Volume 6: Chapter 16: Prey

"Being a god is the best!"

Such was the catchphrase of a certain Secondary Deity by the name of Dominus.

Once, he too was a human, bearing the mantle of one of the heroes.

After his mortal lifespan had run out, as a reward for his loyal service, the gods transformed Dominus into one of them, allowing him to transcend into godhood.

Now, it has been more than 300 years since he became the Secondary Deity of Earth.

Granted, he was just one of the many Secondary Gods, but he was a god nevertheless.

Aside from the higher ranking gods, almost nothing came close to him in terms of power.

Almost nothing…

Every human, even the kings were mere ants in his presence.

To say he treated them as such would be an understatement.

But as long as they obeyed every one of his whims and worldly desires, he would let it slide.

Such was the pride of a god, knowing that you could erase any lesser being from existence and relish such unrivaled power, with none but the superior gods to answer to.

Luckily, most Primary Gods did not care much about humanity, aside from the regards to the fate that humanity should be following as a whole.

Apparently, the history was being altered at an alarming rate and the culprit had to be found as soon as possible.

Serena was currently in charge of investigating the anomalies that have been happening recently, with Dominus being one of the many Secondary Deities reporting to her.

Dominus, unlike Serena, did not consider it a very urgent situation.

Even if the fate is altered, it is just like adding a drop of poison into a vast ocean.

The impact was miniscule if not nonexistent.

If worse comes to worst, Chronos could simply rewind time back and all would be back to normal.

But even if the time was rewinded, the cause of all the anomalies would still remain. The plague had to be removed at its root; otherwise, rewinding time would be meaningless.

Strangely enough, no matter what they did, gods could not find the causes of all these events, almost like the ones responsible were not linked to fate.

Just knowing possibility that someone was outside of fate should have made Dominus alarmed, but in his usual hubris, he dismissed that as an unlikely scenario.

Yet another day he spent in the embraces of women, indulging in all the pleasures the world had to offer.

One woman on each arm while the third one fed him grapes….

Such was the life of a deity.

He would never have thought his paradise would be interrupted.

Unexpectedly, a masked man walked into the house Dominus was occupying. He barged in without any warning or a greeting.

Granted, it was not like the house belonged to Dominus.

Each time, he would visit a different home belonging to nobles or rich men and using his authority as a god, he would freeload upon their property.

Since he was a god, none of the rules applied to him, the property owners could do nothing but obey, fearing he would kill them on the spot.

Dominus always made sure to demonstrate his power before their eyes, followed by them kowtowing before his feet.

Yep, life of a god sure was a fun one.

Dominus: "Are you the one sent to fetch the smoked beef ribs? You sure took your time, didn't you? I was going to cut a finger off your master's hand for every hour you were late"

The owner of the house was prostrating on the ground.

He could do nothing but sweat in fear at the fate he would have had at Dominus's hands.

But the masked man did not reply.

Dominus: "What are you waiting for, you fool? Give me what I want!"

A childish demand, coming from a deity, but the masked man complied in a strange way by tossing a bag to the house owner in an unceremoniously rude fashion.

Dominus (to the house owner): "Open it"

As soon as he did, the house owner let out an audible shriek.

Inside the bag was the severed head of the errand boy sent to fetch the food Dominus desired.

Dominus: "He-he-he-he…You sure have a sick sense of humor, don't you? Leave us"

Just a single command was enough for the humans to comply.

Now, the only ones left in the room were Dominus and the masked man.

Dominus: "Foolish mortal. Not knowing the fear of the god's might"

After saying that, Dominus snapped his fingers.

A dead silence followed.

Absolutely nothing happened.

Dominus: 'Something is wrong. What if I try again…?'

He snapped them again, but instead of dropping on the ground dead or ending up pulverized into atoms, the masked man stood unharmed.

Dominus: "What the hell are you?"

Masked man: "The one who shall seal your fate"

Dominus: "Such bold words for a mortal…"

Before he could finish, the masked man delivered a mighty punch upon Dominus's face.

Not prepared for a head on clash, Dominus found himself with a broken nose and a bruised face.

In an instant, the injury faded away into nothingness as Dominus's godly power healed him on the spot.

Dominus: "To raise your hand against a god, he he he he….ah, you mortals do entertain me so!"

Masked man took his fighting pose.

Dominus: "Come at me!"

With his hands outstretched, he encouraged the masked man to keep attacking him.

After all, as a god, there was no power aside from dragons and angels that could hurt him, as far as he knew…

Masked man punched Dominus again and again, but the impact of each punch lasted for only a second as Dominus's power simply restored the god's body back to tip top shape.

The knives and swords made no difference either.

Then, the masked man resorted to a scroll with high level spells sealed within it.

