Volume 5: Chapter 1: Stranger in Strange World

"Well, isn't this an interesting twist of events? Me, someone who shouldn't even be in this era is having a free reign, with the unlimited capacity to do whatever I wish to do….Which in this case would be jumping off this damn bridge!"

Dark Lord couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

Act of jumping off the bridge is usually followed by the cessation of life, but in his case, it was quite the opposite.

Instead of ending him, it would simply send him back, in a sense resetting his life.

"Come to think of it, people really don't appreciate what they have, to have the capacity to die, most of them spend a large bulk of their lives fearing death, when in fact death is the best gift that can be offered in this cursed life. What I wouldn't do to trade places with one of the fools who thinks that an endless life is a desirable fate…."

'It is funny, the ones who wish to live forever are fated to die, but those who truly wish to pass on are forced to live on…this world truly is full of ironies'

This was by far not the first bridge he was about to jump off of. Nor was it his second, or his third.

In fact, this was the 47th bridge he was about to jump off from.

"When a person hits the ground, does his body get smashed into pieces, or just end up pulverized with the insides coming out to the surface? Too bad I can't really watch how I look like after I hit the ground."

"If the second case is true for a normal person, then in my case, would I end up being half ground meat and a half pile of bones? Hmm, certainly sounds like a sight to see"

By now, he had already died around five hundred times.

Fear of death was no longer something that plagued his heart.

Though, he did think that life rather than death was truly the crueler one.

It all started with a nameless man who fell in love with an Angel of Death, and even had a child with her.

She bestowed him with the name and gave him a purpose in life.

However, what that man did not know at that time was the grudge that a certain Primary Goddess of Time held for this Angel of Death.

In a cruel twist of fate, the Goddess took the man away from the ones he came to love and stranded him in another world, technically the same world, but in the far distant past.

Not only that, the Goddess had made sure that the man would never reunite with the Angel of Death by making sure that he could never truly die.

Each death would only send him back in time, cursing him to relive those days all over again.

Even if the death could not kill him, piece by piece, his determination started to wane, his resolve weakened, and at the most critical point- his spirit was shattered.

Yet, instead of becoming a mindless, living corpse, as the Goddess seemingly intended, the man ended up being swallowed by the darkness that steadily grew within his heart along his journey.

As the young man gave up, the darkness emerged triumphant, rejecting the young man's original name, in favor of the name he chose for himself- the Dark Lord.

He was a stranger within this strange, unholy world.

But somehow, he found his place in it, unlike his predecessor, as the man who will bring the downfall of the human kingdom and his enemies.

That was his resolve and he was planning to stick through with it, no matter where it led him.

Still, planning everything ahead of time and taking advantage of the curse was no easy task; Dark Lord could feel mental strain on his mind from processing such massive amounts of information that no normal human being could ever hope to grasp without losing their mind.

Well, it was not like he was completely sane, though.

"Jumping off the bridge to relieve stress from life…I guess it does sound a little crazy when I say it out loud, he he…"

"It sure does sound crazy"

A voice sounded out next to him, it was a rather neutral voice, making Dark Lord unable to discern the gender of the speaker.

This person was wearing clothing that concealed every feature of his body, with black bandages wrapped around his head, and even wearing a hat on top of it. His entire color scheme was dark and grey, with not a single part of his body visible.

Dark Lord noticed that only his left hand, covered in bandages was visible.

It seemed like this person went through a lot of effort in order to hide from the sunlight.


Dark Lord was a little taken back with the fact that he was not the only one on the bridge.

"No need to be surprised, young man, I am here for the same reason as you, to throw my worthless life away"

"Huh? Wait, what? Are you serious?"

"I would never make a joke of this"

"Well, what do you know? It seems like even now I can get surprises…"

Dark Lord sighed.

Never could he have imagined that on his way to find momentary solace by dying, he would encounter another on the path of no return.

'This is certainly unexpected….I guess I have not seen everything just yet'