Volume 5: Chapter 6: Unexpected Confrontation (Part 3)

"Knight of Night, Larat Lemuri, huh"

Princess's emotionless expression immediately changed into one filled with tantrum.

"Are you kidding me? With all the trouble I went through to sneak out of the palace to see Leon-sama, I find you instead, being beaten half to death by that thing, no less!"

"My apologies, Princess, I can explain…" Knight of Night began but was immediately interrupted.

"Save it, Knight of Night, while I am here, I might as well help you deal with this freak"

They were facing off against a man clad in black, with only part of the right side of his face exposed; they could clearly see a skeletal face with a single glowing demon eye.

"Please be careful, that eye…He is definitely a demon, but I am not quite sure what type"

"It doesn't matter. He will become mincemeat soon enough"

"He can also teleport"

"In that case..."

Her spell immediately took effect, now anyone within 100 meter range of her could not use teleportation.

With a confident smile, First Princess raised her hand into the air, activating her holy magic.

It was a level 5 spell that allowed her to summon and manipulate tools, combined with holy magic it made for a dangerous combination.

Weapons clad in Holy magic were especially potent against demons and undead, only humans were unscathed by its effects, which is why Holy Magic is considered one of the purest types of magic.

Around twenty floating Holy Sword manifested before her, circling in the air at her command.

"Let your corpse fall upon the ground, sliced apart by my Holy Blades"

The swords now flew towards their foe at high speed, intending to stab through him.

He managed to dodge one, deflect several others, but soon, he could not keep up the pace, and three blades ended up piercing through the right side of his body, it was obvious he was skewered through his whole body.

His limp body was on its knees.

"Now it is over"

First Princess smiled.

"Is it though?" the villain chuckled, he proceeded slowly stand up as if the blades sticking through the right side of his body did not bother him one bit.

"What? How the hell are you still alive?! Any demon, regardless of how strong should have taken fatal damage after being pierced by a Holy Sword! What the hell are you?"

"Your executioner"

The demon stood up tall and when he did, the Princess and the Knight of Night sensed a dread pass through their spines.

For an instant, they could perceive his killing intent towards them, and it was simply massive.

They felt as though they were staring into the jaws of death itself, taking on the form of a man, but the aura of murder he gave off was more akin to that of a gigantic monster.

It is said that once someone experienced a state of near death, he would gain a greater understanding of it, along with gaining a potent killing intent.

The more times the person managed to escape the jaws of death, the stronger his killing intent would become.

That was the reason why the experienced knights and adventurers give off an undeniable aura of death that can be used to suppress those of weaker will than them.

Such being the case, how strong would the killing intent of the one who came back from the dead, effectively cheated death, not once or twice, not even ten times, but five hundred times be?

Knight of Night, Larat Lemuri faced off against many enemies, but never once did he feel fear, but against this foe, the one who drained him of his strength and knew of all his moves by heart, he could not help but feel a sense of dread creeping up within him.

'This demon is dangerous. If he is left to his own devices, then we will have a gigantic threat upon our heads'

"Hmmph, how presumptuous, you demon. I shall send you to your grave!"

Hundreds of Holy Blades were circling around her now, just waiting for her order to strike.

* * *

'Well, this is not going well at all'

Dark Lord remarked.

Before the woman interfered, he almost managed to end the Knight of Night, the very same one who had been responsible for his downfall in so many loops before now.

'Still, for my body to be so exhausted and physically strained, at a time like this!'

After letting Morphus occupy his body for a single day, Dark Lord still experienced the after effects, being occupied by an angel puts a lot of strain upon one's body, and it was a miracle he even lasted two months as Morphus's vessel.

Even without the strain from being angel's vessel, fighting the Knight of Night tired him out.

Knight of Night may have been severely weakened, but he was far from helpless, forcing Dark Lord to give it his all to their battle.

Ignoring the strain placed upon the left side of his body, Dark Lord pushed on fighting, and temporarily ignoring his physical limitations, but putting such a great amount of pressure damaged his body.

His right side may be that of an undead, a creature that feels no fatigue and can keep going as long as it has enough mana, but his left side was still that of a normal human.

Trying to keep up with a hero, even a weakened one, proved to be an arduous labor.

And now, when Dark Lord was almost completely drained of stamina, this woman showed up out of nowhere, showering him with countless swords.

Cifer and Morphus were fighting with knights and Holy Knights, so he had to face these two all by himself.

At first she summoned twenty swords, he managed to dodge some, but he ended up being skewered by three of them, luckily on his right side, but they ended up breaking several of his bones.

He may be just bones on the right side, but taking damage upon them still was excruciatingly painful.

Still, Dark Lord stood up and faced his enemy head on.

Concentrating, he attempted to activate his teleportation ring, yet nothing happened.

'That woman, she shouted the name of some magic earlier, don't tell me, she can nullify teleportation?! Not good'

As a swarm of blades shot in Dark Lord's direction, Dark Lord barely managed to dodge them, but they ended up shredding the right side of his clothing, revealing his skeletal arm.

"An undead?" Knight of Night ended up exclaiming in surprise.

"You are finished!"

First Princess summoned at least a hundred swords, each coated in Holy Magic, each with enough potency to kill an ordinary demon.

Now those countless blades were shot at Dark Lord at unimaginable speed.

'Too many swords, too fast, I can't avoid them. It seems like I am dead, huh. I guess this is the end of this loop, oh well…'

But then, out of nowhere, a Shadow emerged, forming into a gigantic shield that protected the Dark Lord from the swarm of Holy Blades.

"Cifer? What are you doing?"

Dark Lord ended up crying out as he saw the Demon Lord rush to his aid.

"This shield will not hold for long!"

"I got him!"

Morphus flew down and grabbed hold of Dark Lord and proceeded to fly off with him.

"Let's go!" Cifer flapped his mighty wings, following Morphus who was carrying the Dark Lord as they proceeded to retreat.