kazan Karatengu was a Tengu type demon, essentially a crow type demon. Due to the actions of humans, Tengu type demons were hunted down and driven to the brink of extinction.

By the time Kazan hatched, his immediate family was the only Tengu type demons left.

But one by one, each one of his many siblings were killed at the hands of humans. Kazan personally found many of their mutilated corpses.

Having witnessed countless deaths of his kin, Kazan was left alone; he never encountered another crow type demon no matter how much he searched.

The truth was obvious; every other crow demon was dead.

As such, he was left as the last Tengu type demon.

He vowed to avenge his clan, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

But after finding out Dark Lord was a crow demon like him, Kazan's felt an odd sense of familiarity to his former enemy.

Maybe he was not the only member of his brood that survived.

Seeing that his family members were the only crow type demons left by the time he was born, Kazan could only conclude that Dark Lord was his long lost brother.

That was the only plausible explanation.

After a few minutes, Kazan witnessed Knight of Light emerging out of the changing room.

Yet, instead of wearing male clothing, Knight of Light was dressed as a woman, letting down his long blonde hair. He was wearing a plain dress, with a pair of fake glasses on, and flower crown on his head.

Overall, it was a very convincing display.

If Kazan did not know better, he would have mistaken him for a woman.

"None should recognize me this way, right, Runfar?"

"Right….None should, but why a dress?"

"Well, none would expect me, of all people, to be there in a dress, this way; I can avoid any unwanted attention."

"I suppose that is true, though you could have just worn male clothing…."

Then after seeing Leon's exasperated expression, Runfar sighed.

"Never mind"

"Sorry, it is just that I am so tired of wearing male clothing…It has been so long since I have worn a dress. Even if it is just for one day, I want to let it loose without hiding anything."

"That is understandable. Rin, would you like to dress up as well?"

Arin Draco was currently locking arms with Runfar.

Apparently, with the presence of Knight of Light, she was clinging to Runfar for safety.

Meekly, she shook her head. In the presence of Knight of Light, it was almost as if she had lost her voice.

"Ok, then."

"Friend of Runfar's is a friend of mine. Rin, was it? I feel we can become best of friends!"

Unexpectedly, Leon grabbed Arin's hand, who at that moment fainted.

Apparently, being near the source of her trauma was too much to handle.

"Is she alright?" Leon asked, with sincere concern, completely unaware that two of her arch enemies, a Demon King and Dark Lord were right in front of her.

"Do not worry, she is just very shy. She should wake up after a few minutes."

Runfar ended up carrying Arin in his arms in a princess carry.

"I see, that's good"

Now, the two of them, with unconscious Arin in Runfar's hands, proceeded to head towards the festival.

The two Demon Lords who witnessed what just happened stood there in shock.

"Disaster. This is a complete disaster. I thought she already overcame her trauma…"

"Can you really blame her? This is him we are talking about. It is a miracle he did not cut us down yet."

Kazan answered with a gloom expression.

"Even if we act now, the result will be the same as last times we fought against him. At the best case scenario, we will lose several Demon Lords, and at worst, most likely scenario, we will all die."

"But there must be something we can do, we can't leave our king so close to Knight of Light!"

"There is nothing we can do, not really. If we act now, we will suffer heavy losses. We can't afford to lose any more Demon Lords, we have lost too many of them already. At this point, we will have to trust that brother knows what he is doing. Knowing him, he probably has a plan…at least I hope he does."

"Yes, let us pray that this situation will somehow resolve itself, otherwise, demon-kind is doomed."


Both Demon Lords sadly nodded.

Once again, they placed their hopes on Dark Lord.

First time was out of necessity, but now it was due to not having any other options.

"Though I never would have imagined Knight of Light was a cross dressing pervert."

"That sure was surprising…'Let is loose without hiding anything?' I never would have guessed he had such a hobby. You never know what people are like behind closed doors~"

Temur could not know just how wrong she was in her assessment.