Volume 7: Chapter 4: Dark King

He walked forward.

Countless corpses behind him.

He was no longer even a mortal, no, what was left of him was more akin to a corpse.

A corpse that kept moving despite everything surrounding him telling it to rest in peace.

Many of his allies have perished, but so have his enemies.

He was the one who walked a path unlike any other, alone, to destroy every single god.

He hunted them down, one by one, taking their powers for himself.

At the very end, the only prey left was Solaris, the last hope of all good.

Now it was time to end it all.

And finish it he did.

At last he had freed the world from the might of gods.

At last, all his foes were dead.

And now, after obtaining all the powers of gods, there was no longer anything in the world powerful enough to stop him.

All was lost.

What echoed was the sound of one man's laughter.

"You knew this would happen, Solaris"

"There is nothing you could to stop it. How pitiful you are, King of Gods"

"Now…I win"

* * *


King of Gods woke up from his latest dream, trembling from the sheer shock.

"This dream again…"

As a King of Gods, no, more likely because he was the Light King, his visions were prophetic.

He was receiving visions from his future self, the last moments of his future's self life to be exact.

No matter what he did, what he saw within those dreams refused to change.

Unlike past that goes in only a single direction, future had infinite possibilities. There were too many possible routes, or scenarios that could take place to keep track.

Not even the Goddess of Time could pinpoint from which possible future Solaris was receiving his visions.

But one thing was for certain; there was a future where the Dark King has won, and that fact alone made Solaris shudder in rage.

He had banished Titans, killed countless powerful beings, yet the future refused to change.

From what he could tell, the man who was destined to become the Dark King was still alive, and as long as he lived, the future Solaris dreaded would persist.

He had tried everything to end the Dark King before he could rise to power, to no avail.

"The same vision again, I presume, your majesty"

Goddess of Fate, Faeris entered into Solaris's inner chambers.

As always, her eyes were covered with a thick veil, making only her lower face visible.

Solaris: "Each time, he slays me, while I can only helplessly watch"

Faeris: "Your destined foe is likely not a human, for no human could be fated to wear the mantle of Darkness"

Solaris: "As the one who was chosen by the Mantle of Light, our fates are intertwined"

Before the time of Gods, Dragons, and Titans, there existed an entity known as the Lord of Chaos, the first and ultimate god of all.

Three Primordial Gods served him.

This being possessed two mantles, of Light and Darkness.

Lord of Chaos was long gone, but his mantles remained.

As they embody Light and Darkness, the mantles had a unique property of choosing their true wielder.

Mantle of Light chose Solaris to be its true master. As for Mantle of Darkness…it was not as easy to track down.

Only the one deemed worthy could wield each one of the mantles.

From what Solaris had witnessed, both Noiluna and Olim briefly manifested the Mantle of Darkness, but neither was chosen as its true master.

The wielders of Mantle of Light and Mantle of Darkness were destined to clash. The winner would become the new Lord of Chaos, the ultimate being.

And Solaris had to make sure that no matter what happens, that ultimate being would be him.