Eyes in the Sky

Merem was a kilometer above the ground. Sitting in his plane, he gazed over the view in front of him. He could see fields, rivers, and hills stretching out an enormous distance in front of him. Being in the sky was still such an amazing experience even though he had already done it many times.

The air force had been hastily mobilized in the wake of the demon attack. As one of the best in the class, Merem was chosen to be one of the pilots for this mission. There was an urgent need for information about the movements of the demon army and the limitations of the army's scouting capabilities had been brutally exposed. Now, Merem was running scouting missions with his plane. He would fly while his partner, George, would be in the pack mapping out the area.

George spent his time drawing maps of the surroundings to give the army a better idea of what was ahead of the them. They would also locate and mark locations where demons were present. With such a large view from the plane, they were able to scout out land very quickly. The information the plane collected was organized to keep track of the movements of the demons. In the previous week they had often done flybys over a large demon base which housed the main demon force. The area had been extensively studied as it was to be a major objective for the army.

Currently, they were flying over the surrounding lands to keep track of any stray groups of demons. Merem was settled into his new job, and flying had almost become second nature to him. As the plane continued to fly forward, Merem suddenly saw something strange in the distance. He turned the plane and flew toward it to investigate.

As the anomaly came into view, Merem spoke to George. "Hey George, it looks like there is something strange in the distance."

"Where?" George quickly began to look around. "Oh I see it. Bring us closer so I can get a better look." Suddenly, George froze. "It looks like… It can't be. It is a massive demon army."

"What!", Merem exclaimed. "Weren't they back at the base the last time we did a flyby over it? Where are we right now?"

George began to look over his notes. "According to my estimates, we should be around thirty kilometers to the southeast of the demon's base."

"They aren't supposed to be here", Merem said. "Something is up, we have to investigate."

The plane flew in and began descending to get a better look at the army. Soon, the massive demon army came into focus with hordes of Mad Demons, Spider Demons, and some kind of massive creature.

"Damn, it looks like they are going for a big attack somewhere", George said. "We need to bring this information back. I need you to take me closer in so I can get a count of how many there are."

"Are you sure?" Merem seemed nervous. "It could be dangerous if we get too close."

"This is too important", George replied. "It will change the whole course of the campaign."

Merem brought the plane close to the demon army and George quickly began taking notes. Suddenly, they were spotted. A flock of Devilbeasts began coming at them from all sides.

"We have to get out of here!", Merem shouted.

The plane turned and moved in a semicircle before heading the other way. During this time, the Devilbeasts had already begun to approach.

"Faster!", shouted George. "They are gaining on us."

"I am trying", said Merem. "It will take some time.

The Mad Demons on the Devilbeasts began throwing spears. The spears whizzed past the plane, some coming awfully close.

"They are shooting us", shouted George. "Take evasive maneuvers!"

"On it", replied Merem. The plane began making unpredictable turns to evade the incoming spears. Then, a crack was heard. A spear had poked a hole through the corner of one of the wings. Fortunately, it wasn't enough to down the plane, but the plane couldn't afford to get hit many more times.

Merem slammed the gas as hard as he could and the plane eventually began outspeeding the pursuing Devilbeasts. The last spears thrown had fallen before reaching the plane. However, there was still a Devilbeast that had came up in front of them. It seemed that this one had been separate from the main group and had come to intercept the plane.

As the Mad Demon reared back to throw the spear, Merem desperately took the plane in a sharp turn and the spear narrowly sailed past the plane. The plane quickly passed the Devilbeast, but the danger was not over. The Mad Demon was quickly preparing another spear.

George shouted at Merem. "I will tell you when he is about to throw. Dodge the spear when I tell you!"

The Mad Demon reared back with its arm swelled. As its arm began moving forward George yelled, "Now!"

The plane quickly swerved as the spear approached. They heard a soft scrape as the spear came into contact with the side of the plane. Fortunately, it didn't bury itself in the hull and it quickly fell out and dropped toward the ground.

"Go Go Go", George shouted. The plane continued to pick up speed as it left the demon army behind.

As the danger passed, both of them felt the adrenaline fade from their body as they realized they just escaped a near death experience. The plane quickly began to go back to report the information.

As the plane passed the demon base, George spoke to Merem. "It looks like they have already attacked the base. They don't know where the demons went. We have to get in there and tell them."

Merem took the plane down and soon they slid to a stop on the field. The army had spotted the plane coming in and when it landed the commanders quickly came to receive the report.

After the pair reported their findings, the command staff quickly broke out into commotion.

"From the looks of it, it seems that the demons are attacking the City of Glow, the capital of the Kingdom of Dawn", said Steven. "We need to save the city. Quickly organize the men and move as fast as possible in pursuit."