Dominus: "Getting desperate aren't we?"

Masked man proceeded to nonchalantly unleash a highly destructive spell upon the talkative god.

Impact of the spell made the entire area around them explode into smithereens.

So much wood and metal were reduced to scraps. The luxurious house now looked more like the inside of a fallen cave.

As for Dominus, he was currently standing there with a gigantic hole in his chest.

For any other creature this kind of injury would have meant a certain end.

It should have been fatal.

But for a deity, such trivialities were nothing to be concerned about. He did not even feel pain.

Within seconds, Dominus's body regenerated back to normal.

Though, same could not be said for his clothing.

His tunic was irreparably damaged, leaving Dominus in nothing but his loincloth.

Dominus: "My favorite tunic….That's it!"

Grabbing hold of the masked man, Dominus slammed him across the wall, punching him repeatedly.

This man, he ruined his best attire.

Now he must pay with his suffering and life.

Not giving up, masked man stabbed Dominus with a knife, only for the blade to break upon contact with Dominus's skin.

Dominus: "Now do you understand? I was just letting your feeble skills to even graze me. Against a god, any power of a mortal is meaningless."

Dominus tightened his hand around mask man's throat, but masked man showed no signs of suffocating.

Dominus: "It was foolish of you to believe you could challenge me alone"

Masked man: "I am not alone"

Dominus: "What…"

As if in response to his question, a strange dagger stabbed through Dominus's back.

Dominus: "He he he he….This is pointless! I am a god! Nothing you can do can…Bleaurh!"

Dominus ended up coughing upon his own blood.

Something was wrong.

Unlike the previous attacks that he could shrug off, the impact of this dagger was all too real.

His body was not restoring itself to normal.

The pain, instead of subsiding, it continued to spread through his entire body.

It was almost as if the dagger was draining him of all his might.

Weakened, Dominus's hand ended up letting go of the masked man's throat.

As he lost his footing, Dominus fell on the ground, crawling like a caught worm, at the mercy of the eagle.

Masked man: "Well done Meros, Morphus"

He addressed the man who stood behind the fallen god.

Meros/Morphus: "Thank you, milord"

With an angel inside him, Meros managed to deliver a devastating blow upon the overconfident god.

By letting Dominus get overconfident of his invincibility and believing that Dark Lord was operating alone, Dominus ended up letting his guard down, allowing Meros/Morphus to land a decisive strike.

It all worked exactly as Dark Lord had planned.

Dominus: "What… is… going on? *Cough* Why… my powers … not *cough*?"

Dark Lord: "You would like to know, don't you?"

He proceeded to take off his mask.

Dominus ended up gasping at what he saw before him.

Dominus: 'A curse on his heart and a blessing upon his left arm. What the hell is he? Could he be her apostle?!'

Dark Lord: "Navek! You can come out now"

From the shadows, someone stepped out.

It was strange man with purple hair, now cleanly shaven, but the look in his eyes was odd.

Those were the eyes of a man who almost completely gave in to despair, but was now seeing the light for the first time in a long while.

Navek: "My my, you really did it"

Dark Lord: "Not quite. He is still alive"

Navek: "Still, I am very impressed"

Dark Lord: "May I?"

Meros/Morphus: "Of course, milord *gives dagger to Dark Lord*"

With the crystal dagger in his hands, Dark Lord slowly approached the Secondary Deity.

Dominus: "Stay away from me!"

As he tried to crawl away, Dark Lord simply stabbed one of Dominus's hands.

Dominus: "AARGH!"

Dark Lord: "Running is futile"

Dominus: 'This man…..could he be the one we were looking for?'

But instead his prey found him instead.

Dominus: "What do you want from me?! Money? Power? Immortality? I will give you anything!"

Dark Lord: "Unfortunately, the only thing of value you have for me is your life. And I will be taking it"

Dominus: "I am deity! A god! *Cough* You… can't….you can't do this!"

Dark Lord: "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha…."

The laughter itself was not unusual, but the low tone of voice he used made it far more terrifying.

Dominus: "No, no, no…*sobbing* NOOOO...."

His final scream of horror was cut short by Dark Lord slashing him across his throat.

With a dull thud, the lifeless body of the Secondary Deity fell on the floor.

Sheathing his crystal dagger, a broad smile appeared upon Dark Lord's face.

This was far more than a mission well done.

He has killed a deity, his first deity.

The first one of the many that he was going to crush beneath his feet.

To say he was delighted would be an understatement.

Navek: "You have proven your claims. Now my loyalty lies with you, master."

Dark Lord: "Good"

Navek: "Still, what a pity, had I known, I would have done it myself"

Dark Lord: "Oh, don't worry; I will let you have the next one"