Volume 5: Chapter 43: Epilogue

Elven Kingdom, Sacred Palace, the residency of the elven royal family.

A lone figure of walked along the halls, his strides were long and calculated. His figure stood tall, his lean body fit rather well into the royal garments, but to his taste, they simply stood in his way.

"Were the females delivered?" He asked of one of the soldiers.

Elven Soldier: "Yes, Your majesty!"

"Excellent. Now, make sure that none disturbs me while I am here"

Elven Soldier: "As you desire, your majesty!"

He couldn't help but chuckle at the naiveté of the human kingdom.

To declare peace on such generous terms….

In exchange for temporarily halting the warfare between the human and elven kingdoms, the human kingdoms would deliver a steady supply of captured female slaves, demi-humans, and demons with severed horns. All the elven kingdom had to do was to give up a single prodigy.

'They were quite desperate to not wage a war on two fronts. I guess I have to be thankful for Demon King Draco for creating such a crisis for human kingdom to handle. They have to focus all their forces to fight back against the demons, so continuing their war against my kingdom was out of the question.'

Elven Kingdom might not have as many warriors, in fact, their soldiers only numbered one tenth of that of the human kingdom, but what they lacked in quantity, they more than made up in quality.

Elves possessed extremely potent magic, far more powerful than those of humans; even the least gifted elf was more than a match for a Holy Knight level warrior. It would have required the entire forces of human kingdom to stand against the elven Kingdom.

'From what the spies have reported to me, the human kingdom is in the middle of unprecedented crisis. Their heroes are dying one after another like flies…so they should not be too concerned that one or two went missing…'

Elven King licked his lips. He felt his hot blood rushing towards his lower body. He was going to enjoy this to his heart's content.

He carried a great power within his bloodline. To make his kingdom more powerful, he wanted to father as many children as possible.

Elven women had rather low fertility rates; producing even one offspring within a century was considered a miracle.

But the same could not be said of the women of other races, mainly humans.

Preferably, powerful humans.

They were sent to the Elven Kingdom on a diplomatic basis, but Elven King already sent the letter to the Human Kingdom that the three heroes had never showed up and were most likely killed by demons.

In reality, their fate was far worse.

It was a simple matter of slipping sleeping potion into their water and wine.

After that, the three female heroes, Knights of Saber, Knight of Peace, and Knight of Mace were chained up and awaited their fate within the secret inner chambers.

Elven King: "For the sake of my kingdom, I will create children with my blood flowing through their veins….and for that; I need females of great power"

As they realized what he intended to do, a silent look of horror crossed over their bruised faces, but with the mana sealing cuffs chaining their limbs, they could do nothing.

Elven King: "Now then, let us begin"

* * *

Lukalis: "I am surprised that we are actually going to do this"

Dark Lord: "A promise is a promise, Lukalis. Besides, I was already planning on doing it, sooner or later."

Now facing the Shadow Lords, Dark Lord declared.

Dark Lord: "The time has come for the first Phase of Operation Darkness. To that end, we shall…"

Lukalis gulped.

Dark Lord: "….Commence the attack upon the Elven Kingdom"