A New Toy

After Steven returned with the tank, he quickly arranged for an area to be cleared out for testing out the tank. In addition, he found some people to operate the tank and gave them the manuals so that they would be able to figure out how to use the tank. The whole process was handled discreetly and presented as some kind of industrial development research project.

A week later, everything was ready. The tank was stored in a warehouse on the side of the field. Steven went to Zero and asked her to accompany him to the field. As they walked down together, Zero asked Steven what was going on. "You'll see", he replied. "It's a surprise."

They stopped in front of the warehouse. "I have a gift for you Zero." Steven motioned to the workers who opened up the warehouse. As the doors swung open, the tank contained inside was revealed. There were Stones of Lighting placed inside the warehouse to create the optimal illumination conditions to show off the tank.

"This is a tank", said Steven. "An armored vehicle that runs off of gasoline, armed with machine guns and a cannon. And it is all yours."

Zero's eyes widened. "Really? I get to use this tank? It's wonderful."

"Yep, this is your tank now. You get to sit in it and be the tank commander, giving orders to these people who will be driving and shooting the thing." Steven motioned to the crew standing to the side. "Of course, you could try to shoot it if you wanted to."

Zero quickly ran over to the tank, opened up the hatch and got inside. She started moving around in the tank, looking at all of the various systems. As she was studying the tank, the rest of the crew got inside. The driver turned to her and asked, "So do you want to see this thing move around?"

"Sure", she replied. Zero let the crew get to their places while she sat in the commander seat. The engine began rumbling and the tank started moving out of the warehouse. Zero saw the outside of the warehouse come into view through the various periscopes. Seeking a better view, she decided to open up the hatch and stand with her upper body out of the tank. Since they weren't going to be fighting enemies, there wasn't a danger of being shot while exposed.

Zero felt the wind blow across her face as the tank rumbled along the field. She looked around and enjoyed the view from the top of the tank. She saw Steven standing at the side and waved at him. Steven shouted toward Zero. "I think you look very beautiful while riding the tank." Zero blushed before turning away.

She told the driver to turn and the tank started moving toward the firing range. They stopped in front of the first set of targets. It was time for some firing practice.

Zero got back into the tank and asked the gunner to step to the side so that she could try firing the main gun. After asking the gunner how to operate the gun, she decided to take her first shot. She lined up the target in the sights and pulled the lever. The tank let out a large boom as the round was propelled out of the barrel by a massive explosive force. The tank round exited the large caliber cannon and sailed through the air. It landed three meters to the right of the target and exploded. The target shook a little but survived the explosion.

"Dammit", Zero cursed. She turned to loader. "Reload the gun quickly so I can shoot it again."

The loader quickly scrambled to comply with the request. He took out another tank round and loaded it into the cannon. After making sure it was in right, he gave the okay for the cannon to be fired again.

Zero aimed the gun and fired it again. This time, the shot sailed just over the target and landed behind it.

"Again!" Zero yelled even louder this time. The loader once more took out a new tank round and inserted it into the barrel.

Zero fired the cannon yet again. This time, the shot was on target. The target exploded, sending splinters everywhere. When the smoke cleared, it was clear that the target had been destroyed.

"Yes!" Zero exclaimed in excitement. "I got it." After this, she decided to move onto other things. She wanted to try driving the tank around.

She spent a few minutes listening to the driver explain how the controls worked. Then, she got into the seat to try it out herself.

Zero peered through the lens that showed her the area in front of the tank. After making sure the way in front was clear she stepped on the pedal. The tank lurched forward and started moving across the field. It went over the grass, the rocks, and everything else on the ground. The tank reached the remains of the first target and rolled right over it.

After the initial charge, Zero turned around the tank and started driving toward the next set of targets which hadn't been shot at yet. The tank picked up speed and when it reached the target, the wooden boards cracked apart and were pushed to the ground as the tank ran it over.

After the tank moved away from the run over target, Zero left the driver's seat and poked her head out of the hatch to see the target. The wooden target had been broken apart with the wood lying in pieces after the heavy piece of metal had went over it. Zero was impressed by the tank and decided to run over a few more targets before taking some more shots with the cannon.

Afterwards, the tank drove back into the warehouse. After getting out of the tank, she turned to the crew and told them, "you all better be ready next time. I'll be back and you lot better be the best damn tank crew in the world."

Zero walked away while the tank crew thought about what she just said. It looks like they would have to practice some more. However, they were the only tank crew in the world weren't they.

Steven was still standing off to the side where he had been waiting while watching the tank test. Zero walked up to him and said, "the tank was amazing. Thanks for getting it for me." Zero hugged Steven tightly. The two of them began heading back, with Zero still very excited about having the tank.