Volume 6: Chapter 6: Spectacle

Evening in the Elven Kingdom was the same as any other day.

The Elven King proceeded to walk towards the throne room. He could not wait to sink his teeth into the women that were in the hidden dungeon inside the throne room.

But when he reached his rightful seat, he saw that a figure clad in purple and black garments was sitting upon his throne.

He was wearing a mask upon his face.

Elf King: "What…What do you think you are doing!?"

Dark Lord: "Greetings, your majesty. I have been expecting you"

Dark Lord stood up and bowed in a mockingly polite manner.

Elf King: "Who do you think you are!?"

Dark Lord: "Oh, how rude of me. Please do let me introduce myself. I am the one known as the Knight of Death. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, your majesty"

Elf King: "A hero? The human kingdom is forbidden in interfering in the elven kingdom's affairs! This act alone is enough for me to declare war! And you dare sneak into my castle and sit upon my throne! I will have your head!"

As Elven King prepared his magic, he felt a sudden earthquake erupting, shaking everything around him.

Elf King: "What is going on?"

The earthquake was caused by Lake, who now possessed a blessing stolen from the Knight of Earth.

To say that the Knight of Earth had not been using his blessing to its fullest potential would be a massive understatement. After all, Knight of Earth was a blockhead, not a strategist type.

Dark Lord specifically instructed Lake to find the most vulnerable epicenter that was close to the Elven Kingdom's capital and strike it as hard as possible with his power.

Unknown to the Elf King, it was also a signal that the massive Nullification Spell covering the entire elven capital had been activated.

Now, for the next twelve hours, not a single elf within the capital would have access to magic.

Dark Lord had cut off their entire power supply in one go.

Dark Lord: "Now that's done with…We can finally proceed"

As Dark Lord walked towards the Elven King, the Elven King shouted.

Elf King: "Die!"

But since his magic was nullified, nothing happened.

Elven King: "What…My magic! Why wouldn't it work?"

No matter what he tried, his magic seemed to have simply disappeared.

Fear steadily seeped into the Elven King's soul.

Elf King: "Not a step closer!"

But Dark Lord kept walking towards him in a deliberately slow fashion.

Desperate to survive, Elven King brandished his sword and swung it at Dark Lord.

Before Elf King realized what happened, Dark Lord's crystal dagger in his left hand sliced cleanly through the Elven King's sword, and Dark Lord delivered a mighty uppercut to Elven King's jaw with his right hand.

The uppercut sent the Elven King falling three meters away.

Clutching his jaw, Elven King called upon his guards, who immediately burst into the room.

Elven King: "KILL THAT HERO!"

In response, Dark Lord simply snapped his fingers.

Immediately, the Shadow Lords, all wearing masks jumped from the ceiling and easily defeated the elven guards.

Since the guards could not use magic, they were no match against the Shadow Lords. Elven King found himself a victim of a simple binding spell, a courtesy of Camilla.

Dark Lord: "I assume you guys have done what I asked?"

Meros: "Yes, Milord"

Cifer: "Would you like me to let them out?"

Dark Lord: "By all means"

Cifer proceed to pull open a portal to her pocket dimension, immediately, many elves, male and female, all tied up, were rudely dropped in front of the Elven King.

Elven King: "My children! What in the name of our goddess are you trying to pull here, hero?"

Dark Lord: "Well, a cleansing of sorts. I went to the trouble of gathering the children you have fathered. I must say, you are one heck of a breeder. But, all fun things must come to an end. You guys may begin"

With Dark Lord's permission, the Shadow Lords began to kill the begging Elven King's children one by one.

To be fair, none of them looked like children, but adults and most of them were older than most Shadow Lords, since elves lived far longer than humans.

Elf King had been fathering children for at least several hundred years, so combined with the fact that elves don't have a very high fertility, he still managed to father at least seventy or so children.

Finding them was not too hard, since most children fathered by elven king were known by Lukalis and as for others; it was a simple matter of extracting information from the citizens. The fact that the Elf King was a prolific breeder was no secret in this kingdom.

Elven King: "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

His children were being killed, one after another, forming a rather large puddle of blood on the carpet.

It took about five minutes, but the deed was finally done.

Dark Lord: "To make the matters a little more entertaining, why don't I let you fight for your life? Please untie him"

Camilla silently did exactly as he was told.

Elven King: "You bastard!"

Using a knife hidden in his cloak, Elven King tried to stab Dark Lord.

His knife stabbed him allright, pierced him on the right side of the chest, but much to Elven King's horror, it had no effect.

Dark Lord: "Do you understand now, your majesty?"

With a single stomp, Dark Lord broke Elven king's left leg.

Dark Lord: "From the very beginning, you stood no chance"

As Elven King screamed in agony, Dark Lord simply delivered a back fist to his head and another punch to his face.

With his nose bleeding all over, Elven King was still not giving up.

Elven King: "I will have your head!" he attempted to punch Dark Lord, only for Dark Lord to twist and dislocate his arm.

Elven King: "AAAAH!"

Now on one knee, Elven King gazed at Dark Lord with eyes full of hatred.

Dark Lord: "You may be a god king to your people, you may be an almighty monster to others, but in my eyes, you are nobody"

Elven King: "What do you want from me?! Why are you doing this!?"

Dark Lord simply took Elven King's hand and proceeded to snap one of Elven King's fingers, breaking it in the process.

He ignored the Elven King's screams of pain.

Dark Lord: "To fulfill my promise"

Elven King: "A promise?"

Lukalis: "Long time no see, my king"

She proceeded to take off her mask.

Elven King: "You! You wretch! You have betrayed your own kind and allied with humans! How dare you…"

His words were interrupted by Lukalis delivering a well-placed kick to his stomach.

Lukalis did not stop there.

She took a blunt mace off her belt and begun to whack him all over.

Since she did not possess much martial arts or physical ability, and because her magic was now cancelled as well, she chose a weapon that could deliver most damage without killing her target.

Bruises, broken bones…. so many teeth were falling on the floor…

This continued on until Lukalis exhausted herself.

As Lukalis was breathing heavily, Dark Lord placed a hand upon her shoulder.

Dark Lord: "Well done"

Elven King: "I iam s-shtill ar-r-rive!"

Dark Lord: "Oh, believe me, by the time we are done, you will wish you were dead"

Placing a hand upon Elven King's head, Dark Lord plucked out his right eye. Elven King's screams of agony and despair were the only melody Dark Lord needed at this moment.

All of Elven King's children were dead, all except one.

His youngest child, his daughter, was currently hiding behind the curtains. She was the only one of his children that actually looked like a child, despite being fifty years old.

She wanted to surprise her father, but instead, she got to witness carnage like this.

Then, she saw Dark Lord walking towards the place she was hiding in. Her blood froze as she kept thinking whether this was the way she would die.

Dark Lord whispered: "I am well aware you are hiding in there, child. If you wish to live, do not make a single sound"

After saying that, he walked back towards the beaten pulp that was once the Elven King.

Dark Lord: "Let our spectacle begin…Wa-ha-ha-ha…"