Volume 6: Chapter 9: Last Words

'Where is he? I have searched across countless worlds, countless parallel realms, but he is nowhere to be found'

Even if he stood at the very top, just the idea of another king rising was enough to put dread into his very core.

King of White, Solaris, the highest ranked deity among them all, could only wonder in his constant state of paranoia.

The world that most people know of is just one of the many worlds that are in existence. And each world had many parallel versions of it.

One of the greatest secrets of the three Primordial Deities was the fact that parallel worlds existed. And the Primordial Deities were the only ones who could travel in between them.

By killing Tiri, the Primordial Deity of Life, Solaris absorbed her core, her essence into himself, allowing him to become one of the few who could traverse in between parallel worlds.

The Primordial Deity of Time, Yakit, chose to pass his mantle down to his daughter, Chronos, making her the only one other than Solaris among the Primary Gods, to share the same ability.

Primary Gods were essentially a second generation of Gods, manifesting long after the original Primordial Gods.

When the new things are created, the old must be discarded. And that was exactly what happened.

Tiri was killed, Yakit chose to pass on his mantle and live and die as a mortal. Now only Olim remained out of the old trio.

For a while, their forces were at a stalemate against him, until one day they made an agreement of non-intervention.

Essentially, neither Olim nor the Primary Gods would butt their noses into each other's business, lest face the consequences.

Olim could have waged a war against them, and even if he did lose in the end, he could have taken down most of the Primary Gods with him.

But instead, he chose peace. The reason for that was obvious.

During one of his countless wanders across the countless realms, Olim found an incorporeal angel.

Angels were natives of another world, one of the many worlds gods had no control over.

Each world operated on a different set of rules. Angels may have had flesh and blood in their own world, but when they arrived in this realm, they became something akin to ghosts.

Sympathizing with the angel's situation, Olim granted it a corporeal body, deitifying the angel in the process.

But since the angel was a being without a soul, the Primary Gods were furious and resolved to hunt it down.

Not willing to let the angel die, Olim threatened to bring the heaven to the ground if they laid a hand on his angel. Eventually, a treaty was forged. In exchange for not interfering with him and letting the angels under Olim live, the angels were given the task of making sure that the souls of the living move on after death, lest they become a potential threat to the gods' rule.

As time went on, more and more angels joined Olim's ranks, becoming known as Reapers in the process.

Taking a note from Olim's book, the Primary Gods began to deitify angels who have surrendered to them while destroying the ones that refused.

Unlike Olim who simply wanted the angels to live and be free, the Primary Gods treated their angels nothing short of slaves.

Any act of disobedience was punished with torture at best, and at worst, dispersion. A human equivalent of dispersion would be being cut up into hundred pieces and scattered across the field.

Naturally, it was only a matter of time before an angel would rise to rebel against them.


Travelling across different worlds, Lucifer gathered allies in a desperate attempt to overthrow the gods.

Luckily, another angel named Michael joined their side and warned the gods of the upcoming rebellion.

Because of Michael's warning, Lucifer's rebellion was easily squashed, and her fragments were scattered across parallel realms and other worlds.

Even if one fragment of her is found in one world, the others would not be in the same realm. Reconstructing her is now almost impossible.

Solaris: 'King of Black…..He could be anyone. For a while I thought it was Lucifer, but she was defeated all too easily…It was not Luna either…'

Even among gods, there was a traitor. If Solaris was the Light, she was the Darkness. Primary Goddess of Night, Noiluna.

When they decided to kill Tiri, she was the only one who was against it. Even though Noiluna was a primary goddess like them, she was fundamentally different from the rest, the black sheep of the bunch.

Before the gods had the chance to use the books of fate to erase demon-kind and non-humans from existence, Noiluna destroyed them.

The current mess the human kingdom is in right now was indirectly caused by her.

It took the combined power of Solaris, Michael, and Chronos to finally seal Noiluna away for good. But right before she was sealed, Solaris heard her last words.

Noiluna: "It seems I have lost. Alas, I have failed to protect them. Seal me away if it brings you comfort, Solaris. I shall await the arrival of my king, the one whose coming you dread. And he will come. Until then, I will wait for him"

Solaris: 'Damn you, Noiluna….She sounded so confident, so assured…Almost like she knew who the King of Black will be or when he will come….So infuriating…'

But even after several millennia, the King of Black did not show himself.

He was said to be powerful enough to be an equal to Solaris, a being who could overthrow gods and bring an unprecedented change upon the world.

If King of Black was anything like him, Solaris knew that King of Black would be able to travel between worlds and realms.

Because of this, Solaris would spend most of his time exploring the other worlds, hoping to finally confront his destined foe. But alas, his efforts were for naught.

However, Solaris did not stop his endless search, his paranoia kept him going, obsessing with finding the king who would dare to challenge his rule.

Solaris: 'He is there somewhere, I can feel it'

If the King of Black really did appear, then it would mean a disaster.

He would spell the end of their life as they knew it.

An out of control variable, a being whose future could not be molded at the hands of gods, and the one who twists the fates of those around him. A rebel of the highest caliber. That is who King of Black is.

Solaris: "Neither Lucifer nor Noiluna was the King of Black. Her last words….she still is waiting for the arrival of her king"

For Solaris, King of Black represented the unknown.

That is why, more than anything else, the idea of King of Black terrified Solaris to no end.

Solaris: 'When he comes, I must be ready'

For the paranoid god, it was not a matter of 'if', but 'when' the King of Black arrives.

More than anything, Solaris desperately wanted to find him.

Little did he know that his wish would soon come true….